If you’re doing your GCSEs, you’ve probably heard quite a few terms related to your studies. Your school may have even spoke about foundation and higher papers. However, these separate tiers aren’t available for all GCSE subjects. As a result, you may be wondering which …
How to Manage Time in Exams
Exams can be extremely stressful and difficult. Memorising and understanding the content for each subject is hard enough. However, in each exam, you have to make sure that you are reading the questions and writing your answers down as quickly as possible. This is because …
How Long Should You Revise For?
Whether we like it or not, revision is a key part of every student’s experience. Most people are aware that preparing for exams is important, but knowing exactly how to start this practice can be difficult. One particular aspect many people struggle with is knowing …
How to Write an English Literature Essay?
Writing an English literature essay can be very stressful, especially if you have never had to write an essay for this subject before. The many steps and parts can be hard to understand, making the whole process feel overwhelming before you even start. As an …
How Many GCSEs is English Worth?
GCSE English is a subject that all UK students know about, and that all UK students will have to sit exams for. However, ‘English’ is a broad subject. How important actually is it compared to the rest of your GCSEs? Is GCSE more than 1 …
How To Revise For GCSE English Language?
Passing GCSE English Language is essential! This is because English and maths are seen as the core subjects in education. Therefore, if you don’t pass GCSE English Language, you will have to repeat the exams until you do. This may be essential in order to …
How To Revise For GCSE English Literature: The Ultimate Guide
Revising for any GCSE subject, especially GCSE English Literature, can feel absolutely impossible. Believe me, I understand. Despite this, revising for your exams is incredibly important. This is especially as the 2 or 3 years you’ve spent learning the GCSE content for most subjects will …
Top 10 Revision Techniques 2025
Exams are, unfortunately, a vital and necessary part of every student’s school experience. Whether it’s low stakes spelling tests in primary school, or final exams after two years of preparation for GCSEs or A-Levels, we are tested throughout our education. With this comes the need …
Is Year 10 KS4?
There are many different ways of marking the stages of education children go through in the UK. The first way that may come to mind is primary and secondary schooling, which can then be split further into year groups. Although, as with much of education, …
When Do You Do Your GCSE Mock Exams?
Many academics and students will agree that the best way to be prepared for an exam is to go through as many past papers as possible. This helps you understand the structure and questioning style of the exam. Whilst this may be helpful, it does …