If you want to go to university or even if you are at university already, you may have your career path fully planned out. You may know exactly what you need to do and what qualifications you need to have in order to achieve your …
Why is Homework Important?
Homework is something every child has had to go through during their schooling. It may have been preparing a presentation, drawing up a poster or completing a worksheet. This is one subject that guarantees vastly varying opinions. Some believe there should be none at all …
7 Tips to Getting a First-Class Degree at University
A university degree is one of the highest educational levels most people will achieve and it has a lot of prestige attached to it. However, a First-Class Degree is an even greater achievement, as it shows that you are one of the best in your …
17 Things to Include in a Personal Statement for University
Writing a personal statement for university is extremely important. It is a students first contact with the university, so making a good first impression is key to try secure a place. For students applying to university from sixth form college, your teachers at college should …
Do You Have to Go to University in the UK?
As we approach the summer and another year of A-Levels, thousands of students across the UK will be frantically revising in the hopes of achieving their required grades. But many pupils are questioning whether university is mandatory in the UK. After finishing school, the freedom …
Which universities accept only 2 A-Levels?
Choosing and applying to university can be a very stressful time for students. A-Levels take a lot of work. Applying to university and UCAS alongside this undoubtedly adds to the pressure students feel. The typical university offer is based on three A-Levels; however, some universities …
When Do Secondary School Places Come Out in 2025
Many young students and their parents across the nation will be awaiting on any news from one or numerous secondary schools. The exact date at which you will receive the news of whether or not you have a reserved place at your desired secondary school …
What is A-Level General Studies?
Choosing a route to take post-16 can be a daunting prospect for any teenager. There are so many options available. Specifically looking at A-Levels, there’s such a wide range of subjects to pick from and one of the lesser known is General Studies. Whether you’re …
Do You Have to do a Language at GCSE?
You probably have or will have to study a language at some point within your secondary school education. From French to Mandarin the options are endless. You may love the chance to get to study a new language and maybe you will want to continue …
15 Tips if You Feel You Are Failing Your A-Levels
A-Levels are considered by students the two most difficult years of their education. Therefore, it is completely normal to be worried that you are failing your A-Levels. Many students face concerns about whether or not they will pass their exams and get the grades they …