How Many Universities Can You Apply to Via UCAS?

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Trying to find the perfect university to go to can be a very challenging experience. You may not be sure which course you would like to study. You may also be worried about how far away you will be from home. There are so many universities, so it can seem very overwhelming when deciding where to go. You may be wondering; Can you apply to more than one?

In the UK, all students are able to apply to five different courses on their applications. These five courses could be the same course but at five different universities, or five different courses at the same university, or anything in-between.

Read on to find out the best way to apply to university and discover the application process. This article aims to make it easier for you to decide and understand the steps when applying to university.

Can you apply to multiple universities at once?

There are over 150 universities in the UK alone. There are so many more outside of the UK also. This means that deciding which university to go to can be a nerve-wracking experience. Most students believe that you must decide on one course and one university when sending your application. However, this is not the case.

In the UK, all students are able to apply to five different courses on their applications. This means that you can apply to five separate universities. The courses you apply for can be the same or different in the different universities. However, if you have definitely decided the university you want to go to, you are able to apply for five different courses at the same university.

You are not able to apply for more than five courses. This is because it would take much longer for universities to sort through applicants and many students would reject their places. This would mean that the universities would have many empty spaces to fill. Therefore, you can only apply to a maximum of five universities or courses.

Check out the UCAS website for more details on the application process.

Should you apply to as many universities as you can?

Applying to different universities can be very competitive. You need to remember that thousands of other students will have the same grades as you. To maximise your chances of getting into a good university, you should apply to as many as you can.

This means that you have the greatest odds for being accepted, as you have multiple chances. Therefore, make sure that you research as many universities and their courses as you can. It can also be beneficial to attend open days to decide which university you think will be best for you.

To maximise your chances of getting into university, it can also be beneficial to take part in extracurricular activities and work experience. Check out this article to discover different work experience opportunities.

You should definitely apply for the maximum amount of courses that you can because this gives you the best chances to being able to study your dream course.

Can you apply to any five universities in the UK?

You are able to apply to a maximum of five universities and these can be any that you choose. However, there is one exception.

Students are not able to apply to Oxford and Cambridge at the same time. This is because limiting a student’s choice to either Oxford or Cambridge lowers the amount of applications that they receive. Therefore, the amounts of applicants are more manageable for the universities.

This means that it is essential for you to thoroughly research which of the universities you would like to go to if Oxford and Cambridge are two of your choices. Click this link to discover the best ways to stand out when applying to Oxford or Cambridge.

It is also important to remember that you must apply to Oxford or Cambridge by October, which is much earlier than other universities. Therefore, you must start thinking about what the best option will be for you if you would like to go to one of these universities.

If you are interested in applying to either Oxford or Cambridge, you may want to check out this Think Student article.

Does it cost money to apply to university via UCAS?

Unfortunately, applying to university using UCAS does cost some money. In 2022, the application fee was £22 for a single choice and £26.50 for multiple choices.  In 2023, this will be £22.50 for a single choice or £27 for more than one choice. If you are unsure how to pay for your application, check out this link for the UCAS website.

This may seem like a lot for a university application if you have low funds. However, UCAS is a hassle free way of applying to university. It is an easy to use website and your teachers are able to help you because everyone would be filling out applications in the same format.

UCAS makes sure that all of your applications are sent to your chosen universities, meaning less stress for you! You are able to apply to all of the UK universities using this platform and it is all done online. Therefore, this is an efficient system for applying to university and I definitely recommend it. You are paying for support and information, so this is definitely worth the money.

If you are struggling to find enough money to apply, you can always ask your school for funds. They should be able to help you and will want to because it is an essential tool. This is because it enables you to achieve the best university placement that you can. In special circumstances, you can have the application paid for you by UCAS. For example, if you have been in care.

How do you apply to university via UCAS?

When attending Sixth form, an apprenticeship or college, it can be overwhelming to start thinking about how to apply for university. This is because it seems foreign to you, as you have never had to do anything like it before. Luckily, UCAS is an easy, efficient website to use which can help you along the way.

The steps for filling an application on UCAS are easy once you know how to do them:

  1. Register on the UCAS website. You will be asked a couple of general questions regarding your studies here.
  2. Click ‘start’ to begin your application.
  3. You will be asked to give your education history; this includes your GCSE and A-Level results.
  4. Then you should give any details of jobs you have or have had in the past. This includes work experience.
  5. Choose your courses. Remember, you can choose up to five different courses at the same university, or apply to five different universities.
  6. Write a personal statement. Check out this link for some tips on how to write it.
  7. Submit your application.
  8. Get a reference, this can be from a teacher or tutor.
  9. Pay your application fee and send it off.

Breaking the steps down should make the process less overwhelming for you. If you still feel unsure, you must ask your teachers or tutors. I’m sure they will be happy to offer their own insights and help you fill out the best application that you can.

Click here to see the UCAS website. It provides detailed information about how to apply. It is also extremely useful for making the process seem less stressful and foreign for you.

When is the UCAS application deadline?

Universities receive thousands of different applications from different students all across the UK. They also receive some applications from international students, making the competition even more intense. This means that a deadline has to be set, in order for the universities to get through all of the applications.

If you were hoping to go to university in 2022, the deadline has passed. Having said this many courses have an extended deadline of June 2022, so it is best to check on the UCAS website and your chosen university.

For courses that start in 2023, the majority of courses have their deadline in January 2023 at 18:00. This doesn’t include Oxford and Cambridge. These universities prefer the applications to be submitted earlier. For 2023 entry, this would be January 2023 at 18:00.

By the dates mentioned, you must have filled in your details, written a personal statement, included your reference and paid your fee.

Visit the UCAS website for more information on the application deadlines.

If you don’t submit your application by the deadline, this could jeopardize your chances of getting into university for that particular year. You may even have to wait for the next cycle of applications.

Therefore, it is essential that you don’t leave your applications to last minute. It is important to be organised so that you are able to proof read your application and send it off confidently. To make sure you achieve this, it can be useful to set a certain amount of time each week where you work on and polish your application.

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when deciding a university and applying for a course. However, having five options means that you have a significant chance of studying a course that you would love to do.

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