Since the 2010s, conversations about extra time for disadvantaged students have become more and more popular. In the UK, extra time was never an important or particularly well-known concept. However, the government and other figures over-seeing education in the UK have started to realise its …
What Do You (Actually) Do In Sixth Form College In The UK?
If you want to continue studying after GCSEs, there are many options for where you can do this. Two of the most common are sixth forms and colleges. But there’s also the option of sixth form colleges where you can have an experience that’s in …
T-Level Grading System Explained
For some people finishing GCSEs, academic education doesn’t sound right for them, but they also don’t want to leave education entirely. If this sounds like you, then a vocational qualification, such as T-Levels, may be great for you. Like a mixture between a BTEC and …
What Are A-Level Qualifications?
Trying to figure out which further qualification you want to study can be tough, especially when you’re not too sure what the qualification is actually going to involve. This is true of any type of qualification, but particularly with A-Levels. As younger children, we often …
Is Sixth Form Free?
For students who are approaching the end of their GCSEs, they may be considering what their options are for the future. One of the most popular routes for post-16 students to take is receiving education at sixth form college. However, many may worry about the …
Is Sixth Form Compulsory in the UK?
After finishing GCSEs, it can be hard for students to work out what they want to do. Some students choose to go on to Sixth Form. Others may feel they no longer want to go to school. The laws around this can be confusing, as …
T-Levels vs Apprenticeships
As two of the most uncommon post-16 options, T-Levels and Apprenticeships are often forgotten by students choosing their paths after GCSEs. Both are excellent qualifications which will continue to be offered even after the government has completed the reformation of level 3 qualifications. Whether you’re …
12 Alternatives to Taking A-Levels After GCSEs
Choosing which step to take after GCSEs can be a difficult decision, especially if you are not certain about what you want to do. Many people see A-Levels as the natural path to follow to begin further education. However, there are various alternatives. It is …
Do BTECs Have Exams?
Information about further education qualifications can often be confusing and convoluted. This article will help you get a better understanding of how BTECs are examined, as well as giving you the answers to other common questions. BTECs are predominantly made up of coursework, with some …
Is Sixth Form Classified as Secondary Education?
There are several branches of education. These can be confusing, as some of these branches are compulsory and others aren’t. In the UK, education is compulsory until the age of 18. This article will focus particularly on what secondary education actually is, what it consists …