If you’re a university student with lots of assignments, you’ve probably heard of Turnitin. If not, don’t worry—you’ll be familiar with it by the end of this article. Turnitin is one of the most popular tools for plagiarism detection, not just in the UK but …
UK Student Discount Cards | TOTUM, UNiDAYS & More Explained
As a student, you may quickly find that your coins can be spread rather thin. This is especially true if you’re living away from home and managing rent, bills and other daily costs. Not to mention how getting to and from your school or campus, …
What is a TEFL qualification?
There are many different qualifications in a range of different forms and subject areas. Some of these are academic and in subjects you expect such maths and science subjects. However, there are also a wide range of qualification that come with more practical uses and …
What is a Cambridge Pre-U?
After finishing your GCSEs or equivalent qualifications, there are a wide range of different routes you can go down. You could continue studying, start working full-time or part-time or combine these by doing an apprenticeship. Even if you do decide to continue studying, you will …
What are hard skills for students?
If you’ve been looking at applications, whether academic or for a job, you may have seen that they often require you to talk about your skills. The term “skills” in itself is incredibly broad, but there are two subcategories that we can break this down …
20+ IRP ideas for A-Level Spanish
Once you get your head around the Spanish language, one of the most difficult parts about doing A-Level Spanish is the Independent Research Project (IRP), at least it was for me. If having to speak for that long wasn’t bad enough, you still have to …
How to revise for A-Level Business
While A-Level Business is often considered an “easy” A-Level by students, that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to revise for it. In fact, that can often mean that you need to be really careful in your revision to make sure that you actually cover …
How to revise for A-Level History
In sixth form, A-Level History was one of my favourite subjects, and yet figuring out exactly how to revise for it and what the best methods for me would be was an entirely different feat. While revision is important for every subject, for ones like …
How to write your A-Level English Language NEA
I’m not going to sugar coat it; writing is hard. Especially when it comes to writing you A-Level English Language NEA, where there is writing, writing and even more writing. Plus, the style of writing that you must do in your NEA is often something …
How to write your A-Level History NEA
When doing A-Level History, I found the NEA absolutely daunting. It had a much higher word count than any essay I had ever written, as well as a slightly different structure and it was worth a whole 20% of the A-Level. Looking back, I realise …