You definitely want your university experience to go well, but there’s a very small chance it will go absolutely perfectly. You’ll probably find yourself needing to ask for help at some point. Don’t worry – this is completely normal! Every student needs to ask for …
Top 5 Pre-University Summer Schools in the UK
When you finally finish the school year and enter your summer holidays, going back to school might be the last thing on your mind. However, summer schools can be a great way to improve your confidence and your grades. The latter is especially true with …
Most Popular University Societies (Ranked)
Going to university is a big change for many people. However, with these changes comes the opportunity to try something new. Many people choose to join societies, which are clubs where students meet to celebrate a shared interest. This can be anything from sports, to …
What is a Literature Review?
Dissertations, theses and now literature reviews- university academic terms can be hard to keep up with and even harder to get your head around. You may even feel that these terms can be overcomplicated or maybe even pointless. However, as these types of terms are …
12+ University Society Event Ideas
University is a great time to try new hobbies and sports, and this is built into many universities through societies, groups where you can meet others that also love the same things as you. Once you get beyond first year, you may even get the …
What is a Student Finance Cover Letter?
When you start applying to university, you will come across the term “student finance” a lot. Especially if you’re the first in your family to attend university, this term can be confusing. Since you have to apply for student finance before you start university, the …
What Happens if You Fail a Module at University? A Students’ Guide
Failing a module at university is every student’s worst nightmare—at least, it is mine. However, sometimes it just happens. The first thing to do if you fail a module is to stay calm. The worst thing you can do is panic or make a rash …
What is a Postgraduate Degree?
Trying to figure out what your next steps are at any point of education can be difficult. However, this can be even more true after completing your undergraduate degree as it can often give you more opportunities in terms of both career options and further …
Student Loan Repayments: A Guide For Students
University can be a great chance to develop. This can be both in the academic sense, as you are studying at a much higher level than before. Yet it can also be in yourself as a person due to the new experiences and things you …
How to Write a Dissertation – A Students Guide
It’s no secret that the academic advancement at university can be a little bit of a culture shock compared to earlier forms of education, such as GCSEs or A-Levels. While this can be in all ways, even in simply how things are marked and assessed, …