That time of year is upon us. The election of a new head student team. Depending on which school you attend, the time is commencing where the old head student team steps down and offers up their places to a team of new individuals. The various …
What Age Do You Start and Finish University?
As we approach the spring term, it may strike a shock to current Year 13’s that their school education is coming to a close and soon they will be embarking on the start of a new journey; either beginning an apprenticeship for their ideal job …
Do Universities Check GCSE and A-Level Certificates?
During the long period of time you spend, anxious about your GCSE’s, you may be wondering: do our GCSE certificates impact our university applications? And what about A-Levels? Surely, they must have an impact on something? This article will ease your worries about how universities check …
Do Universities Look at Your GCSE and A-Level Attendance?
The years that we spend at school can sometimes feel as though they dissolve into an indeterminate blur, with terms fading into each other in a multitude of inset days, holidays and sick weeks intermittently strewn across the mix. So, whilst the school year is whizzing past, we may …
How long do GCSE results stay on record?
Your GCSE results are some of the most important exam results you’ll receive. You can use them to move onto A-Levels and eventually higher education, or you can use them to get straight into employment. That’s why schools and exam boards across the UK keep …
How Many Times Can You Resit GCSEs?
There’s always so much pressure surrounding your GCSEs and how much your results can impact your life. Some entrepreneurs love to boast that they dropped out of school early or left school with no GCSEs and still went on to become millionaires. As inspiring as …
University Semesters: A Student’s Guide
When it comes to universities, there are so many new terms for you to get your head around. One of these are “semesters”. When hearing the term “semester”, you may think about how they are always mentioned in films, particularly American ones. However, semesters are …
35+ Jobs You Can Get At Age 14
As a teenager, it’s only natural to want more independence. For some, this means making your own decisions about your life. For others, this means becoming more financially responsible, or wanting more independence when it comes to money. This is where problems arise, since it …
How Much Does it Cost to Learn to Drive? – Student’s Guide
Many people, no matter their age, find learning how to drive an especially exciting prospect, and although it may seem like a distant dream, it is one that can be made a reality fairly quickly. However there is a price, and this article will go over the main costs involved, the costs to …
Where Can You Learn to Drive in the UK?
From the age of 16, we as students tend to draw more focus into our studies at A-Level and start to search for prospective universities. However, learning to drive is a very important life skill and is not to be cast aside. The idea of getting …