It can be useful for a student to get a job and earn a little extra money. If you are still in school, you may be considering getting a job for the experience and doing something a little different to studying. Alternatively, if you are …
How Much Are Apprenticeship Wages?
Many students decide to become apprentices when they realise that they will get paid by the company they are employed in. This can be seen as such a bonus, as apprentices are still learning on the job, so they get paid whilst acquiring new skills. …
9+ Alternatives To Going To University
As you pass through high school and then sixth form or college, you will probably hear all of the teachers emphasise the benefits of going to university. Consequently, students often think that university is the only option for them to get a good job that …
Failed Your A-Levels? | 3 Possible Next Steps to Consider
A-Level results day is an extremely emotional day for students. This is the case for receiving both high and low grades. However, if you open that envelope and see that you have done much worse on your A-Levels than you ever could have imagined, it …
Do apprenticeships count as full-time education? – A student FAQ
Apprenticeships are one of the main post-16 or post-18 options that you can choose to do, although you may also choose to do them at a later stage. They allow you to train in a specific career, through a mixture of on-the-job training and classroom-based …
How to List GCSEs and A-Levels on a CV
Applying for jobs or even further levels of education can be scary, especially when you’re not entirely sure how to put your application together. While a CV can often be an important part, it can be difficult to know what’s actually meant to go on …
Most Popular Apprenticeships in the UK
Apprenticeships are gaining more popularity than ever. They provide a different route to getting your dream career, instead of university. There are so many different types of apprenticeships now too, as businesses realise how valuable they really are. They allow individuals to develop the skills …
How Do You Apply to a Graduate Scheme?
You might have heard of a graduate scheme through other graduates or your university careers service, and you might realise that it’s something you’re really interested in! However, the next challenge to overcome is actually applying for one. How do you know which field to …
Do Employers Check References?
Applying for jobs is a long process. Employers will often have a long criteria for what sort of qualities they expect applicants to have. This includes the right academic background and the relevant industry experience. Whilst it is important for you to have the correct …
Applying For Graduate Jobs: Your Questions Answered
Applying for jobs can feel terrifying, especially as there can be so much uncertainty surrounding it. This is especially true for graduate jobs as there are so many more details to consider. However, it doesn’t have to feel this way! With a little more knowledge …