Mind maps can be a great way to revise for any exams that you take in your life. They’re a great way to express all of the information you know, and show you what you don’t know. But the question is, how can you use …
How To Make Effective Flashcards (That Actually Work)
Flashcards are a great way of revising for any exams you take in your life. Be it GCSEs, A-Levels, BTECs or whatever, flashcards are a sure way of earning those top grades. It is important to remember that there are plenty of other revision techniques …
7 Revision Techniques For GCSE & A-Level (That Actually Work)
Both GCSEs and A-Levels are very hard, and not always easy to revise for. If you’re anything like me, you’ll struggle to find the right way to revise for your exams as they draw ever closer. This article will not only show you what the …
How To Make A Revision Timetable (That Actually Works)
If you’re anything like me, you might struggle to revise when preparing for exams. That’s why having a handy revision timetable is so important for those unfortunate procrastinators. But the real question is, how do you make the perfect revision timetable? Lucky for you, in …
What To Do If You Fail Your GCSEs
The past couple of years have been tough especially with the pandemic effecting the way our education has been taught and examined. You may be worried about what to do if you fail your GCSEs. I know from first hand experience how much this sucks. …
How Important Are A-Levels? Insights from a 2nd Year Student
Teachers always seem to drill into students the importance of A-Levels. So much pressure and importance are given to these two years of work, with those looming exams at the end of Year 13 seeming even more scary the closer you get to them. However, …
How Important Are GCSEs (To Universities, Employers, And Colleges)?
GCSEs are the first proper set of exams that you’ll take in your life. They are useful all throughout the rest of your education (and even after that), but at what point in your life do your GCSEs become less representative of your academic ability. …
When Should You Start Revising For Your A-Levels?
A-Levels are hard, a lot harder than GCSE. Some people go as far to say that they are the hardest thing you’ll do in life – so how can you ensure that you’ll succeed in them? In this article, I’ll be taking a look at …
No GCSEs, No Problem: 30+ Jobs You Can Do Without Them
During Year 11, everyone seems to only talk about GCSE examinations! Every teacher will be encouraging their students to revise and classroom friends will probably begin to panic. Even student’s parents may be worried! As a result, students can put too much pressure and stress …
How Hard is A-Level Chemistry? (Compared To GCSE)
It can be difficult for a lot of students to decide on which options to pick for Sixth form or college. A lot of the time, it’s due to students worrying about the leap in difficulty from GCSE levels of work and knowledge required, to …