Children are taught since primary school to master the skill of neat handwriting. Some schools taught it through joined writing, others through cursive, but it’s something that every person owes to their early school days. Some find it very difficult to master this skill or …
What is an Undergraduate Degree?
The entire university application process is a daunting prospect as there are so many choices to be made. This is made no easier by the mildly complex naming system given to the various degrees and equivalent courses available. Undergraduate is just one of the terms …
What is Higher Education?
Throughout education, students come across many technical terms related to their studies. Many of these can be similar or even sound the same. However, some have completely different meanings and separate uses. Higher education is one of the most confusing, as it is often mixed …
What are the Highest Paying Creative Jobs in the UK?
At school, the focus is often on academic subjects and finding success in written exams. However, for a lot of people with more creative ambitions, there is less information available. Working in the creative sector is perfect for anyone who has imagination and a passion …
What are the Best Universities for Art in the UK
Thousands of students apply to art universities every year. But how do they decide exactly which ones to apply to? What makes a particular university the ‘best’ university for art. There are many factors that may contribute to a university being placed on this list. …
Why is Reading Important for Students?
Every year of school, students are told to read more because it will help them learn and improve their grades. However, with most students’ busy schedules, there is often little time for relaxation and even less for reading. Therefore, reading can be seen as a …
How Many Clothes Do You Need for University?
If you are preparing to start university, you may be wondering how many clothes do you need to take with you? What type of clothes should you take? How do you wash your clothes? If this is you, then look no further. Of course, clothes …
What is a Master’s Degree?
Learning an academic or technical subject that interests you can be a great opportunity to develop and grow in ways that could positively influence your career path. One way to do this is by furthering your education and looking to the future. After completing sixth …
What is a PhD?
If you want to go to university or even if you are at university already, you may have your career path fully planned out. You may know exactly what you need to do and what qualifications you need to have in order to achieve your …
Why is Homework Important?
Homework is something every child has had to go through during their schooling. It may have been preparing a presentation, drawing up a poster or completing a worksheet. This is one subject that guarantees vastly varying opinions. Some believe there should be none at all …