If you want to go to university or even if you are at university already, you may have your career path fully planned out. You may know exactly what you need to do and what qualifications you need to have in order to achieve your …
The Best 15 Part Time Jobs for International Students in the UK
As a student, it is highly recommended that you get a part time job in order to help pay the many bills headed your way. I am sure that moving to the United Kingdom is hard enough, so I am here to help ease your search …
How to Do a Great Presentation – A Student’s 15+ Tips
The aim of a presentation is primarily to inform, teach, and present an idea to an audience. Presentations typically last fewer than fifteen minutes, however, the work and effort that goes into creating them is what makes a presentation great. Working hard on your presentation …
Can Employers Check Your GCSE Results?
Once you have received your GCSE results either at the end of Year 11 or later on in your life, you may wonder if your future employers can check your results whenever they want. Perhaps you have applied for a job and have not declared …
How Hard is it to Get into Medical School in the UK?
If you are reading this article, chances are that you are that you’re planning for, or at least thinking about a career in medicine. If that is true, you probably also want to know how difficult it is going to be to get into medical …
What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a Pilot?
A career as a Pilot is a very interesting and varied career path to take. You will have the chance to travel around the world, and it is no wonder that this is a dream career for many people, but how do you get to …
What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a Police Officer in the UK?
Police Officers are an essential part of society, dealing with crime and people’s concerns in order to make everyone in a community feel as safe as possible. It can be a very rewarding, hands-on career, and if it is something that you are interested in, …
How Long is Police Training in the UK?
Becoming a Police Officer is a dream for many across the United Kingdom, but how long does it take to achieve? In this article, we will answer that exact question by providing you with all the relevant information on how long it takes prospective Police …
What A-Levels Do You Need to Become an Accountant?
Accountancy can be a tough industry to get into, however, once you are working as a “proper” accountant, it can be a rather lucrative career. That ponders the question; what actually is required for you to become a full, bona fide Accountant? Well, this article …
What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a Social Worker?
Social Workers have the ability to positively influence people’s lives – they may work in a number of different roles, including those in the Government and Education. If you are interested in a varied, person-centred career, this is certainly one to consider, and knowing how …