EPQ Ideas

1400+ EPQ Ideas That Guarantee An A* (For Each Subject)

In A-Level by Think Student Editor45 Comments

Disclaimer: These EPQ ideas are only here to inspire you and (hopefully) help point you in the right direction.

When creating this list, we researched all over the web to see what EPQ ideas people had in the past. We added the EPQ ideas, that we thought were suitable, to the list. However, many of these EPQ ideas were thought up by fellow students for the purpose of this article.

Anyway, we hope you find inspiration from at least one of the EPQ ideas below.

70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Medicine

EPQ Ideas For Medicine1. Do care homes provide adequate care to dementia patients?

This extended project idea is a fantastic one to explore if you are interested in the support networks that are available across the United Kingdom for patients that can’t look after themselves independently due to factors outside of their control (such as dementia). If you decide to pick an idea surrounding dementia, it is important to know a wide range of facts about the condition. Due to this, a helpful book on dementia might be worth reading (personal recommendation here). 

2. The ethical issues surrounding stem cell research

Stem cell treatment has been on the rise ever since its initial development. Along with the rise of stem cell treatment usage, a rise in ethical questions surrounding the practise has accompanied it. Below are some example of questions that could be discussed if you were inspired by this project idea:

  • Is it right to destroy human embryos in order to harvest stem cells?
  • If life doesn’t begin at contraception, does that make stem cell research more ethical?
  • If stem cell research becomes highly effective, should we still research alternative treatments that don’t have ethical doubts?

If you want more information surrounding stem cells and their use in treatments, take a look at this book.

3. Should self-inflicted illnesses be treated by the NHS?

There are so many different aspects that you could talk about when it comes to this EPQ idea, as there are so many unique situations that can be discussed. An interesting angle for this idea would be how the NHS would differentiate self-inflicted physical illnesses and mental illnesses – these two overlap heavily, therefore they would make for a really interesting talking point.

Another topic that could be discussed is the physical effects of mental depression on an individual. If you’re interested, take a look at this book that talks about depression in significantly more detail.

4. How much should doctors and nurses be paid?

Many people would argue that doctors and nurses belong in the most important profession group there is – with the people who disagree with that, still thinking that they are extremely important to the operation of our society. Although there is wide spread agreement on how important doctors and nurses are, not many people agree on how much they should be paid for their work.

The disagreement, when it comes to medical worker’ pay, makes this idea an interesting and somewhat controversial point of discussion for your extended project.

5. At what point does gene editing become unethical?

With medical advancements becoming significantly more prevalent in modern day society, ethical issues are needing to be considered. Some scientific and medical experts are considered to be “narrow-minded” and too focused on their field, which many believe leaves them in a position where they perhaps overlook the ethical considerations surrounding their line of research.

Gene editing is one such area of contention, where people can find themselves feeling uncomfortable with the idea of modifying naturally-produced genes. CRISPR-Cas9 is a recent method used when performing gene alterations and if you decide to complete an EPQ project, based on gene modifications, an understanding of CRISPR and the Cas9 protein is essential. Some useful resources surrounding CRISPR-Cas9 are listed below:

6. Is mass-cloning of livestock a good idea?

The financial potential of mass-cloning in the agriculture sector is massive and that is exactly why the idea of it has manifested into a reality. There is so much to talk about when it comes to not only the draw backs of mass-cloning, but also the advantages. I recommend that you take a look at this book by Joseph Panno, which explores the history of animal cloning, the experiments undertaken and the potential impact of the artificial development of the process.

7. Should we use medication to treat mental health problems or focus on other forms of treatment?

Relying on medication to control emotions is a problem and it is definitely not the correct method, if used in isolation. That being said, medication usage, with proper supervision, can be unbelievably effective in temporarily tough situations.

If choosing an EPQ that matches the theme of this idea, some medication that you could discuss are listed below (more can be found here):

  • Sertraline
  • Citalopram
  • Escitalopram
  • Fluvoxamine
  • Xanax
  • Ativan

Alternatively, below are some treatments that do not require prescription drug usage:

8. Should animal testing, in regards to medications, be allowed?

The contributions of animals to the medical field have been monumental in the development of vaccines, treatments and cures. However, just because animal usage increases human safety and trial effectiveness, does that necessarily mean it should be allowed?

The book named Animal Testing (Debating the Issues) by Gail Terp discusses many views points surrounding the issue of animal testing. Providing you don’t plagiarise any of his arguments or viewpoints, it can be a really helpful resource for you when completing your EPQ.

9. Why is asthma raging out of control?

7.7% of American adults have asthma according to a CDC study. This means that asthma is extremely widespread and impacts millions of people each year. In addition to this, asthma has been on the rise since the 1980s in all demographics.

In your extend project essay, you could discuss the factors that have contributed to asthma’s rise and you could even go as far to make projections as to when the “asthma curve” will plateau.

10. Could there ever be any viable medications for obesity?

Obesity is often the result of a lack of exercise, usually combined with an uncontrolled diet. However, obesity can also be complicated by factors out of someone’s control. These factors could include an underlying physical condition.

In these cases, where an underlying condition is causing obesity-related problems, could medication to treat that condition subsequently fix the obesity itself? If so, in your EPQ, you could discuss the factors that can cause obesity and which ones could benefit from either current or future medications.

11 – 70 Additional Extended Project Qualification Ideas

11. How should we define health and disease?
12. Is euthanasia ever appropriate and why?
13. How do abortion treatments affect the mind and body?
14. How often does overdiagnosis occur and what are the effects of it?
15. How effective are home remedies compared with pharmaceutical drugs?
16. How long will it be before our antibiotics stop working and what effect will this have?
17. How much is unnecessary healthcare costing the NHS?
18. What’s to stop another disaster such as the thalidomide scandal happening again?
19. Are the consequences of breaking patient confidentiality severe enough?
20. Should pharmaceutical companies be privately owned?
21. Are nurses and doctors trained appropriately for emergency situations?
22. Would the increased use of technology in hospitals reduce medical mistakes?
23. Are prejudice and racism affecting the performance of the NHS?
24. Who is to blame for the lack of knowledge in personal health across the UK?
25. How is our food supply chain affecting the effectiveness of antibiotics?
26. Is the UK healthcare system prepared for a pandemic?
27. How has medical error become so common in healthcare?
28. Medicinal marijuana and its effect on the brain and body.
29. Is addiction to painkillers properly managed by the NHS?
30. Why are so many people unaware of how common drugs work?
31. The ethics surrounding human experiments and trials.
32. Is bioprinting the future of organ transplants?
33. Were doctors responsible for the opioid epidemic?
34. What are the elements of nanotechnology and is it helpful in treating cancer?
35. The impact financial resources have on the NHS and its treatment success.
36. The role of antidepressants in treating depression.
37. Should homeless people have a right to free medical treatment?
38. Should heroin addicts be administered injections to recover from their substance abuse?
39. What role does the World Health Organisation (WHO) play in combating epidemics?
40. Can people with different ethnicities be affected differently by the exact same disease?
41. What are the steps taken when developing a new vaccine?
42. How does smoking influence the effectiveness of modern medicine?
43. Why does the NHS not have enough funding and are they spending their current funds inefficiently?
44. How to tell the difference between viral and bacterial infections.
45. What impact do support workers have on the NHS and what do they do?
46. Should junior doctors be trusted to carry out life-changing surgeries?
47. Are care homes run properly and should more detailed checks be carried out?
48. Is the main ingredient for a good healthcare system money?
49. Are our phones spreading colds, diseases, and cases of flu?
50. Is the mental health of doctors and nurses being taken seriously enough?
51. Should the NHS be privatised?
52. Does healthcare rely on technology too much?
53. Should vaccination be made compulsory?
54. Why is medical malpractice on the rise within the NHS?
55. Do clinical trials for new drugs take too long?
56. How have treatments for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s developed over time?
57. What effect does music have on the human brain?
58. Is a Vegan diet better for the human body?
59. Whose decision should it be to turn off life support for an ill baby?
60. What methods could be employed to completely eliminate Malaria?
61. Could there ever be a single cure for all cancers?
62. What really causes Alzheimer’s disease?
63. Could we ever stop ageing?
64. Is healthcare a human right?
65. Should medically assisted suicide be legal?
66. At what point does an embryo or foetus become alive?
67. How much control should doctors have over society’s choices?
68. Poliomyelitis and how it affects a sufferer within society
69. How big is the risk of someone waking up during a general anaesthesia?
70. How does long term stress affect your physical body?

Have an Extended Project Idea to Add to the List?

70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Psychology

EPQ Ideas For Psychology1. Is it ethical to use psychological ‘tricks’ to benefit the economy?

Psychology as a subject has a huge range of applications, and so it is important to consider where the uses of psychological ‘tricks’ are ethical and when they are not. There are plenty of ways that individuals can be manipulated to behave in certain ways, but should these be used in relation to the economy, or is it too unethical – even if it leads to overall benefits?

You may want to think about how psychology could be used:

  • In marketing/advertising
  • In persuading people to do essential things, such as paying bills

This idea gives you a wide range of things to think about and discuss, though you may want to get started by having a look at this book about economic psychology.

2. How observations made by the trolley problem will become useful as self-driving cars are developed

The trolley problem is a well-known psychology experiment which has a huge ethical element. But how can it be applied to everyday situations? The development of self-driving cars is sparking many ethical debates, as well as concerns about safety.

A great idea for your project would be to consider how the trolley problem can be applied to the development of self-driving cars.

To get you started on this idea, you may want to consider the trolley problem in depth, and what the implications of the reaction to the problem are. Here is a helpful book which might be able to get you started on developing your answer to this question.

3. What goes on inside the brain of someone who is prejudiced?

Prejudice is a prevalent issue within society today, and understanding its causes in individuals, may enable us as a society to combat the issues that arise as a result of prejudice. This is an incredibly interesting area to look at, and would make for a great discussion in your EPQ.

Although prejudice is a very broad term, there are some books which may help you start thinking about your project, and one of my recommendations can be found here. This is just a starting point, and may provide you with some insight into the research which you would like to find out more about in order to apply it to your question.

4. How someone’s brain changes when they are in love

Love is an ambiguous concept, and therefore understanding it, and the effect that it has on individuals is a very interesting subject to explore. You may find that love has an impact on the brain in a number of different contexts. Literature is available for different areas of this kind of research.

For example, you may be interested in studying the impact of love on the brain:

You apart from looking at published books, you may also be able to gain some insight into this topic from news articles, such as this one. If a subject is of current interest and being covered in the news, it is likely that there will be more recent research for you to use in your project.

5. Why do some people combat depression by excessive eating?

Depression, its causes, and possible treatments are all topics of huge general interest at the moment. Researching the coping mechanisms of some individuals who are going through depression incorporates an interest in mental health issues with a current and relevant problem.

In more general terms, you may want to consider the impact that diet has on depression, and whether it should be emphasised to individuals who are suffering from depression. There are many books and research papers out there which may inspire your project, including:

6. How the Asch Conformity experiment contributed to the field of Psychology

One of the key experiments in the psychological field is Asch’s conformity experiment. It has led to the development of new ideas in the field of social influence (i.e. conformity), and has also produced real-world knowledge and applications.

You may be interested in finding out about the wider implications of this research in the field of psychology, and there are a number of specific impacts which you could discuss in your work. There is already some literature out there which discusses classic studies such as these, and you may want to use them as a starting point for your own research. This book may be a good place to start.

7. Was John Money’s gender reassignment experiment unethical?

Ethics are an important part of psychology, and controversial research studies such as the one conducted by John Money are incredibly interesting to discuss (a summary of Money’s research can be found here).

Gender and its role in society and individuals’ lives is an incredibly relevant topic now and the implications of study such as this could have wide implications (if valid), but were the techniques used ethical? And could the findings be generalised to the wider population?

If you are interested in psychology, a project which demonstrates your understanding of ethics is something that will be incredibly useful.

8. How does child abuse affect someone’s mind later in life?

Child abuse is a very sensitive topic, and the impacts of it can be huge. Although this may be a difficult subject to investigate, it is incredibly important that we have an understanding of issues such as these.

Some of the areas which you may want to discuss include:

  • The impact on future romantic and peer relationships
  • The impact on having children of your own

You may also want to look into individual stories about abuse and its impacts, as well as the coping strategies that people use to make it possible for them to move forward in their lives as best as they can. An example of a story from a survivor can be found here.

9. Would children with mild learning difficulties perform better if they weren’t told about their disadvantage?

This is a huge debate in psychology, and would be a really interesting topic to tackle in your EPQ. The impact of mild learning difficulties on the lives of individuals is something important that should be understood in detail.

The impact of a diagnosis could be huge, and there is a debate about whether individuals should be told about learning difficulty diagnoses if it does not impair them in their everyday lives. You may want to think about:

  • In which scenarios is it not useful to give a diagnosis?
  • Is it ethical to withhold a diagnosis, even if it may have a negative impact on the individual’s life?
10. Which parenting style is the best for a child’s future?

Every parent thinks that their parenting style is the most effective and beneficial for their children in the long term, but is there one way to raise children that is really the best for them?

This topic is great for an EPQ idea, as there are so many aspects which you could discuss. There is also a wide range of literature available out there to guide parents through parenting techniques, and you may want to take a look at these as a basis for evaluating techniques in terms of how effective they are. An example of useful literature could include this book.

You may want to narrow down this topic by looking at specific techniques which are beneficial for one specific age group.

11 – 70 Additional Extended Project Qualification Ideas

11. How do hallucinations affect the brain and its functions?
12. Borderline personality disorder – its elements and the methods used to treat it.
13. What psychological effects do animals have on the human brain?
14. The Stanford prison experiment and its effects on modern psychology.
15. Does spending more time within nature positively influence mental health?
16. How does being an only child impact social development?
17. Have the methods utilised by rehabilitation centres proven to be effective?
18. The effects of PTSD on family relationships.
19. How do diet and exercise affect the mind?
20. How necessary is social interaction for a human?
21. Should therapy be free for people who witness extraordinary violence?
22. How have suicide rates developed in the last century?
23. The elements and effects of Lyme disease on the brain.
24. What is the psychological impact of drinking alcohol?
25. Does premature birth always impact a child’s cognitive development?
26. Do parents’ expectations of their children affect their mental health?
27. Can you generalise the results of animal testing for humans?
28. How does the body repair itself after severe brain damage?
29. The detrimental effect of attachment issues on relationships.
30. What is the best experimental design for observing natural human behaviour?
31. What were Konrad Lorenz’s contributions to the field of psychology?
32. What are the implications of conditioning in psychology?
33. How did Albert Bandura’s studies aid the understanding of violence in children?
34. When do babies first start remembering and for what duration?
35. What factors influence the likelihood of getting dementia?
36. In what ways can you slow down the development of Parkinson’s?
37. What are the potential effects that vitamin deficiencies can have on a babies development within the womb?
38. How does ADHD arise in young children and what are the factors leading to it?
39. Schizophrenia and its impact on children.
40. Do genetics have a part to play in depression?
41. The ways concussion can have lasting effects on the brain’s functions.
42. Autism on a spectrum and its diagnosis.
43. How does connectivity within the brain affect the ability to learn new skills?
44. The ongoing effects of epilepsy on patients and their families.
45. How does the brain of someone with bipolar disorder work?
46. What are the complications involved in treating elderly patients with dementia?
47. Psychosis in children and its difficulties.
48. Is it possible for the brain to be in a complete state of concentration?
49. How does a hearing impairment impact balance and the brain?
50. How does the perception of colour occur and what effect does it have on our emotions?
51. What does someone’s non-verbal behaviour say about them?
52. How governments control a population’s behaviour on a massive scale.
53. What characteristics make someone a good leader?
54. How often do mental disorders stem from previously occurring physical disabilities?
55. To what extent could an obsession with a particular individual be classed as a mental illness?
56. The long-lasting effects of PTSD across Britain after World War 1.
57. Do we know what causes an addictive personality yet?
58. The impact of OCD on a sufferer within today’s society.
59. The advancements being made within the field of programmed consciousness.
60. The psychological effects loneliness can have on an individual.
61. What makes a child become a bully?
62. Does letting a child play violent games make them more aggressive?
63. What do someone’s dreams really say about them?
64. Why do people struggle so much to focus in the short term to achieve long term goals?
65. Why does the brain create false memories?
66. What makes a child antisocial?
67. Why do people have irrational phobias?
68. How someone’s social cognition develops over time
69. How does someone’s mind-set change as they get older?
70. What causes someone to be attracted to a particular person?

Have an Extended Project Idea to Add to the List?

70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Law

EPQ Ideas For Law1. Is capital punishment justified?

In 1955 the last women in the UK to ever be subject to capital punishment was hanged (learn more here). Since the abolishment of the death penalty, many have felt as if some criminals don’t face the same justice they did back in the day. However, is this thought process itself unjustified or does it have merit?

In your extended project, you could talk about so much to do with capital punishment. You could even go as far as to contrast how different countries have (and haven’t) abolished capital punishment over the years. If you decide to take on a capital punishment themed EPQ project, this book by Simon Webb may be useful in your research phase.

2. Is claiming insanity a loophole for criminals?

It is theorised that the association between someone with a mental illness and a someone who commits certain types of criminal activities is great. In short, crime can often be directly linked or indirectly associated with a particular mental illness.

However, would you just be cynical if you thought that some criminals use this fact as an excuse? How much merit is there in this particular accusation? If you are interested take a look at this book on Amazon.co.uk, regarding the relationship between mental illness and crime.

3. How does science help us solve crimes?

Forensic studies can be a fascinating field and a wide reaching one two, so why wouldn’t you write an EPQ essay about it? From DNA testing to old fashioned fingerprint recognition, there is so much you could discuss on the topic of crime and detection.

There really isn’t one particular avenue to go down with this idea, pick something you enjoy researching and writing about and go for it!

4. What are the most effective ways to lower the crime rate?

Crime is usually a topic commonly discussed at a localised level. The stories you hear about crime are usually related to a particular case or incident. However, an interesting EPQ could discuss the ways crime could be addressed at a national level, or even an international level.

Some methods that are used at a national level are as follows (all of these you could discuss in your essay):

  • Reducing particular cash payment methods
  • Increased background checks on specific purchases
  • Enabling more transparency by use of various different disclosure schemes

A book you might find worth reading surrounding this topic can be found here.

5. Which police interrogation method is most effective?

With lots of interrogations now being recorded, there is plenty of content out there for you to draw conclusions from, in relation to the methods used by state police during interrogations.

One angle here might be to discuss the efficacy of a particular questioning method, whilst contrasting it to how ethical said method is. Furthermore, you could also start to bring in other factors such as how difficult or easy the method is to perform. Afterall, it doesn’t matter if a certain interrogation method is 100% effective if no police officer can be trained to follow it out.  

6. What is the role of mass media during a high-profile investigation?

There is constant controversy when it comes to mass media. The height of media controversy was revealed to the public in 2016, where the “fake news” scandal hit the US and spread its wings internationally.

So, when it comes to investigations that are in the public eye, what effect does the media have on the following:

  • The ability for an investigation to be carried out in a timely manor
  • The outcome of an investigation
  • The reliability of an investigation’s results

Fantastic books regarding the field of Criminology and the media are all over. If you find yourself wanting to go down the route of an EPQ relating to this idea, I highly recommend you find yourself a good book on the topic. An example of one such book can be found here.

7. What special laws are there to control gangs and how do they work?

Gangs normally prop up into conversation when prisons are discussed, however, this is most definitely not the only place where gangs can form. Gangs often form in everyday society and only sometimes stretch out to prison systems.

Throughout an EPQ project, you could discuss how various different gangs have had impacts on different societies across the globe through history. After discussing the impact of gangs, I would recommend that you contrast the impacts before and after particular legislation was introduced. This way you could dive really deep into which laws worked and which ones didn’t and draw some very interesting conclusions on the best legislation to fight gang related crime.

8. The history of Scotland Yard

Scotland Yard (officially now, the New Scotland Yard), in contrast to the name, is responsible for most areas of Greater London. Not many people have significant knowledge surrounding the headquarters and it might make for a fascinating EPQ project to discuss the HQ’s impact over time.

9. How can the government undo previous wrongful convictions?

Wrongful convictions are not as rare as most people believe. In the US alone, it is estimated that between 2.3% and 5% of all prisoners currently incarcerated are innocent (read more). With such staggering margins of error, an evaluation on how justice systems wrongly convict innocents would be a very strong project idea.

When completing an EPQ project that discusses mischarges of justice, I believe that it would really helpful to have a bank of stories that are relatable to the idea of wrongful convictions. Due to this I personally recommend getting this book off Amazon.co.uk. This book is full of true stories of people who have been wrongly convicted.

10. How do international courts work and when are they used?

Not dissimilar to crime in general, courts are usually discussed on a local level. That said, international courts do exist and they can often be very, very confusing. A brief discussion on how they work would be enough to make up an entire EPQ project alone, however, putting it alongside a discussion on when they should be used would make it all the more interesting.

11 – 70 Additional Extended Project Qualification Ideas

11. Should the UK be introducing more environmental laws?
12. Are our immigration laws sufficient?
13. Why do we still have useless and old laws that are not acted upon in today’s modern society?
14. Are the laws concerning evidence and procedures in a courtroom fair?
15. How does our legislation reflect the country’s moral principles?
16. Do legislators only pass laws for political reasons?
17. How is male rape treated differently to female rape in court?
18. How long should paternity leave be and is it a fair concept?
19. Is it possible to tamper with an employment contract?
20. At what point can law representatives intervene in family life and is there ever a justifiable reason to do this?
21. How do human rights differ in different countries?
22. How can a person’s incompetence be determined from a legal perspective?
23. Should laws be employed surrounding the area of tax avoidance?
24. To what extent is it possible to accidentally commit tax fraud?
25. Should there be limits on free speech?
26. Should voting be mandatory by law?
27. To what extent would bringing back the death penalty impact crime rate?
28. Should genetically modified food be banned under the law?
29. The blurred lines of Copyright law.
30. Should a law be introduced where all police encounters are recorded?
31. Should prenuptial agreements be more widely accepted?
32. Does modern technology aid the legal system or does it simply add unneeded complexity?
33. What should the age of criminal responsibility be, should it be different for certain crimes?
34. Should artificial intelligence be introduced into our legal system?
35. Is the hierarchy of the main civil courts the most effective way to run the legal system?
36. Are the rules regarding legal fees fair and just?
37. Have the laws successfully kept up with the times or is our current legal system outdated?
38. Should people be detained without bail before they stand trial?
39. In what circumstances should prisoners have the right to vote?
40. Is employment protection sufficient or does it need updating?
41. How do intellectual property rights affect the economy?
42. Are crimes actually enforceable?
43. What is the role of the legal system in preventing domestic violence?
44. To what extent should scientists influence the law?
45. How effective are the probation laws in the UK?
46. What effect has Brexit had on EU and UK laws?
47. How effective is the supreme court in carrying out its roles?
48. Are junior lawyers experienced enough to manage high-responsibility cases?
49. Data protection and its many faults.
50. How does the law determine what qualifies for negligence?
51. Which legal systems support refugees and how do these systems work?
52. The differences between the UK and US police forces.
53. To what extent do anti-gun laws infringe on people’s individual liberty?
54. Which methods are most effective at detecting whether or not a prison has been rejuvenated?
55. What is diplomatic immunity and why does it exist?
56. How are war crimes prosecuted?
57. At what age should children have access to the internet?
58. Is allowing women to work as front line police officers safe?
59. How can the misuse of power by the police force be dealt with effectively?
60. Should the seat belt law be removed in the UK?
61. How the internet has bred new forms of crime, such as revenge porn
62. Are the laws regarding cybercrime outdated?
63. Why can a single crime have so many different punishments?
64. How accurate are eyewitnesses to a crime?
65. How should we deal with false convictions?
66. Do police cameras violate people’s right to privacy?
67. Should prostitution be legal?
68. Where did the UK’s laws originate from?
69. Are anti-terrorism laws inflicting on people’s privacy rights?
70. How much would it economically benefit the UK to bring back the death penalty?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Economics

EPQ Ideas For Economics1. How fair is the progressive income tax?

The first progressive income tax system was implemented in order to be fairer to each member of a country’s population, regardless of their income. From the moment the tax system was implemented, there have been widespread arguments about whether or not the system did what was intended.

The concept behind the progressive income tax system is that the more money someone makes, they higher the proportion of their income they should pay towards taxes. At least that is the idea. In reality, the proportionality of taxable income only increases in “wealth bands” which many people disagree with.

In your extended project, you could contrast the currently accepted progressive income tax system to a one of the below different tax systems:

2. Should there be a minimum wage?

National minimum wages were introduced to protect workers from getting underpaid in the workplace. A minimum wage, enforced by the government, requires every employer within a nation to pay above a certain hourly rate.

However, the concept of a minimum wage does not bring just advantages, it also can have its drawbacks. Some argue that a minimum wage can lead to unemployment and in certain cases, actually make no difference to the general population’s average wage.

If you are interested in exploring this EPQ idea, take a look at this book on Amazon.co.uk. It talks about the direct and indirect effects of the introduction of a minimum wage.

3. Why is inflation bad for the economy?

Inflation is something we all hear about on the news and we often don’t really have a full understanding of the economic term.

Before even considering this idea, you need to take a step back and learn what inflation is and how and why it fluctuates. Without a good understanding on the financial concept, you will struggle to draw up conclusion within your EPQ.

There are plenty of absolutely free resources on the internet that you can use to learn about inflation. Below, I have listed a few some fellow students found useful:

4. How has the UK’s economy developed over time?

With the height of the UK’s economic influence being during the British Empire, it would make for a fascinating project to explore how the UK economy changed before the Empire and since its collapse.

This is a massively broad topic as there are numerous aspects of the economy you could talk about, with each aspect having sub-aspects you could delve deep into. With this idea, it really is down to your economic preference.

5. What affect has Brexit had on the UK economy?

The Brexit vote took place in 2016 and the UK finally left the European Union in 2020. In the four years preceding the actual “divorce”, as many are calling it, the uncertainty alone had huge impacts on the UK economy. So, if just the thought of Brexit shuddered the economy, what will Brexit actually happening do to the economy?

Trade, diplomatic relations and finance are all topics you could discuss within an extended project. All of which promise to be just as controversial as the last. When completing an EPQ, make sure you are factual and try your best to be unbiased when analysing statistics.

6. What affect does illegal immigration have on the UK economy?

Immigration by itself seems to cause arguments over the dinner table, but illegal immigration is an entirely different ball game.

Many are sympathetic to illegal immigrant’s reasoning and feel that, as a country, we should be significantly more accepting of people from more challenging backgrounds. In direct contrast, some people feel as though everyone has an opportunity apply for citizenship legally and illegal immigrants should be treated with firm policy.

An interesting book by Elizabeth F. Cohen talks about the American immigration system and its many failures. It may be worth a read, if you are considering this EPQ idea.

7. What affect does legal immigration have on theUKeconomy?

We’ve talked about illegal immigration, now let’s talk about legal immigration. Immigration is the foundation of many countries across the globe. Arguably the most powerful country in the world, the United States, was completely built up from immigrants.

If this is the case, why do so many people hate the idea of immigration and why are they often hostile to immigrants? After all, if they came to the country legally, what is the problem? Well, you could address all of those questions within your EPQ project!

8. How did the 2008 financial crisis affect the UK economy?

The 2008 crisis had wide reaching implications on economies across the globe. An essay on how different parts of the UK in particular suffered during the economic crisis may be interesting.

You could talk about the following economic statistics and how they changed:

  • Unemployment rate
  • Crime rate
  • Average household debt
9. The myth of “trickle down” economics

During the 2016 US presidential election, trickle-down economics was featured a few times more than once. The theory behind trick-down economics, is that when the wealthiest within a society acquire more wealth, they purchase products and this subsequently “trickles down” into the pockets of less wealthy Americans.

However, many believe that in practice the concept is a myth and rarely works. An EPQ project with an angle of “The Myth of Trickle-Down Economics” could be seriously interesting. Read more about trickle-down economics here.

10. The effect trade tariffs have on associated countries

Trade tariffs and their place in the global economy is unknown to many people. So, an EPQ educating people on what they are and the effects they have could be really useful. Take a look at some of the questions you could address below:

  • What are trade tariffs?
  • Do trade tariffs benefit countries equally?
  • Why is there so much controversy surrounding trade tariffs?
11 – 70 Additional Extended Project Qualification Ideas

11. Does the UK have the financial ability to accommodate more immigrants?
12. How may a consumer’s preferences affect their decision to purchase a product?
13. How have monetary and fiscal policies changed in recent years?
14. What is the role of the financial markets in a world of uncertainty?
15. How helpful are SWOT and PESTLE analysis in the economic world?
16. Why might an economy experience disequilibrium?
17. How can Marx’s theories be applied to today’s economies?
18. The future of economics regarding artificial intelligence and modern technology.
19. How did Brexit affect the EU economies?
20. The influence of behavioural economics on globalisation.
21. Can environmental economics solve the problem of climate change?
22. What does the future look like for emerging economies?
23. What is the difference between economics and finance?
24. The economic theory surrounding diamonds and water and how it is applied.
25. What is the impact that demand and supply have on pricing during an economic crisis?
26. Is perfect competition ever possible?
27. Are the world’s wealthy economies built on debts?
28. How do unemployment rates affect the economy?
29. How will the decline of high street stores impact the economy?
30. How petrol and diesel prices fluctuate over time and how these prices mirror real-world events.
31. What are the chances of another global recession?
32. The contribution of higher education towards the economy.
33. How can countries maintain a balance of trade in a crisis?
34. Does the government properly manage fiscal policy?
35. How does a country control its consumer spending?
36. Why can economics often fail to account for the value of housing?
37. Why are most countries moving towards a free-market economy?
38. How can irrational consumer behaviours damage an economy?
39. Economics as a social science.
40. How do economies successfully allocate and utilise scarce resources?
41. The relationship between marginal benefit and supply and demand.
42. How do economies account for surplus amounts of supply?
43. How and why does a market fail?
44. The effects of income and prices on consumption choices.
45. How to effectively benefit from economies of scale.
46. The consequences of exiting a market.
47. Is the policy regarding monopolies strict enough?
48. The impact of a trade union on employment.
49. What are the factors that shift the demand for labour?
50. How has economics been affected by the change in our lifestyles?
51. The many misconceptions surrounding the gender pay gap.
52. The impact that a 35-hour working week has on an economy.
53. How can cartels manipulate oil and gas prices?
54. Is the high street really dying or just evolving?
55. Can the high street bounce back from the recent downturn in revenue?
56. Which factors contribute to a high unemployment rate?
57. The importance of coffee price fluctuations over time.
58. What is the fairest income tax system?
59. Would a flat tax rate aid the economy more than a progressive tax rate?
60. Which factors determine house pricing?
61. 11. What causes inflation?
62. What are the effects of having a high minimum wage?
63. Are the European economies too reliant on each other?
64. What affect did WW2 have on the economies of the world?
65. Why do socialist economies always fail?
66. How has the global demand for oil changed over time?
67. The pros and cons of a privatised health care system
68. Why does capitalism cause monopoly’s?
69. How can people get out of the poverty trap?
70. Why wealth inequality is not as big of an issue as people think

Have an Extended Project Idea to Add to the List?

70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To English

EPQ Ideas For English1. How to have an effective debate

The ability to have debates is an important skill, and can be applied to many different jobs and scenarios. It is essentially the ability to form rational, fact-based, well-structured arguments, and be able to understand and respond to the counter-arguments in a reasonable, effective way.

This is a great English EPQ idea because it is not only focused on language skills, but also has a wonderful range of applications, which can be used in your life in the future.

In order to start this project, you may want to consider looking at a broad book which details some debating techniques, such as this book, which gives a wide range of information about debating.

2. What impact did literature have during WW2?

Literature has always been a tool that has been used to record experiences, as well as to aid people in getting through difficult times. You therefore may want to consider doing some research about the type of literature that was produced during World War 2, and the impact that it had on people at the time.

You could consider discussing:

  • How much literature actually was published in the war years?
  • Who were the most influential writers?
  • How did the literature written impact the people during the war?
  • How has the literature continued to affect people since the war?
3. Are girls better at English than boys?

The gender differences that are of aren’t present with certain skills or subjects can be really interesting to explore. In terms of relation to English, you can explore the differences between girls and boys in their general abilities in the subject, and either confirm or challenge the stereotypes.

Subjects such as these give you the opportunity to really debate whether or not there is a difference, and the reasons why or why not this is true.

You could start by looking at some existing arguments alongside academic research around these subjects.

4. Should English literature be optional at secondary school?

As you know from doing your GCSEs, you don’t technically have to pass English Literature (its English Language that is the core subject). So, should all GCSE students be forced to study English Literature?

This idea would give you the opportunity to express your opinion in a structured, evidence-based way, and would be a great way to show off your English abilities in terms of debating skills.

You could consider discussing:

  • What are the benefits of teaching English Literature to all students?
  • How could the time spent teaching English Literature to students be used if students did not have to engage in the subject? Would there be benefits to this?
5. How did literature change in the 1800s?

Looking at the development of literature over the years is a really interesting route to go down for your EPQ. The 19th century was an era of change for a number of reasons, and obviously this had a huge impact on the literature at the time.

There were major changes in general opinions and outlooks about the world due to new scientific research and publications. Theories such as Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution brought into question general, well-established views of the world, and this was reflected in the literature of the time.

For this project idea, you may want to follow a love of reading, and evaluate specific books of the time, comparing them to literature before the 1800s. You could also have a look at books which provide a summary of the societal changes in the 1800s and their causes. My recommendation can be found here.

6. Why is mass media so biased?

Bias in the media is another societal issue which would be interesting to discuss in your project. English and journalism are very linked, and you may want to consider looking at:

  • The reasons for bias in the media
  • How bias in the media is represented – what kind of language techniques are used?
  • How can bias in the media be combatted?
  • What are some examples of biased media?
7. What techniques do writers use to make the reader agree with a particular opinion?

English techniques can be incredibly persuasive, and the use of specific techniques can be a really interesting area to consider for an EPQ project. There are a variety of ways which you could approach this subject, and this is one of the things that makes this a great choice.

This is an idea which could not only enable you to recognise and understand the techniques that writers use, but it can also help you to improve your writing, and persuasive skills.

There is some literature about this subject already, and an example of a useful book can be found here. You could also consider analysing specific speeches and pieces of literature which have had impact in the world.

8. To what extent are journalists at risk of being replaced by computers?

The takeover of jobs by computers is a concern for many people, and so it is interesting to consider what makes a job something which just a human is capable of doing. Is journalism one of these careers? What are the reasons for your judgement?

You may want to look at subjects which are in the news currently, and some examples of these news pages can be found here:

This may lead you to some further information, and could start your consideration of the elements of journalism that could be replaced, as well as the reasons that we need human journalists.

9. Are books becoming obsolete?

Literature has always been an important part of society. It gives people the chance to escape from struggles which they are facing, and also often reflects the context in which it was written. We can look back on literature from certain time periods and gain insight into the experiences and beliefs of people at the time.

However, there are so many forms of media at the moment, and you might be able to argue that literature is starting to lose its impact. Your project could discuss:

  • What are books being replaced by?
  • What are the reasons for this?
  • What impact does this have on society?
  • What impact will it have on future generations?
10. What made Shakespeare’s plays so unique?

Shakespeare is arguably the most famous English writer in history, and you will have certainly come across his work in school, and heard about Shakespeare in general society. But what made Shakespeare so influential? What was unique about his writing?

You can look at the works produced by Shakespeare in order to discuss his plays, and identifying the unique elements yourself is something that will make your EPQ a very strong essay. You can find a book of Shakespeare’s complete works here.

You can also find books which show you the analysis skills which you will need to evaluate Shakespeare’s work, such as this one here. You may want to use these as a starting point for your project.

11 – 70 Additional Extended Project Qualification Ideas

11. How did Shakespeare present the effect of tragic madness in Hamlet?
12. How has creative writing changed throughout the course of history?
13. Will technology influence the originality of creative writing?
14. Why are the best books in history being turned into films and do the films live up to the books?
15. How do literary techniques affect the reader’s perspective?
16. How Jane Austin used her novels to address feminism and its effect at the time.
17. To what extent has literature addressed mental illness in the 20th century?
18. How has the perception of love and relationships changed in English novels over the last century?
19. Is poetry the same as it was 100 years ago?
20. Is the use of narrators becoming outdated?
21. How did the English language evolve and is it still evolving?
22. Will Shakespeare’s work stop be being taught due to a lack of understanding?
23. Is “text speak” undermining the English language?
24. Do the common abbreviations we use today actually make sense?
25. Should English teachers take on a more practical approach?
26. Is knowing how to spell important anymore with spell check to do it for you?
27. Do English teachers properly prepare students for university exams?
28. The importance of authentic English.
29. What are the most effective ways to teach young people the correct vocabulary?
30. The role of language teaching for dyslexia students, does it work?
31. Why general English is not enough for employability?.
32. How do you tailor English skills for specific jobs?
33. Does the ability to communicate effectively impact confidence?
34. Can gaming support language learning?
35. The importance of grammar in modern language.
36. Should English be considered an art or an academic skill?
37. Do different motivations change how students learn English?
38. Does homeschooling affect the ability to learn English properly?
39. Why is learning English so different from learning other subjects?
40. Can English minimise cross-cultural communication challenges?
41. Why has English grammar always changed?
42. Does the type of language we use influence the way we think?
43. What does the future of the English language look like?
44. Is the way we analyse literature outdated?
45. Why is English so widely spoken?
46. Why has the representation of masculinity not changed in the English language?
47. Why are more neologisms used today?
48. How has our pronunciation changed?
49. How Greek mythology is portrayed in English novels.
50. How is argumentative writing taught in schools?
51. What effect does illiteracy have on a person’s career?
52. How does literacy rate affect the development of a country?
53. What are the most accurate methods to determine someone’s reading age?
54. How does dyslexia affect a child’s ability to learn how to read and write?
55. Is it right for GCSE and A-Level English exams to be timed?
56. Is the demand for English graduates increasing or decreasing?
57. The rise of gothic literature.
58. What effect has the internet had on journalism?
59. To what extent do the writing styles of men and women differ?
60. Are native English speakers advantaged over others?
61. How have gender roles changed in novels over time?
62. Evaluating the political agenda behind many poems
63. How was religion portrayed in 20th century British novels?
64. Evaluating the importance of symbolism in literature
65. What contributions did Shakespeare make to literature?
66. Did Shakespeare actually write the plays he’s famous for?
67. How have attitudes towards literature changed over time?
68. How has our use of language changed since the development of the internet?
69. How does literature affect culture?
70. The origins of punctuation and why it was needed

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Business Studies

EPQ Ideas For Business Studies1. How should market monopolies be addressed?

A market monopoly is commonly known to occur when a single company or a cluster of companies have an extremely high percentage of a share of the market. Market monopolies are bad for many reasons; some are listed below:

  • Monopoly-driven markets often have higher prices than markets driven by competition.
  • Monopolies can gain too much power over a democracy if the nation is small enough, or the company is big enough.
  • If a company has a monopoly, increased efficiency is not incentivised, therefore, innovation can be less.

If you want more advantages and disadvantages of market monopolies, take a look here.

2. How can the UK government incentivise entrepreneurship?

High levels of entrepreneurship would be a great thing for the UK government. After all, the more people who wish to start their own businesses, the more businesses there will be. More businesses will always lead to more jobs, which is a good thing for everyone.

So, if everyone wants more entrepreneurship, how can we incentivise it in our society effectively? This is the question you should aim to answer if you take on this EPQ project idea. There are many different avenues you can take with this idea, ranging from government grants to decreased taxation.

What you will find during your EPQ is that for every incentivisation that effectively leads to increased levels of entrepreneurship, there will be plenty of drawbacks. For example, decreased taxation very well may increase the number of start-ups incorporated, but short-term, may lead to lesser government revenues.

3. How much do taxes hurt small business owners?

When people think of taxes, they usually let their minds sway towards their personal income tax. However, income taxes are not the only tax and small business owners most definitely know it. Below, I have listed some of the other taxes that business owners have to worry about:

  • Corporation Tax
  • National Insurance
  • Value Added Tax (VAT)

Many small business owners, especially in the retail and hospitality sectors, have razor thin margins already and taxes can often push them to their budgeting limits. This can sometimes lead to closures and shutdowns, which over the course of a medium to long term period, can have the reverse effect of the government collecting less in taxes. This leads to the question of is it really worth having all of these taxes?

To understand more information on taxes that business owners are subject to, I recommend that you take a look at this book on Amazon.co.uk.

4. Should the corporate tax be lowered?

Corporate tax has been the central point of many arguments over the decades. Lots of business owners and some policymakers feel as though it punishes companies that have finally made a profit. Making a profit can be a yearlong venture for many companies and some argue that when they finally cross the threshold of sustainability, they should be rewarded, not punished.

If the corporation tax was lowered, would the economy gain from the move or would the government not only receive less tax revenues in the short term, but also the long term? This a great question that you could discuss during your EPQ.

5. What factors have influenced marketing and how?

Marketing has been significantly influenced by the growth of the online sector. However, marketing has changed in many other ways than just the move to online. In your EPQ, you could discuss either the online transition or the many other ways marketing has changed.

Before starting an EPQ project of this nature, I would recommend take a look at some marketing-themed books, that instruct businesses on how to market their products (example here). This will give you a good idea of what methods companies are using today.

6. The psychology behind advertising

One such way marketing has changed has been related to the increased understanding of human psychology. “Psychological tricks” are often used in marketing campaigns. This has led to many people questioning whether the use of these “tricks” have led to consumers not having a true fair choice when deciding on a purchase.

If you want to know more about the relationship between psychology and corporate marketing, take a look at this book.

7. What creates a good business leader?

Everyone can think of a least one business leader they have heard of, whether it be Steve Jobs, Elon Musk or any one of the thousand others. Business leaders are required to possess extraordinary organisation and communication skills. Although there are some pretty standard traits of successful business leaders, they are all very different.

Due to this, a study into what characteristics lead to the absolute best business leaders would really interesting. Below are some characteristics that have been rumoured to be effective at predicating a good business leader:

  • Charismatic
  • Logical
  • Assertive
  • Motivated
  • Ambitious

Although you should not take it as fact, this book will get you thinking about the characteristics of a business leader.

8. What factors motivate employees and how?

Working for someone else is often seen as a bad thing, but it doesn’t have to be. What can a business do in order for it to motivate its employees to not only be happier in their line of work but also be more productive.

Some business owners have gone down the route of offering shares in the company to their employees. This leads to the employee feeling a significantly more direct impact of their work as they themselves directly benefit from the company performing well.

Below, I have listed some techniques business owners have attempted. Each one is linked to a resource where you can learn more about the particular case study.

9. What is a fair salary for a CEO?

CEOs work very hard in a lot of cases. In return, they are usually paid the big bucks. However, many people have the opinion that CEOs pay is not proportional to the amount of work they do. Why not express your views on this topic within your EPQ Project? You could discuss one set of views and then directly contrast it to other people’s views who do not agree with you.

Ensure that for every opinion that you discuss, you provide subsequent evidence – ideally with references. To find more information about what a CEO’s job entails, take a look at this article.

10. To what extent has mobile technology changed advertising?

Mobile phones have taken over the technology market and advertising has adjusted to the new audience. How has it changed and in what ways will it continue to change over the coming years? There is lots to discuss on this idea and I’m certain it would make for a great project.

11 – 70 Additional Extended Project Qualification Ideas

11. The effect of refinancing a business.
12. Why would a business want to diversify into a new market?
13. What are the complications of globalisation for a well-known business?
14. What is the impact of the decline in high street stores for larger corporations?
15. How does operational performance affect a business’s share price?
16. Is Amazon the reason for the decline in high street stores?
17. The importance of creativity within a business.
18. The value of becoming a private limited company.
19. Is a business’s life cycle set in stone?
20. Does organisational structure affect the internal performance of a business?
21. Should corporate social responsibility be adopted by all businesses?
22. The ways to control a business’s supply chain.
23. What are the stages of decision making within large corporations?
24. Do shareholders put too much pressure on businesses for dividends?
25. Does an increase in autonomy improve performance of employees?
26. How do businesses decide on their sources of finance?
27. How to evaluate the risk involved with new ventures.
28. How does politics intervene in the business world?
29. How do businesses use big data within marketing?
30. The important elements within entrepreneurship that lead to success.
31. How is project management run?
32. How does organisational culture differ in the largest businesses in the world?
33. The relationship between accounting and business.
34. The legal and ethical considerations that need to be made when operating in other countries.
35. The role of research and development for a company.
36. How the leaders and managers of a business influence the attitude of the entire organisation.
37. Which methods classify as sustainable manufacturing?
38. Is constant innovation needed to compete in a sector?
39. How do businesses change their strategies?
40. The value of planning and control within a business.
41. How to properly analyse a market.
42. How economics impacts business activities.
43. How to build good relationships with consumers.
44. How to improve product quality.
45. How to manage intellectual property within a business.
46. What are the processes within the administration of a company?
47. How helpful are business models for managers?
48. Should business studies be taught in all schools?
49. What are the attitudes of a successful entrepreneur?
50. How important is stock control?
51. How much should a company pay its employees?
52. How has the airline industry developed over time?
53. How has automation affected the world’s economies?
54. To what extent is Spotify’s business model sustainable?
55. How does VAT affect UK businesses?
56. Do big international companies pay their fair share in taxes?
57. How are successful start-ups formed?
58. What is the real impact of a strike on a business?
59. The ethical problems surrounding a business outsourcing their work.
60. Are the government incentivising start-ups enough?
61. Has the music industry been hurt by the rise of the internet?
62. How and why do business adapt their marketing strategies?
63. How can companies tackle the issue of climate change?
64. Evaluating the case for a single global currency
65. How apple became the tech giant it is today
66. The value of apprenticeships for employers and employees
67. How does a business change when transitioning from private to public?
68. Why is amazon protected from current monopoly laws?
69. How can oligopolies result in market collusion?
70. How to make an effective logo for your business

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Ethics

EPQ Ideas For Ethics1. The complicated ethics surrounding self-driving cars

Self-driving cars raise a variety of ethical issues, and this is a really interesting issue that is currently relevant, and would therefore be very interesting to discuss in an EPQ.

This is because situations arise where drivers are required to make choices about who to protect in terms of traffic accidents. For example, should self-driving cars prioritise their passengers or pedestrians?

These issues require great consideration, and from an ethical standpoint, they can be discussed in a broad way. This is great for an EPQ, and you may choose to make your discussion more specific (i.e. you could focus on one specific ethical issue that arises from the use and development of self-driving cars).

2. Should we experiment on embryo’s for medical research?

This is an enormous area of debate, which has many different viewpoints, which are influenced by a number of different factors. This idea can give you the chance to voice your own view, and reflect on how different elements have shaped your opinion on the topic.

You can consider a variety of different viewpoints, as well as the things that influence them, perhaps making use of recent news articles. The things that you may think about which have an impact on views on this issue could include:

  • Whether you believe the benefits of this kind of research are worth the costs – do you have examples of where they are or aren’t?
  • When you think embryos should be considered as human lives
  • What other alternatives to this research are there?
  • How does religion and other cultural/upbringing factors affect these views?
3. What determines someone’s inner moral compass?

How can you define a person’s moral compass? It is an ambiguous concept which can be defined in various ways, and has lots of potential influences. But what what is it? And what makes a persons moral compass good or bad?

You may want to consider how the idea of a moral compass has changed over time, and what this means for peoples behaviour. A good place to start could be here – this book should give you an overview of the history of morals.

4. Should the death penalty be brought back?

The death penalty has been a seemingly common punishment for crime in the past, but should its use have been removed? Is it’s use in other countries ethical? This idea is a great way to bring together a love for history as well as an interest in History. You could start your research by finding out more about the death penalty – this book may be useful for that.

You could discuss:

  • Is the death penalty fair for those accused of murder?
  • How do you eliminate the problems of false convictions?
  • What problems and benefits are there with bringing back the death penalty?
  • Is it moral to kill even in response to a crime?
5. Should euthanasia be allowed in the UK?

Euthanasia is something which has been a controversial issue in the UK for a very long time. Should people have the choice to die? This is something that is a great ethical dilemma for a variety of reasons. You may want to consider discussing:

  • The alternative help available for those who want to be euthanised
  • What circumstances euthanasia should be allowed in
  • What the moral issues euthanasia raises
  • Does the fact that it is not allowed in the UK now mean that people don’t get euthanised? Or does it just mean that it is not fairly available?
6. How moral is intense animal farming?

Animal rights and whether animal farming is ethical is a hugely controversial, and easily debatable subject at the moment. There are many resources out there from animal rights organisations about the brutality and potential lack of morality surrounding animal farming.

You can use this available information to evaluate pre-existing views on the topic – perhaps a good book to start off your evaluation of this subject could be ‘The end of animal farming..’ which can be found here.

This book may also be a good starting point for a discussion-based project on the topic of the ethics of animal farming. This could make for a great EPQ, and your interpretation of evidence and conclusion would be really valuable.

7. Are society’s perceptions of what’s right and wrong based on Christianity?

Religion and its role in society is a really interesting topic to consider. Whatever religion you follow (or even if you don’t follow a religion), the impact of particular religions on what are considered to be basic, widely-held beliefs is something that is really great to discuss – perhaps more of your cultural upbringing has been influenced by religion than you thought!

There are already publications around this subject, such as this book which I would recommend to start your consideration of this subject. However, it is important that you approach this subject in a very analytical and evaluative way, as much of the literature in this area is likely to have a bias – identifying these limitations in your EPQ is also certainly a skill which you want to showcase!

8. Is it ethical to raise a child in a purely religious environment?

Religion and upbringing is also another really interesting relationship to explore. Religious beliefs tend to run in families – but should this be the case?

There are a variety of different ways that you could approach this question, though you may want to consider the following ideas in order to come to a judgement:

  • Should children have a choice in the religion which they are following?
  • From what age are children able to make this choice?
  • Is stopping parents from making religion a big part of their children’s lives going against their religion and therefore a violation of their freewill?
  • At what point does the amount of religion in a child’s environment too much?
9. Should we impose measures to control the global population?

The population has been growing and growing over the years, and is continuing to do so. The world population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. But what does this mean for us now? Are there actions which we should take to prevent a huge spike in the number of people in the global population?

For your EPQ, you may want to consider:

10. How should we distribute the wealth that has been created by machines?

Machines taking over jobs is a concern for many, and perhaps this is partly because companies could make a lot more profit using machines which they don’t have to pay to carry out tasks which they would otherwise have to employ an individual to do.

However, the increasing use of machines in workplaces and other areas raises the question of where the money which has been essentially generated by machines should end up? Surely it is not ethical to simply give all of the money earned to big tech companies, and the companies who use their machines? Is there a way to distribute the wealth produced in a fair way which would be beneficial to society?

This is a very modern issue which presents new ethical issues, and is therefore incredibly interesting to discuss in your EPQ – your take on these issues (if presented in an effective way) could be your way to an A*.

11 – 70 Additional Extended Project Qualification Ideas

11. How can the government stop criminals benefiting from natural disasters?
12. Should all animal testing be banned?
13. Does the government need to stop the production of plastic?
14. Are psychological research methods ethical?
15. Should prenatal scans be allowed?
16. Is the way we farm animals moral?
17. Is the population on its way to becoming vegan?
18. How is fast fashion affecting the climate?
19. Why does overfishing still occur?
20. Should we only be allowed to buy fruit and vegetables that are in season?
21. Is the tax system in the UK ethical?
22. Should the promise of patient confidentiality be trusted?
23. What are the different ways to consent?
24. Should women who incorrectly accuse men of rape be severely prosecuted?
25. Is it morally right to kill an embryo?
26. Charities and how they are not always ethical.
27. Why has lying become so common?
28. Why does torture still occur in the world?
29. The ethics surrounding war.
30. Why is slavery still going on?
31. Forced marriages and their impact on young women.
32. Is the idea of capitalism unethical?
33. Why does fraud occur so often?
34. Are people born racist or do they become racist?
35. How can we accept the LGBT community?
36. Is privacy online important?
37. Should we give AI the right to kill?
38. Should we create synthetic lifeforms?
39. Is it right to colonise other planets?
40. At what point do we start population control?
41. Is science destroying the planet?
42. The issues involved with organ transplants.
43. Should everyone receive free healthcare?
44. Should social media be banned?
45. Why are care homes run so poorly?
46. The impact of mental disorders on younger generations.
47. Are IVF treatments ethical?
48. What are the ethical implications involved with neuroscience?
49. The ethical issues surrounding hormone therapy.
50. Should we screen for genetic diseases in all cases?
51. Is it ethical to invest money in space exploration considering the state of our planet?
52. Do care homes provide adequate care to dementia patients?
53. Are homeless people to blame for their situation?
54. Should everyone receive a universal income for absolute necessities?
55. Is the use of corporate jargon ethical?
56. How many immigrants should wealthy countries accept?
57. Should immigrants have a right to claim benefits within the UK?
58. What is the ethical minimum wage?
59. The ethics surrounding employees stealing company time.
60. Is it unethical for countries to possess nuclear weapons?
61. How can we be sure to eradicate AI bias?
62. Is it right for humans to ever control AI?
63. Should we be allowed to edit our child’s genes before birth?
64. Do we have the right to terraform other planets?
65. Should we always respect a patient’s choice (even if it’s wrong)?
66. Should we introduce non-human DNA into our genome?
67. Should people be forced to die if ageing is ever cured?
68. At what point does an embryo or foetus become a human life?
69. Do embryos have rights?
70. Can only humans have rights?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Foreign Languages

EPQ Ideas For Foreign Languages1. Why do people speaking foreign languages sound like they are speaking fast?

If you have an interest in languages, you may have found that when you listen to other people speaking in a language which is not your native language seem to be speaking very fast! Perhaps you have wondered if this is something which is universal for everyone learning second languages, or whether it is just that certain languages are spoken more quickly than others.

You can look at some research to answer this question, and this piece of research may be a good place to get you started.

This is a great idea for an EPQ, as it will be research based but also gives the opportunity for discussion.

2. What is the hardest language to learn?

The perception of the hardest language to learn is something which is very subjective and dependent on a number of different factors. You could consider this in terms of these factors. For example, you may want to narrow down your project by looking at:

  • The hardest language for people from a specific country to learn
  • The most complex language to learn in terms of grammatical and other skills
  • The most difficult pronunciation
  • The most and least spoken languages and their perceived difficulties
3. Do children learn particular languages faster?

This is a really interesting area to research. The idea that children learn languages quicker is widely accepted, but is this true for every language? Which languages are easier for children to learn overall?

You may want to consider discussing the things that can have an impact on a child’s ability to learn a language, including:

  • Whether their parents speak the language
  • How they learn the language (through books, tv, school etc)
  • When they learn the language

These are all important factors to consider, and could lead to a more knowledgeable approach to teaching children second languages.

4. How much easier is it for children to learn a foreign language compared to an adult?

There is a generally widely-accepted view that children can learn languages more easily than adults. But to what extent is this true? There is a wide range of research done in this area, and it can lead to some interesting discussions about:

  • What age is the best to introduce a second language to a child?
  • Should all children be taught second languages?
  • What are the best methods for teaching a second language to students?

This is an area where (if you were interested), you could put forward evidence-based views around the applications of the idea that languages are more easily learned by children.

5. Should everyone be forced to learn a foreign language at school?

This is another issue related to language and children. If the best time to learn a language is when you are a child, but many parents don’t speak more than 1 language, is it essential that children are taught languages from a young age? If so:

  • What language should be taught as a compulsory subject?
  • Between which ages should a language be taught to children?
  • How should language abilities be applied in the rest of school life?
  • How should the languages be taught?

The use and teaching of language in schools is another real debate topic, and gives you the chance to show off your debating skills and ability to interpret evidence to form an opinion. These are great skills to showcase for your EPQ.

6. Is Latin dead?

Latin is a classic language, which is not seen in modern society. However, it is still relevant. You may want to discuss a range of topics in an EPQ on this subject area. For example, you could consider:

  • What are the benefits of learning Latin?
  • Can knowledge of Latin make learning other languages easier?
  • How has Latin influenced the languages which we speak today?

You could use the information you find on these topics to evaluate the status of Latin, and whether or not it should be considered to be a ‘dead’ language.

7. What makes French the world’s most romantic language?

French is widely recognised or considered as an incredibly romantic language. But was has led to this belief? Is it the way that the language sounds? Is it the culture found in France? Is it the landscape or the buildings (i.e. the physical environment)? Do French people find the language ‘romantic’?

If you are interested in language, doing a project about the preconceptions about a language such as French is a great way to go with your EPQ. You could consider discussing what makes the language ‘romantic’, as well as whether or not some of these specific elements are found in other languages.

8. How has English affected the German language?

The interaction between languages, and the influences that they have on each other is something that will give you the chance to look at a variety of different elements which would be very interesting to discuss in your project.

You could research the relationship between any 2 languages, and the things that you may want to consider include:

  • The similarities between English and German
  • The differences between English and German (you may want to look at this book about English and German grammar)
  • The reasons for similarities/differences – where are the languages derived from? Has there been any interaction between the formation of them?
9. Why is the internet dominated by the English language?

Around 20% of the world speak English, so why is it so commonly seen in media, such as on the internet? The domination of English as a language across the world is something that is incredibly interesting, especially as the number of English speakers is actually a lot lower than you would perhaps expect.

This is a great idea for an EPQ, because it gives you the chance to look at the prevalence of the English language, and how it’s used in the Inernet. You may want to consider:

  • How the broad use of the English Language has affected the number of native English speakers who are bilingual.
  • What language is the most commonly used across the world? Why is this?
  • What has made media in English so highly available?
10. Why Google Translate doesn’t work sometimes

Google Translate is notorious for not working properly, and this is something that every language teacher warns their students to be wary of. But why does Google Translate not work?

There are so many different elements which go into speaking a language effectively, and these are things that you would be able to discuss in your essay.

  • Differences in grammatical techniques
  • Differences in meanings of particular words (or dual meanings)
  • The context of sentences and its importance in terms of meaning

One of the great things about this subject is that you can apply it to any language, and therefore it can be relevant to both your A-Levels and perhaps even the degree which you would like to do.

11 – 70 Additional Extended Project Qualification Ideas

11. What is the best way to learn a second language?
12. Should all parents aim to teach their children another language?
13. How useful is mandarin within the business world?
14. What are the psychological barriers to learning a new language?
15. Does listening to foreign music and films help with pronunciation?
16. How does language learning differ in other countries?
17. What are the benefits of being bilingual?
18. What language was Jesus believed to speak and is at all similar to modern-day language?
19. How helpful are language learning apps in becoming fluent in another language?
20. Should language teachers take on a more practical approach?
21. How have different dialects of the same language evolved?
22. What are the most similar languages to one another?
23. How does a language portray its origin country’s culture?
24. Is there a certain pattern for learning a language?
25. Does the way you learn a language effect your pronunciation?
26. Why does the German language seem aggressive and was it always that way?
27. Do teachers only teach ways to pass the exam and not learn languages in detail?
28. Are language examinations fair?
29. To what extent does it take intelligence or a good memory to learn a foreign language?
30. How has language learning changed throughout history?
31. Is it important to understand the culture of a language?
32. How accents can affect understanding dramatically.
33. How is motivation built to learn a second language?
34. How can you forget a language you were once fluent in?
35. Why is it so common to get anxiety when learning a new language?
36. What is the most common language found in music?
37. How difficult is it to learn sign language for a deaf person?
38. What are the origins of the English language?
39. The complications surrounding the Arabic language.
40. How do dyslexic people manage language learning?
41. Why do people still learn and use Latin, what is its value in modern society?
42. Are programming languages considered just as hard to learn as verbal languages?
43. Has “text talk” ruined the complexity of people’s vocabulary?
44. What is the best age to learn a new language?
45. Is it easier to learn a third language once you have already learnt two?
46. How difficult is language reading compared to speaking and listening?
47. How does grammar change with different languages?
48. The importance of cross-language communication.
49. Does language learning help bridge the intellectual inequality gap?
50. How do people pick up accents?
51. Why does the English language not have clear masculine and feminine classifications?
52. How do certain words evolve into insulting words over time?
53. How different are alphabets between languages?
54. What is the official process followed when adding words to a language?
55. What is the field of Mathematics dominated by the Greek language?
56. What was the first verbal language humans spoke?
57. Why has Latin become somewhat obsolete?
58. The origins of the Arabic language.
59. How strict are punctuation rules across different languages?
60. Which foreign language has the most dialects and why?
61. How has human language evolved over time?
62. Which world language conveys more information per word?
63. Which type of language conveys more information: verbal or body?
64. Why can some words not be translated between languages?
65. The origins of the Japanese language
66. How English is used in the Japanese media
67. Is it fair to say that china only has only a single language?
68. How have foreign immigrants integrated into Japanese society since WW2?
69. Is Japanese an isolated language or part of a broader language family?
70. Is how people use body language universal across the world?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Biology

EPQ Ideas For Biology1. What effect does breathing rate have on the brain?
2. To what extent will future development of genome sequencing and synthetic life impact the field of biology?
3. The radical impact DNA alterations can have on an organism.
4. What is the relationship between cell theory and the theory of evolution?
5. How has evolutionary biology contributed to the different fields of science?
6. Are hypotheses the most effective way to design an experiment upon?
7. What are the potential benefits and problems with using algae as biofuel?
8. How does chemotherapy affect cellular reactions?
9. To what extent can gene technology aid the treatment of leukaemia?
10. Advancements in biomedical and genetic engineering.
11. How does deforestation affect ecosystems?
12. How do ecosystems maintain their sustainability independently?
13. What is the role of an ecosystem in regulating climate?
14. How does the human body produce energy?
15. How do animals play a part in spreading diseases?
16. To what extent does evidence suggest that genetically modified foods have a negative impact on humans?
17. The human body’s reaction to malnourishment.
18. Are we at risk of losing mass amounts of biodiversity across the globe?
19. How important are insects within particular food chains?
20. The effects of fracking on wildlife.
21. What causes a drought to occur, and what damage do they inflict?
22. What might happen when a higher proportion of wildlife become extinct?
23. How does brain activity change before, during and after a stroke?
24. How do humans and animals detect and avoid bacteria?
25. Is it possible for the process of evolution to be sped up?
26. What is considered the main building blocks of life, and can they be replicated?
27. How, when and why did we domesticate particular animals?
28. How have we developed antibiotic resistance, and will the trend continue?
29. How can some lethal toxins go unnoticed?
30. What effect do acidic foods and drinks have on the body?
31. Is it possible to regulate hormones effectively within humans?
32. The preservation of ancient mammals.
33. Why do sea turtles live for so long?
34. The ways in which pathogens spread.
35. How and why do genetic mutations occur?
36. The development of different virus strains over time.
37. In what ways do plants waste energy, and how can they reduce it?
38. When can one virus be considered a treatment for another virus?
39. How to increase crop yield rate through biological research.
40. How did natural camouflage evolve in certain animals?
41. Why do humans not have fur?
42. Is homosexuality a uniquely human characteristic?
43. Why and how the global otter population declined.
44. To what extent have alternative treatments been created for antibiotics?
45. The problems surrounding the treatment of Eczema.
46. What characteristics of Anthrax appeal to particular terrorist organisations?
47. Where do humans belong within the food chain?
48. The importance of preserving biodiversity within certain geographic areas.
49. How do vaccinations work?
50. How does hair grow on humans and animals?
51. The ethical issues surrounding therapeutic cloning
52. Why are there so many missing pieces of evidence for evolution?
53. What is the evidence for evolution and what evidence is missing?
54. The complications surrounding how DNA evolved
55. How does therapeutic cloning work and what are it’s applications?
56. The ethical issues surrounding therapeutic cloning
57. How did humans become the dominant species on the planet?
58. Is it only humans that have consciousness?
59. How does the Ebola virus attack the body?
60. At what point in a pregnancy should abortion be considered a murder?
61. Does homosexuality between non-human animals exist?
62. Can someone’s genetics condemn them to obesity?
63. What is the effect of pollution on humans and animals?
64. How does meningitis overcome the immune system?
65. How did antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria come into existence?
66. The biological issues relating to incest
67. How do plants become infected by diseases?
68. Could humanity ever achieve biological immortality?
69. How accurate is human memory?
70. Why are humans smarter than other animals?
71. Is homosexuality a choice or is it genetic?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To History

EPQ Ideas For History1. Did the Black Death change England forever?
2. What has been learned from the events of the holocaust?
3. The importance of education in each era and why it changes.
4. What were the changing influences of propaganda during both world wars?
5. When was the turning point of the English empire?
6. How did Hitler gain such a massive following?
7. How have wars have changed throughout the centuries and will the next war be the last?
8. What was learnt during the race to the moon?
9. How do we ensure that disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima never happen again?
10. Pandemics throughout history and their effects.
11. Why did it take so long to fix the smog in London?
12. How and when was the London underground constructed?
13. Do we do enough to remember the world wars?
14. The vandalism of our historic monuments.
15. Why didn’t we accept the use of electric vehicles when we had the chance 50 years ago?
16. How do we document historic information?
17. How has art been used to preserve history?
18. Mahatma Gandhi’s pursuit of peace and his challenges.
19. The development of Scotland throughout history.
20. When did we first realise the impact of our activities on the planet?
21. The long-lasting impact the great fire had on London.
22. Why did it take so long for doctors to understand the importance of handwashing?
23. Thomas Edison’s and Nikola Tesla’s contributions to technology.
24. How have women’s roles changed throughout history?
25. The impact Auschwitz had on its 1.1 million victim’s lives.
26. History’s most famous expeditions and what came of them.
27. Are serial killers born or made?
28. The vital role codebreakers played in the war.
29. The horrors of slavery and how they are remembered in Britain.
30. How do we know what happened before official historical records began?
31. The fall of the roman empire.
32. How did the industrial revolution change Britain?
33. How has history proved that a democracy is better than a dictatorship?
34. Is the history curriculum that is taught in schools detailed enough?
35. The history of music and the part it plays in society.
36. How executions changed throughout history.
37. The influence of the treaty of Versailles on modern times.
38. How have monarchies changed since they were introduced?
39. How has theatre become Netflix?
40. How can we know that the stories of the bible have not been lost in translation?
41. What caused the population boom after 1900?
42. How has the way humans travel changed over time?
43. To what extent is the 1985 cold war still affecting today’s world?
44. The history behind the hostility towards Israel in the Middle East.
45. What were the events that led to the South China Sea ownership dispute?
46. How far back can we accurately recall history?
47. The events leading up to the abolishment of slavery.
48. How the economies of Europe were affected by World War 1.
49. Did Winston Churchill always make the right decisions?
50. How has commercialisation changed the sporting industry throughout history?
51. Was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?
52. What led to the fall of the British empire?
53. Were the crusades justified?
54. Why did Britain delay the declaration of war with Germany (WW2)?
55. What were the events that led up to world war 1?
56. Why did the USA join WW2 so late?
57. How did the invention of guns change warfare?
58. Were conscientious objectors treated fairly during WW1?
59. How did the British empire become so large?
60. How did India change when under rule by the British empire?
61. Why was India so valuable to the British empire?
62. How important is it that students learn the world’s history?
63. Is history really only written by the victors?
64. Is it wrong for a country to focus more on teaching their own history than other history?
65. How can we ensure that the history we teach is actually correct?
66. How has the way humans cook changed over time?
67. How has the relationship between humans and animals changed over time?
68. How have the roles of males and females changed over time?
69. Has the British public lost interest in the royal family since WW2?
70. How has the way we travel changed over time?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Art

EPQ Ideas Relating to Art1. How are photography and art used to explore gender identities?
2. How is art used to express deep emotional feelings?
3. Why was there a rise in art fairs in the 2000s?
4. Does art truly help you think and feel creatively?
5. The comparison of modern art with previous periods.
6. How much power does art have to influence people?
7. How has nature influenced art over time?
8. How do artists make their art memorable?
9. In what ways do artists communicate through their work?
10. How has Andy Warhol influenced modern art?
11. How is art used as a symbol of hope?
12. The world of abstract art.
13. How is culture represented within art?
14. How has graphical art become more popular in the modern age?
15. The different methods of drawing and why they are used.
16. How have painted portraits have evolved?
17. Why did the most famous artists not become famous until after their deaths?
18. How art has been used to address social issues.
19. Van Gogh’s life as an artist.
20. What is contemporary art and how does it differ from classic art?
21. How is art used within the media to influence people?
22. Why is art not valued in the same way it once was?
23. What can ancient art tell us about our history?
24. Political artworks and their influence.
25. To what extent do the older paintings of war glorify it?
26. The importance of a theme within a piece of art.
27. How has the definition of art changed?
28. Do you need an imagination to be a good artist?
29. How do oil paintings differ from watercolours?
30. What makes something artistic?
31. Mosaics and the techniques involved.
32. Stained glass and its use in architecture.
33. Why is 3D art becoming more popular only now?
34. How are science and art intertwined?
35. How copies are made of original art pieces.
36. Textiles and its involvement in art.
37. How are fashion and art intertwined?
38. The competition between big art galleries and small art galleries.
39. Should songwriters be considered true artists?
40. Has modern art become purely about self-expression?
41. The process behind the preservation of historic art.
42. Why is it important to preserve art?
43. What techniques did Picasso use when creating his art?
44. Why do most teenagers not take art education seriously?
45. What is the Mozart effect and is it actually real?
46. Can art be objectively defined as good or bad?
47. How has modern technology impacted art?
48. How was art used in the second world war?
49. How have artistic techniques developed over time?
50. Is it possible for an individual to hide their culture from showing in their artwork?
51. To what extent is architectural design a display of art?
52. How did Alexander McQueen change the fashion industry?
53. How do the mind-sets of artists compare?
54. Why does modern art have such a negative stigma surrounding it?
55. Has the art industry become too commercialised?
56. The history behind stained glass art
57. To what extent can someone’s mental health be expressed by their art?
58. How and when did photography become a form of art?
59. How has British art changed over time?
60. Is the Mona Lisa overrated?
61. To what extent does art impact our everyday lives?
62. Should Banksy be considered an artist or a vandal?
63. Is graffiti a form of art?
64. Is art a good investment?
65. What made Paris the global centre for art in the 20th century?
66. What impact does art education have on a child’s brain?
67. Why was there an absence of art in medieval Europe?
68. What contributions did artists make to the renaissance
69. Can modern advertising be seen as a form of art?
70. Have people lost respect for art in today’s modern society?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Sport

EPQ Ideas For Sport1. How does sport teach important elements of teamwork and competition?
2. Should violent sports be televised?
3. An understanding of coaching and its most important elements.
4. To what extent is politics affecting sports?
5. Are the consequences of drug use in sport severe enough?
6. Should sports businesses be government-run?
7. The effects of practising sports for people with various heart conditions.
8. Is aggression properly controlled in sports?
9. The psychological characteristics of concentration and attention among sportsmen in shooting sports.
10. What are the unique approaches taken in creating training programs?
11. How individualised and personalized diets are created for athletes.
12. The importance of mental training when preparing for competition.
13. Are all the best sports commentator’s ex-sports players?
14. Should there be so much money involved in football?
15. Has sport become too business orientated?
16. The history of sports safety in regards to American football.
17. Should there be stricter regulations on fixing games?
18. Are sporting bodies to blame for the lack of interest in women’s sports?
19. Should the grand national continue even though many horses die during participation?
20. Why has football become more aggressive?
21. The relationship between contact sports and brain trauma.
22. Discrimination in football and the way it is managed.
23. Is Serena Williams’ attitude on court penalised differently to other players by umpires?
24. How has sport created a whole new element to business?
25. What is the relationship between sport and self-esteem?
26. The clinical side of sporting.
27. How sport is not just all about the players.
28. How do businesses use sport to advertise?
29. Does all sport have to be competitive?
30. What aspects of sport have been changed due to new technological developments?
31. Who gets to decide the rules for a sport?
32. To what extent is sport becoming more inclusive?
33. Are sporting fans too emotionally involved?
34. Is the rehabilitation for sporting injuries effective enough?
35. How do today’s athletes live day to day compared to athletes 50 years ago?
36. The relationship between sport and psychological stress.
37. The role of sports journalism within the sporting industry.
38. How is drug testing effectively managed within sports?
39. Children in sports and how it aids development.
40. Are the major sporting events in the world managed properly?
41. What role does Sport England play and are they effective at their job?
42. What are the long-term effects of exercise?
43. To what extent does somebody’s ability to perform in a sport stem from their genetics?
44. Why are some sports so expensive to train for?
45. Why do humans play sport?
46. How different is an athlete’s body compared to the body of a regular person?
47. Will we ever be able to eliminate performance-enhancing drugs entirely?
48. What are the most effective training methods?
49. How involved is science in an athlete’s training?
50. What steps are taken to mentally prepare an athlete for a competition?
51. How has commercialisation changed the sporting industry?
52. What effect does the media have on aspiring athletes?
53. Evaluating the gender pay gap in sport
54. Should women be allowed to compete against men professionally?
55. Why do less people watch women’s sports?
56. Are cheerleaders a sexist exploitation?
57. Is homophobia being taken seriously in sport?
58. Is hosting the Olympic games worth it for a country?
59. Winter Olympics vs summer Olympics
60. How much more efficient does the right diet make an athlete?
61. How can parents motivate children to do sports?
62. How can injuries caused by sport be reduced?
63. What factors affect a sport’s participation rate?
64. What type of injuries are most common for different sports and why?
65. What factors increase your chance of injury while playing sport?
66. How important is a coach during an athletes life?
67. How has statistical analysis changed the sporting industry?
68. Should PE be compulsory at sixth form college?
69. Should WWE be banned?
70. What factors make a good coach?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Architecture

EPQ Ideas For Architecture1. How do architects use technology to increase the accuracy of their designs?
2. How and why are models used by architects?
3. To what extent do architects account for the waste they produce?
4. Is architecture built on its history?
5. What are the different types of architecture?
6. Are vertical gardens the future?
7. Are architects now designing smarter housing?
8. How is ancient architecture represented today?
9. The transformation of monumental architecture.
10. Does aesthetics take priority over practicality in recent architecture?
11. How has technology changed the way architects work?
12. What influenced the art deco movement?
13. Have architects become more logical in their designs?
14. How has architecture developed within the industrial sector?
15. What should be considered a landmark?
16. What does the future of architecture look like?
17. How is architecture used to represent a memory?
18. The difference in architecture between New York and London.
19. How the Romans used buildings to represent their power and authority.
20. The role of structural engineers within architecture.
21. The process behind architecture on a budget.
22. How nature inspires modern architects.
23. The evolution of abstract methods of architecture.
24. Has architecture gained more popularity in recent years?
25. How software is used to ensure the accuracy of designs.
26. How security is considered in architecture.
27. How does the economy affect architects and their job?
28. The complex architecture of the human body.
29. What is so special about skyscrapers?
30. A study of the pyramids of Egypt and their construction.
31. How often does the field of architecture change?
32. The use of different materials in construction and why they’re carefully considered.
33. How intelligent do you have to be to become an architect?
34. Can artificial intelligence be used to improve architecture?
35. What is product architecture and how important is it?
36. Has architecture become more basic?
37. How is architecture taught and is the current method efficient?
38. Do we as a society need more architects?
39. Can an architect’s experience be seen through their work?
40. Political statements made through architecture.
41. The role of the Church of England in maintaining architecture.
42. How design is considered to control the lighting within a building.
43. Do open-plan houses have a bigger or smaller carbon footprint than conventional houses?
44. What caused the open-plan house boom?
45. How the design of office buildings have evolved over the last 70 years.
46. The associated costs involved with making zero-carbon sustainable housing.
47. Should architecture be taught to people at a much younger age?
48. How can architects mass-produce houses while still maintaining good standards?
49. Did poor architectural design contribute to the collapse of the Twin Towers?
50. How does poor architectural design affect the world today?
51. What measures can society take to move towards zero-carbon housing?
52. What has been the main influence of the architecture in London?
53. Could we adapt japans smart space efficient buildings to something that would work in the western world?
54. How can we build affordable green housing in LEDCs?
55. The issues associated with building more than a mile high
56. Could we build a mega-building that could cope with the needs of a million people?
57. Should we make more buildings earthquake resistant?
58. What influenced architecture throughout the 19th century?
59. How can we make houses more sustainable?
60. How can we make houses that are visually appealing yet still cheap?
61. How can we lower carbon commissions from existing buildings?
62. How can we make houses stay efficient for longer periods of time?
63. How much does the colour of a house affect it’s carbon emissions?
64. Does too much emphasis on sustainability affect a building’s aesthetics?
65. Why haven’t more buildings been designed to reuse grey water?
66. What are the ways we could make solar panels look less ugly on a house?
67. To what extent should architects take into account the effects of the environment when designing a building?
68. How has pop culture affected architecture?
69. How has social housing architecture changed over the years?
70. The problems associated with expanding Heathrow and why it needs to happen

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Computer Science

EPQ Ideas For Computer Science1. Was Apple built upon plagiarised technology?
2. Will future workforces need a higher proportion of programmers?
3. Will artificial intelligence threaten high skilled workers in the future?
4. What has been the effect of the widespread implementation of automation within the industrial sector?
5. Should people be able to vote online for the general elections?
6. Has technology “dumbed down” the human race?
7. Are binary search trees used over more efficient data structures too often?
8. Will relational databases ever become obsolete?
9. How did the Von Neumann and Harvard architectures change computing?
10. Should limits be placed on technology, and if so, to what extent?
11. Could a diagnosis given by an AI be more accurate than a doctor’s?
12. Is it safe to incorporate wireless technologies into a self-driving car?
13. Why haven’t self-driving cars become mainstream yet?
14. In the future, could technology aid the government in creating a surveillance state?
15. Are technology patents oversubscribed?
16. Should consumers have the right to repair their own technology?
17. The evolution of software licensing agreements.
18. How much mathematics is really in computer science?
19. What is the role of algorithms in computer science?
20. How has computing evolved so quickly?
21. How are graphs used in computer science?
22. How can we assure cybersecurity?
23. What is the role of encapsulating design in coding?
24. The complications involved in accounting for human behaviour within computing.
25. How is security and privacy of online data important?
26. How is the damage of computer viruses reduced?
27. What are the most important elements of computer science?
28. How are computer simulations managed?
29. How has computing increased commercial performance?
30. Computing as a form of communication and how it compares with human interaction.
31. How have computer graphics changed?
32. Do we rely too heavily on technology?
33. Can programming aid in the research of new drugs?
34. What is computing theory?
35. Do computer science teachers effectively outline the code of ethics in computing?
36. How are dynamic computing systems used?
37. What is modular decomposition and its issues?
38. Was the idea of a data type invented or discovered?
39. What is the future of programming?
40. How is network slicing used in modern programming?
41. Have smartphones had a positive or negative impact on today’s world?
42. How AI is learning to create original and unique music.
43. Should the internet be monitored to keep people safe?
44. How much power do technology giants have over the world?
45. Do technology companies have an obligation to patch security bugs found in old software?
46. Should an internet connection be a human right?
47. How disadvantaged are people who cannot access the internet?
48. What is the hidden cost associated with using free social media sites?
49. Are the punishments for hackers severe enough?
50. Is the age restriction for social media set high enough?
51. Is creating general AI a good idea?
52. Who would be responsible for a self driving car’s actions?
53. At what point will Moore’s become irrelevant?
54. Should society be teaching more people how to program?
55. How does computer illiteracy affect someone’s career?
56. The hidden agenda behind Facebook’s free internet in Africa
57. How bad is the world’s internet access inequality problem?
58. Is the internet making the gap between the world’s poorest and richest countries wider?
59. How will the world change as advancements in general AI are made?
60. Are there enough graduates going into cyber security?
61. Is enough money being invested into ai safety?
62. The effects of increased automation in the workplace
63. Is our society becoming too reliant on technology?
64. How will quantum computers change the world?
65. Will quantum computers break encryption?
66. How seriously do programmers take the code of ethics?
67. Should computer science now be compulsory in school?
68. The complications surrounding net neutrality
69. Do ISP’s have too much power?
70. Should companies create “backdoors” in their devices for government agencies?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Engineering

EPQ Ideas For Engineering1. Do you have to be good at science to succeed in engineering?
2. The role of material science within engineering.
3. How biomedical engineering has changed healthcare.
4. The importance of engineering in the modern era.
5. Reservoirs and the engineering behind them.
6. Progressive engineering within the energy industry.
7. How did engineering play a huge part in the journey to the moon?
8. What are the requirements to become an engineer?
9. Has the term engineering become to broad?
10. What is an engineer’s public duty?
11. The importance of care to the environment for engineers.
12. An engineering approach to irrigation systems.
13. What is the impact of a mistake within engineering?
14. How has engineering effected aircraft design?
15. How does engineering influence our everyday lives?
16. What are the engineering processes for bridge construction?
17. What is the reverse engineering approach?
18. How is engineering taught and is the way in which it is taught efficient?
19. The efficiency behind using priority-based scheduling for engineering projects.
20. How do engineers address the issues with concrete carbonation?
21. Bone repair through a tissue-engineered approach.
22. What are the elements of nuclear engineering?
23. How genetic engineering aids in the treatment of genetic diseases.
24. Mechanical design in engineering and how it applies to different fields.
25. Earthquake engineers and how they use structural dynamics to minimise damage.
26. How is engineering used in the car manufacturing process?
27. To what extent do we rely on engineers for economic growth?
28. An exploration of applied cognitive engineering.
29. What are the fundamentals of environmental engineering?
30. How do we engineer traffic?
31. The principles of software engineering.
32. Experimentation in engineering and its risks.
33. How do we apply engineering to construction?
34. How are engineering statistics used?
35. Noise control within engineering.
36. How does bioreaction engineering relate to chemistry?
37. Problems involved with tissue engineering.
38. How can dynamic programming fix engineering problems?
39. What is the economic strain caused by engineering issues?
40. The importance of communication within the field of engineering.
41. To what extent does civil engineering have a negative stigma in the UK?
42. How did engineering change in the Renaissance era?
43. The contributions Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya made to the field of engineering.
44. The complex engineering that went into the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.
45. What level of engineering is involved in the construction of modern-day skyscrapers?
46. Which engineering barriers is SpaceX attempting to overcome in the future?
47. What types of engineering jobs are at risk of being replaced by automation?
48. To what extent are engineers to thank for how western society is today?
49. Why are there not more student going into the field of engineering in the UK?
50. The importance of engineers during wartime.
51. What are the reasons for the gender balance in engineering and should we fix it?
52. What is the effect of the current shortage of engineers in the UK and USA?
53. To what extent is writing an essential skill for an engineer?
54. Why do we need more civil engineers?
55. What is the significance of the professional engineers act?
56. What ethical issues do engineers have to consider?
57. What would the role of engineers be for developing the process of human cloning?
58. Are communication skills essential for an engineer?
59. How do architects and engineers work together on a project?
60. How relevant is an engineering education in the uk economy?
61. What part do mechanical engineers play in reducing pollution levels?
62. Should engineers that are developing human robots be monitored more closely?
63. What is the EPBD and how does it affect engineers?
64. How has civil engineering changed over time?
65. What contributions did George Stephenson make to engineering?
66. Do mechanical engineers get paid fairly?
67. Why do engineers become essential during war time?
68. How have computers changed the field of engineering?
69. Should engineering be taught at secondary school in the UK?
70. How can the UK government incentivise more students to become engineers?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Politics

EPQ Ideas For Politics1. Do politicians care more about the profits of a country or the welfare of its people?
2. Is the current voting system fair for all of the population?
3. How history displays the success of democracy.
4. Is it possible for humans to achieve a completely socialist state?
5. What is the correlation between age and political views?
6. How our trust in the government changes over time.
7. Who is responsible for the lack of control of the government?
8. Does the Queen get any say in who runs the government?
9. Does the media make our political issues worse than they are?
10. The country’s response to social issues.
11. How does our political system work?
12. The commitment of government schemes.
13. How do different countries political economies change?
14. How is corruption dealt with within the UK government?
15. What methods does the government use to ensure prosperity?
16. What are the policies reading violence in the UK?
17. The importance of agricultural protection by the government.
18. What is the process of electing a new government?
19. How is terrorism effectively managed by the government?
20. Democratic decentralisation in politics.
21. The evaluation of policies regarding trade in the UK.
22. How is national health managed by governments?
23. How do politicians manage budgets?
24. What are the elements and theories of political science?
25. How do politics affect the education system?
26. The role of political opinions within sports.
27. Are governments to blame for the state of the planet?
28. Political-economic factors affecting healthcare.
29. Political unrest and how to fix it.
30. What is the process of democratisation for a dictatorship?
31. How do politics affect criminal law?
32. How to manage political risk.
33. How different are the American and British political systems?
34. What is considered political progress in emerging economies?
35. How is poverty effected by political factors?
36. Tax structure and its political elements.
37. How does political confidence affect a country’s trade?
38. Why is the news so heavily saturated with political topics?
39. How is tourism affected by politics?
40. Political factors affecting a business.
41. Are welfare states economically sustainable?
42. Does Europe need to form into a single country to keep its status as a world superpower?
43. What are the barriers preventing global governance?
44. What factors increase or decrease the rate of political change the most?
45. Should military spending in the UK increase or decrease?
46. Are politicians taking advantage of terrorist attacks to invade on citizens privacy?
47. How much power does the UK prime minister have in comparison to the US president?
48. What were the effects of the 2019 US government shutdown?
49. What Is the process of passing new laws in the UK?
50. How effective are coalition governments in the UK?
51. Is it fair that some people buy your their way into politics?
52. Why are some left leaning youths suppressing freedom of speech at UK and us universities?
53. Would a second vote on Brexit be undemocratic?
54. Is public shaming of a politician ethical?
55. How has UK politics changed over time?
56. To what extent is the uk general election a representation of true democracy?
57. Why did Brexit happen?
58. Is the UK becoming more politically polarised?
59. The issues with having only two “Big” political parties in the UK
60. How Tony Blair became so hated in the UK
61. Why socialism has never worked
62. How Donald Trump has changed politics
63. Should there be freedom of information in the UK?
64. Should a politicians private life be more open to the public?
65. How did the french revolution change the social and political structure of France?
66. Why is cosmopolitanism such a contested concept?
67. Why do direct democratic systems not work?
68. How has our implementation of democracy changed over time?
69. What is the best form of democracy and why?
70. Evaluating the case for global governance

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Chemistry

EPQ Ideas For Chemistry1. Is chemistry taught to an advanced enough level in schools?
2. What is the relationship between chemistry and physics?
3. How can chemistry research become more sustainable?
4. How knowledge of organic chemistry is applied in the real world.
5. Will we ever run out of things to learn about in the field of chemistry?
6. How is chemistry used in agriculture?
7. What is the relationship between engineering and chemistry?
8. How our understanding of chemistry has changed over time.
9. Should chemistry be a compulsory subject in UK schools?
10. Can the chemistry of the atmosphere be replicated?
11. The basic principles and issues surrounding physical chemistry.
12. How is chemistry used to measure water pollution?
13. How can chemistry be used to adapt the properties of a material?
14. How can acidic conditions affect crop yield?
15. Why does acid rain occur and what damage does it do?
16. How to safely perform chemical experiments with highly reactive compounds.
17. How has fluoride affected the UK water supply?
18. What is the chemistry research behind drug addiction?
19. How has our understanding of biochemistry evolved?
20. How has medicine improved due to chemistry research?
21. What are the uses of noble gases in the real world?
22. Why are there such a wide range of different polymers and what are their uses?
23. What are the complications of using hydrogen as a fuel in cars?
24. How can we make chemistry studies more relevant to the rapidly advancing world?
25. Will we ever get bored of studying chemistry?
26. Why do our bodies need vitamins, what do they do?
27. When was biochemistry recognised as an official area of study and has enough focus been drawn to it?
28. The barriers stopping us from developing a super-efficient battery cell.
29. The use of hazardous chemicals in manufacturing and how they can be controlled safely.
30. The most efficient yet safe fuels for cars.
31. How do forensics use chemistry for investigations?
32. The chemistry behind how pesticides affect insects.
33. What are the fundamentals of green chemistry?
34. The role of laboratory work in chemistry.
35. How do the police use chemistry in their investigations?
36. Chemical reactions that occur in everyday life.
37. How do different hazardous chemicals harm the body?
38. How has chemistry improved the world?
39. How chemistry can be used as a weapon.
40. The chemistry of soil and how it impacts plant growth.
41. The chemistry surrounding vitamin deficiency in humans.
42. What chemicals affect human ageing and can they be stopped?
43. Should Fritz Haber have received a Nobel peace prize for chemistry?
44. Are GMOs bad for human health?
45. How is a food’s nutrient composition measured?
46. The relationship between chemistry and biology.
47. What solutions have chemists brought forward to combat climate change?
48. Evaluating the chemical composition of different types of lava rocks.
49. What chemicals are used to preserve food and how do they work?
50. Why Radeon gas is so dangerous and why it’s not taken seriously enough.
51. Why the discovery of some chemical catalysts can be worth millions
52. To what extent have innovations from chemical engineering changed our lives?
53. How will graphene change the future?
54. What chemical processes are involved in purifying water?
55. How can we make desalination less energy intensive?
56. The advantages and disadvantages of water fluoridation
57. What are thermoelectric materials and how are they used?
58. How oxygen is used to test for the presence of hydrogen (and why this is helpful)
59. What are the ramifications of silicon being used a lot in cosmetic surgery?
60. The chemistry behind food dyes
61. What are the potentially long lasting effects of using particular pesticides?
62. What is the impact of acid rain on the environment?
63. The uses of carbon dioxide in the 21st century
64. The chemistry behind a liquid bandage
65. The effects of pheromones on humans
66. How are some sugars used in batteries?
67. The chemistry behind how the human immune system detects foreign pathogens
68. How the development of computers have changed the way chemistry is researched
69. What are neuropeptides and what are their applications?
70. The chemistry behind food allergies in humans

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Geography

EPQ Ideas For Geography1. Human geography and how we do locational analysis.
2. How is urban geography studied?
3. What if Pangea never broke apart?
4. How do earthquakes occur and what makes them more dangerous?
5. To what extent have we made progress in human geography?
6. Why do so many people not know how to read a map?
7. What is the importance of rain?
8. What is the effect of geography on agriculture?
9. The importance of the carbon cycle.
10. The geography of climate change prevention.
11. How are geography and history intertwined?
12. How do rainforests like the amazon form?
13. How do volcanos form and what causes eruptions?
14. What causes landslides to occur, and what are their effects?
15. How does continental drift help us predict future geography on earth?
16. What are the effects of coastal erosion?
17. How much of the ice caps are left, and can they be recovered?
18. How climate is directly related to geography.
19. How do wildfires start, and will they become more common in the future?
20. Do we need to adopt population control measures?
21. Will landfills take over the earth?
22. What are the effects of urbanisation on human geography?
23. Minerals and crystals: how they form.
24. The geographical effect of a tsunami on the environment.
25. How do geography teachers use fieldwork to teach?
26. Will AI be able to predict geographical disasters?
27. Ethics within human geography.
28. What are geographical information systems used for?
29. Are geography lessons essential for a sustainable society to arise?
30. How is research conducted for human geography?
31. How are statistics used in geography to predict natural disasters?
32. The methods and aims of medical geography.
33. How historical geography helps to understand future events.
34. How important is the study of the oceans?
35. What are the issues with outdated infrastructure?
36. To what extent are natural disasters caused by humans neglect of the earth?
37. How is meteorology affected by human activity?
38. How do islands form, and why don’t they drift apart from each other?
39. Formation of natural architecture around the world.
40. How do desserts contribute to the health of the planet?
41. How geography can have a massive influence on small coastal towns.
42. To what extent are humans responsible for the extinction of particular marine wildlife?
43. What are the different weathering processes and how can we prevent them?
44. To what extent is the moon responsible for the earth’s tides?
45. What are the effects of expanding deserts?
46. How is each of the different types of rock formed?
47. What can humanity do to reverse climate change?
48. How do rising sea levels affect humanity?
49. What evidence is there to prove that Pangea ever existed?
50. Why do so many students not take geography forward through to A-Levels?
51. How does a flood affect a community?
52. To what extent do landslides change the surface of the earth?
53. What geographic factors increase the chance of a landslide happening?
54. How does the principle of relativism apply to geography?
55. Why do earthquakes happen and why do some areas get them more often?
56. How can we more effectively capture wind energy?
57. What steps can county’s take to reduce the effects of coastal erosion?
58. Environmental and social impacts of natural gas fracking
59. How much has human activity contributed to climate change?
60. How have modern farming methods impacted agricultural production?
61. To what extent can deforestation be justified?
62. How are mountains categorised and how does doing this help us?
63. What are the most efficient methods to predict hurricanes and how do they work?
64. Are glaciers melting too fast and why would this be bad?
65. What methods are used to examine pollution levels in a geographic area?
66. The complications with converting desert land to fertile land
67. To what extent does the soil type in your area determine what you can grow?
68. How accurate are meteorologist’s predictions?
69. How are lakes and rivers formed?
70. How are waterfalls formed?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Physics

EPQ Ideas For Physics1. To what extent is the study of nuclear physics ethical?
2. How is physics used in the medical sector?
3. How can we measure beyond the speed of light?
4. What does the future of our solar system look like?
5. Magnetic field theory, and how it is used in manufacturing.
6. The history surrounding the changing theories behind the structure of the atom.
7. Has the study of physics always existed?
8. Did the study of physics give birth to the field of mathematics?
9. How has physics changed the world of healthcare?
10. How is physics used in sports?
11. How to approach nuclear physics experiments.
12. How has the study of physics evolved through history?
13. Our current evidence for the big bang.
14. How has physics improved mechanical understanding?
15. What is molecular physics used for?
16. How do you reduce the damage of a collision?
17. How has economics affected research into physics?
18. How has the Regge theory influenced high energy physics?
19. How does radiation affect the body?
20. Is physics the subject that mirrors the real world the most?
21. How have electric circuits improved over time?
22. The relationships between mathematical constants that govern our physical world.
23. The study of kinematics, and how it is applied in industry.
24. The importance of conservation of energy in production efficiency.
25. How the use of diagrams aid in the study of physics.
26. What is the importance of understanding physics?
27. How does chemistry relate to physics?
28. What is astrophysics and is it as important as other areas of physics?
29. What are the characteristics of low energy particles, and what are they capable of?
30. How are models used to solve physics problems?
31. What mathematical problems are involved in relativistic physics?
32. Plasma physics and thermonuclear reactions.
33. What are the problems with atomic physics?
34. Are polymer chains to blame for the damage to the earth?
35. The principles of modern physics and its application.
36. The fundamentals of quantum mechanics and the area’s rise to fame.
37. The dynamics of momentum, and how it is used in everyday life.
38. How did classical physics become modern physics?
39. The life cycle of a star and why it is important.
40. How can we prove radioactive decay is truly random?
41. What is the theory of general relativity and how do we apply it?
42. What is the difference between theoretical physics and practical physics?
43. How physics is used to reduce head trauma.
44. What is quantum gravity and is it worth exploring?
45. How might the universe end naturally?
46. The conflict between Galileo and the catholic church.
47. Can physics completely prove evolution?
48. Can physics explain what might’ve happened before the big bang?
49. What contributions did Stephen Hawking make to the field of physics?
50. What contributions did Albert Einstein make to the field of physics?
51. What is string theory and how does it help us explain the universe?
52. What is the scientific method and how is it applied?
53. The role of physics in global warming’s reduction
54. What are the negative impacts of physics on society?
55. What were Isaac Newton’s contributions to physics?
56. To what extent is physics to thank for the us’s rise to becoming a super power?
57. How is the speed of light applied in the 21st century?
58. Should physics be optional in secondary school?
59. Evaluating the relationship between mathematics and physics
60. What is anti-matter and what are it’s applications?
61. How has the atomic model changed over time?
62. To what extent is the healthcare industry reliant on physics?
63. How could physics be used to prevent an asteroid impact with earth?
64. How do road builders use the concept of centrifugal force?
65. Could global warming not be caused by human activity?
66. How are black holes formed?
67. How has the discovery of magnetic fields changed physics?
68. To what extent do solar flares pose a risk to modern life on earth?
69. The physics behind how airbags work
70. What is quantum physics and how is it applied?

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70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Maths

EPQ Ideas For Maths1. How are statistics used in business and economics?
2. What is the relationship between physics and maths?
3. Why is maths so important for cognitive development?
4. What are the most important mathematical techniques that should be taught to everyone?
5. Should maths exams allow calculators?
6. Analysis of complex equations in geometry.
7. Why do we use simultaneous equations?
8. How to apply calculus to everyday problems?
9. In what direction is maths likely to develop into the future?
10. How does algebra simplify complex problems?
11. How architecture relies on maths using geometry.
12. How useful is the binomial theorem in applied maths?
13. To what extent is music a mathematic study?
14. How is maths used to improve healthcare?
15. The need for logic when solving complex maths problems.
16. What are the difficulties of learning maths for people with dyslexia?
17. Is maths anxiety a serious concern?
18. Are there a limited number of mathematical constants in our universe?
19. Most effective strategies to simplify complex mathematical problems.
20. What effect do poor maths skills have on employability?
21. What are the most practical ways to teach maths?
22. How businesses use mathematical ratios to improve annual performance.
23. The history of applied Pythagoras.
24. Why are there so many unsolved mathematical problems?
25. How do maths and philosophy relate to each other?
26. Will AI eliminate the need to learn maths?
27. What are the fundamental mathematical theorems?
28. How has applied maths become more relevant over the years?
29. What are the geometric aspects of higher dimensions?
30. How is a statistical analysis used for the benefit of health?
31. How the Greek mathematicians contributed to our understanding of maths today.
32. Mathematics and how it has been complemented by modern-day computing.
33. What are the general concepts of topology?
34. How differential equations are used to solve dynamic problems.
35. The most important mathematical equations of all time, and their functions.
36. Sports and the use of probability in improving performance.
37. The most important algebraic number theories.
38. What are the rules of interference in maths?
39. How important is pi in commonly used formulae?
40. The use of logarithmic charts during an epidemic.
41. What impact has set theory had on mathematics?
42. Are boys better at maths than girls or is it the other way around?
43. How is mathematics used to fight crime?
44. Was mathematics invented or discovered?
45. In the future will we teach mathematics solely online, and will this be effective?
46. The unbelievable significance of the sine wave in today’s world.
47. How would the world look like today if the Greek philosophers never existed?
48. Is natural mathematical talent a myth?
49. To what extent is maths the reason for the way western society tackles problems?
50. The world without pi – what it would look like.
51. What impact have imaginary numbers had on mathematics?
52. Is there an equation to calculate how beautiful someone is?
53. What are the capabilities of fractals in modelling systems?
54. What is the maths behind bitcoin mining?
55. How has quantum mechanics developed over time?
56. How does the golden ratio affect us in the 21st century?
57. What is orbital mechanics and how do we use it?
58. How do we use the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions to solve problems in mathematics?
59. How can we use statistical analysis to predict the outcome of a sporting event?
60. Does the brain learn maths the same way as it learns a foreign language?
61. What is binomial distribution and how do we use it in maths?
62. Should maths be optional at secondary school in the UK?
63. The maths of cryptology
64. Can maths be used to make better art?
65. What are the most efficient algorithms to calculate pi?
66. How did the invention of zero changed mathematics?
67. Is learning maths from a young age as essential as learning English?
68. How do we use mathematics to crack ciphers?
69. Where do we apply maths to the real world most in the 21st century?
70. How has algebra developed over time?

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Natalie Paton
Natalie Paton
5 years ago

I’m looking for ideas for an EPQ based on primary school teaching. Any suggestions?

Reply to  Natalie Paton
4 years ago

i was wanting to do something using this topic, what did you do in the end? 🙂

Reply to  Natalie Paton
4 years ago

To what extent to primary school teachers effect the personal development of children. Or how does the environment created by primary schools affect a child mental and cognitive development

Reply to  Natalie Paton
4 years ago

it isn’t a primary school qualification

Reply to  Natalie Paton
4 years ago

Should boys receive exclusive lessons on feminism in primary school? How can we teach primary school students about internet safety? How can we teach primary school students about their rights over their own bodies? Is the way we teach obesity in school harmful to overweight or obese children? Is the Education system indoctrinating students? The importance of girls in primary school having role models in STEM. Why banning mobile phones in school does more harm than good. Why our education system fails to pick up students with dyspraxia. Why we should allow students to move around the classroom as they… Read more »

Reply to  Natalie Paton
3 years ago

Do primary teachers have an impact on people’s morals even when they become adults?

Reply to  Natalie Paton
3 years ago

Is primary school teaching restricting Young children?

4 years ago

I was thinking a maths and gambling based epq. Any suggestions?

Reply to  Zane
4 years ago

theory of probability in casinos?

Abigail Murray
Abigail Murray
4 years ago

Would an essay about disabled rights be good idea for EPQ

Reply to  Abigail Murray
4 years ago

I think that is a great topic to construct your EPQ about. Just ensure that you have enough to say about this topic.

4 years ago

anyone got any suggestions for a drama/theatre related artefact based EPQ????

Reply to  helpppppppppp
4 years ago

shakespeares use of masquerade in his plays – like in romeo and juliet and linking it to the era it came from and its links to italy as well

Reply to  helpppppppppp
4 years ago

write, direct and perform in a play- could be a parody of a Shakespeare play?- for mythology do a modern version of a classic myth?- link to a topic you are interested in

4 years ago

Any ideas on a travel based EPQ

lucy markham
lucy markham
Reply to  Alice
4 years ago

maybe look at the impact of tourism on low income countries or CO2 emissions from travel

Reply to  Alice
4 years ago

I live in cornwall and iIO what about how will covid 19 aefffect the tourisum industry (please ignore my spelling by back button is broke)

Reply to  Ben
4 years ago

Do you go to Callywith (only school i know doing EPQ in Cornwall lol) ? Also have you decided on an EPQ yet because I have no idea

4 years ago

I’m struggling to think of a good EPQ question based on health care, the NHS or paramedics. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thankyou!

Reply to  Abby
4 years ago

How the nhs negatively affected the uks economy, could the uk survive without the nhs, is the pay of nhs workers fair, how did COVID 19 effected the nhs and especially the workers, should the uk follow in the steps of other countries and have privatised health care, the history of the nhs and how it impacted the uk, will the nhs be around forever or will it collapse? Literally so many you can do with the nhs although I may have to combine different aspects to get enough content to write about, good luck !!!

4 years ago

hi im struggling to find an epq that would be linked to a diplomat career with international relations or law any help would be appreciated

Reply to  Amina
4 years ago

should countries be allowed to sue each other

louise perigaud
louise perigaud
4 years ago

hello friends, im from portugal and would like a topic for my IPQ that relates to wine, does anyone got any ideas ?

4 years ago

hi everyone, i’m thinking of doing an epq based on interpretations of love and love languages, can anyone come up with a question for that? or would that not be a good route to take?

4 years ago

doing A-Level EPQ at sixth form and I do not know what to do for my EPQ and I don’t have a question. I have to link it to Religious Education as it is a catholic school. Do you have any recommendations. thanks

Reply to  Eloise
4 years ago

should RE be compulsory in school.

Reply to  Eloise
4 years ago

yikes I go to a catholic school and we don’t have to do that…
should the uk be a secular society / is the world losing faith / can war be ethical / religious/ethical duty to protect the environment

Reply to  Eloise
2 years ago

Why are people so obsessed with religion, even to the point of killing and being killed for it, and is this obsession healthy?

4 years ago

I’m looking at medicine for Uni, do you think an EPQ about “can you die from a broken heart” is any good?

4 years ago

Looking for EPQ ideas in relation to the Armed Forces!! Any suggestions welcome, thanks

Reply to  Sam
4 years ago

(^^)/ What about history of armed forces?

4 years ago

looking for an epq linking Applied science and Psychology together. Any ideas????

Fi Fi
Fi Fi
Reply to  Asad
3 years ago

Hey what topic did u end up doing I’m interested in those 2 subjects too x

3 years ago

I’m looking to do an EPQ about genetics. Any ideas?

3 years ago

Hey everyone, I was thinking to do an EPQ based on the e-commerce. Any suggestions about it?

Mark Napier
Mark Napier
3 years ago

I’m struggling to think of any decent EPQ topics regarding music. Anyone got any ideas? 🙂

ur mom
ur mom
Reply to  Mark Napier
3 years ago

does music have an impact on the brain? does listening to music whilst revising help? is music a form of art? is music a form of therapy? why do people find comfort in music?

3 years ago

can I do Can physics prove evolution or any of the physics ideas if I already do physics a level or are they too similar?

2 years ago

any ideas on a media epq

2 years ago

Ideas for food based epq ideas that include making an artefact

Reply to  monkeynuts
2 years ago

are synthetic/man-made chemicals used for food processing and packaging, ethical ?

2 years ago

Hey I need to decide on my topic for my EPQ and I have 4 that I can’t choose between:
To what extent will future development of genome sequencing and synthetic life impact the field of AI?

Could humanity ever achieve biological immortality?

What are the conditions required on a planet for intelligent life to evolve?

What if Pangea never broke apart?


Reply to  xanthe
2 years ago

I love the first two! im also thinking to do one something linked with computer science or biology/biomed

2 years ago

I’m interested in doing an epq to do with criminology does anyone have any suggestions for questions/topics?

2 years ago

im looking for an epq to do with maths and comp sci, any suggestions?