Every student knows how stressful college or university admin can be. There are so many emails with so much different information, it’s hard to know where to look! One of the trickier things to find is a student ID number. You may have been asked …
University Societies: A Students Guide
In the UK, universities can be very different from earlier forms of education, such as school or college. This is especially in terms of the level of education. However, it can also be in terms of the social aspects that you can experience at university …
Is a 2.1 Degree Good?
While it can be hard to define, sometimes it is important to understand how good your grade is. This is especially as it could lead to opportunities in the future or even limit them both in an academic sense and in a working sense. This …
What is a Student Certificate?
If you are a university student, and have found the new world of taxes, or other forms of identification, you may have come across student certificates. These can be used in many real-world situations, and can be a very useful document, which can save you …
What is a Drop-in Session at Uni?
When you first get your university timetable, you will see lots of allocations for lectures, seminars and tutorials. If you are taking a practical based subject like science, you should expect to see scheduled workshops and practicals as well. However, these aren’t the only type …
Masters or Master’s Degree?
Are you writing up an important document like a CV, and aren’t sure how to properly state your qualifications? Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. It’s important to declare your qualifications correctly and professionally. With so many terms, it’s hard to know which ones …
A Guide to University Holidays
University holidays are probably every university student’s favourite time of the year. Even with work, holidays are a great opportunity to relax and take a break from the stresses of university life. However, since university is such a big change from primary and secondary school, …
How Long is a Dissertation?
Dissertations can definitely seem terrifying! They require immense amounts of focus and research. You will probably need to spend a lot of time working on your dissertation if you want to achieve an impressive degree at university. Therefore, they can be extremely overwhelming when you …
What Happens to Your Student Loans if You Die?
A lot of people know about student loans, and if you are paying them right now, or know someone paying them, then you would have heard about how long it takes to pay them back, due to regulations in place. There are also many other …
Does University Count as Full Time Education?
After you have completed your A-Levels or similar qualifications to get into university, you may be wondering how different university is to school. You would have finally completed your primary and secondary education, which is classed as full time. When you start college or sixth …