Getting into university can be a stressful time for students. While most students do 3 A-Levels, some students choose to do 4 A-Levels (Usually due to high prior attainment at GCSE). Other students decide to take BTECs or even take a combination of both A-Levels …
Can You be Enrolled at Two Universities at Once in the UK?
University is a huge milestone in many people’s lives which can set them up for their future. Many students are unsure about what subjects to study at university and wonder if they can pick more than one. You may also be wondering do students have …
Should You Go to University? – A Student’s Opinion
These days it seems to be the social norm to go to university after completing further education. However, under many circumstances this may not always be the best choice for us. Given that you are reading this article, it is likely that you have questions …
University Seminars, Lecturers & Workshops: What Actually Are They?
University is an exciting time! The way you learn is slightly different to how you’ve learnt at school and college. There are a number of different types of lessons and while they are less formal than in school you still can’t simply skip them all …
How to Change University Course After Accepting Offer
After going through the application process for university through UCAS, prior to acceptance, you may begin to have doubts about the course choice or subject that you want to study. This is the case for many students, and whilst cancelling and changing courses can seem …
Ways to Avoid Paying Back Your Student Loan in the UK
Graduation can often feel like the end of the chapter for your university days. However, for most students, there will be a permanent reminder that stubbornly lingers. While university will leave you with the degree, the memories and a range of life skills, it can …
Do You Get Paid for a Work Placement at University?
When looking into different universities and courses, you may have heard some of them talking about work placements. Maybe you’ve even heard university students discussing them. But what actually are they? Your mind has probably turned to money. Is this an opportunity for you to …
Does Your Degree Certificate Display Your Grade On It?
On completion of a degree students will receive a degree certificate. This certificate helps increase our chance of being hired and is a method of demonstrating our academic ability to future employers. But what is the significance of a degree certificate, why is it important …
Can You Retake GCSE Maths at University?
Some students may find themselves in a situation whereby they are in university but still need to retake some of their GCSE’s, in particular their maths GCSE. This article aims to discuss if and how you can retake your GCSE Maths qualification. GCSE Maths along with …
What is Student ID and How Do You Get it?
There are thousands of students at university from all around the world, many of which are different ages and ethnicities, it can be hard for universities to keep track of all of them. Due to the size of universities, it would not be feasible to …