What is the Quickest Way to Get a GCSE Maths Qualification?

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GCSE Maths is one of the compulsory subjects at school, it takes up a large portion of your timetable and there is often a lot of repetition. You may be wondering if there is a way to complete this GCSE faster than the traditional school syllabus allows. 

Generally, the quickest way to get a GCSE Maths qualification is to do it online. You may also have the option to take GCSE Maths early and sit your exams in Year 9 or 10.  

If you are interested in learning more about how to get a GCSE Maths qualification quickly then you should definitely read on. 

What is the Fastest Way to Get a GCSE Maths Qualification?

As mentioned earlier, the quickest way to get a GCSE Maths qualification is to do it online, especially if you are retaking GCSE Maths. It is the quickest way because you can study anywhere, at any time (although this may depend on your course provider). But please bear in mind that there will also be more things to consider while doing it online as you will be a private candidate.  

It is also possible for you to have a 1-on-1 tutor if you choose to do it online and so this would also make the process quicker because you are being taught in depth but in a more personal way than if you were in a classroom. Look here for more information about how to get a GCSE Maths qualification via online learning.  

In rare cases gifted students are given the option to take their GCSE Maths exams early. This can range anywhere between months or even years before everyone else. If you think this could be you then it is best to communicate with your school and discuss your options.

If you aren’t the right age to take your GCSE Maths qualification traditionally or if you have to retake the exams, then you can always go to a college to get a GCSE in maths. Studying for your GCSE Maths qualification at a college or school may be a lot easier for you as there is a lot less for you to manage by yourself. If you will be managing yourself, you may want to check out this website for help. 

Taking GCSE Maths, The Traditional Way

Alternatively, if you don’t need the quickest way and aren’t retaking your GCSEs, you can do them traditionally. By this, I mean going through the whole long process of starting the GCSE Maths course in either Year 9 or Year 10 and then taking the exams at the end of Year 11. This is most likely the slowest way of getting a GCSE Maths qualification. If you are at this stage (and are the right age) then this is still a pretty efficient way of getting the qualification. 

Why is GCSE Maths Important?

As you probably already know, GCSE Maths is an incredibly important GCSE. Having a good grade in GCSE Maths can lead to a whole range of opportunities for you in the future and allow you to do so much more than would otherwise be possible for you. GCSE Maths is important for many reasons, here are a few listed below: 

GCSE Maths Will Help You Progress onto Further Education

Further education is the education that you get after Year 11 (when you are 16) but before you are 18. In the UK, doing some form of further education until you are 18 is compulsory. 

Not having a GCSE Maths qualification can greatly limit you for the types of further education that you can do. Generally, in the UK further education will be some kind of level 3 qualification. (GCSEs are level 2 qualifications and A-levels, some BTECs and some apprenticeships are level 3 qualifications).  

For most level 3 qualifications (especially A-levels) you will need to have a certain number of GCSEs. Having a GCSE Maths qualification (as well as GCSE English Language qualification) is often a specific requirement for taking certain A-levels. So, in order to study exactly what you want to as a level 3 qualification, you will need to have a GCSE in maths. 

GCSE Maths Will Help You Progress onto Higher Education

Higher education is when you continue studying after the age of 18 and have completed some form of level 3 qualification. For a qualification to be considered higher education in the UK it must be a level 4 qualification or above, so it includes university degrees, HNDs and degree apprenticeships. Higher education is not the same as further education, you can look at this article for the differences between them. 

When applying to higher education, there will likely be specific requirements. These requirements are usually for level 3 qualifications, such as any A-levels or BTECs, some higher education providers (universities) may require you to have specific GCSEs as well. As GCSE Maths is such a fundamental GCSE. It is quite likely for higher education providers to also require you to have this GCSE. 

Higher education providers often want you to have gained specific grades from level 3 qualifications. GCSE Maths is of double importance for progressing on to do higher education qualifications, particularly in the case of getting a university degree.  

GCSE Maths Can Help You Get a Job 

In this current day and age, the job market is exceptionally competitive and so, getting as many useful qualifications as possible, such as GCSE Maths, can be incredible beneficial for your applications.  

GCSE Maths can also help you to move on to further education and even higher education (if you want to) which may also be necessary for you to get certain jobs. Doing this without a GCSE in maths is exceptionally difficult and so it is incredibly important thing to have. 

Many employers require you to have a GCSE in maths (and often in English language also) specifically and not just for you to have moved on to further or even higher education. While you may not need to solve algebraic equations or use Pythagoras’ theorem ever again, employers want you to have GCSE in maths because of the things that it teaches while you are learning them. Having a GCSE in Maths, shows that you can problem solve and think logically, which in today’s society and the job market is highly valued in an employee.  

How to Get High Grades in GCSE Maths

Now you know how important GCSE maths is here are some tips on how you can get the best grades possible. 

Practice, Practice, Practice

They say practice makes perfect and for GCSE Maths, it is completely true. You should try different practice questions and practice papers to really understand what you need to do and to then do it well in your exams. 

Learn From Your Mistakes 

Maths is hard. Most people would agree but if you keep making the same mistakes in maths then you really need to change your approach. Instead of moving on to the next question or just looking at the answers you have to learn how to do it (although asking for help is the best way to start). This article here is a must read if you want to succeed at GCSE Maths. 

The Way You Revise is Important

You can be trying to revise but staring at your notes isn’t going to help you. What you need to do is break down all of the content from the GCSE and find a way for you to be able to remember and more importantly understand it during your exams. The way you revise is so important, I suggest you click here to get some helpful revision tips.

As well as revising efficiently you need to make sure you have the correct tools for the job. Check out this article for the BEST calculator to help get you top marks in GCSE maths!


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