The move from high school to sixth form can be a stressful time for students. The new environment combined with different expectations and rules can be a difficult transition. This is even worse if you are moving away from friends. One of the main questions …
Is Sixth Form Compulsory in the UK?
After finishing GCSEs, it can be hard for students to work out what they want to do. Some students choose to go on to Sixth Form. Others may feel they no longer want to go to school. The laws around this can be confusing, as …
T-Levels vs Apprenticeships
As two of the most uncommon post-16 options, T-Levels and Apprenticeships are often forgotten by students choosing their paths after GCSEs. Both are excellent qualifications which will continue to be offered even after the government has completed the reformation of level 3 qualifications. Whether you’re …
How Many UCAS Points Do You Get For T-Levels?
When students start thinking of choices in regard to their futures, many think of choosing further education – maybe sixth form or college and then university. Yet there can be confusion as to how exactly students transition from one step to another. As new options …
How Many Hours is Classed as Full-time Education?
In the UK, it is a requirement for all children of compulsory school age to receive a full-time education. As most children between the ages of 5 and 16 are sent to school, you may not even have to think about what this means. However, …
Home Schooling: Pros And Cons
Deciding on the best method to educate your children is a difficult choice for many parents. One of the hardest parts of this decision can be finding accurate and unbiased information about each type of schooling. This especially applies to home schooling as it is …
What is an Independent School?
When considering secondary education, there are several alternatives, one of which is going to an independent school. But what is an independent school? What makes it different from a grammar school, or a state school? Are independent schools and private schools the same thing? An …
Do You Do the School Syllabus if You Are Home Schooled?
Currently in the UK, there are over 60,000 children registered for home schooling, and it is becoming increasingly popular. There are both advantages and disadvantages to teaching your children yourself, but it is certain that home schooling is a big change from regular school. As …
12 Alternatives to Taking A-Levels After GCSEs
Choosing which step to take after GCSEs can be a difficult decision, especially if you are not certain about what you want to do. Many people see A-Levels as the natural path to follow to begin further education. However, there are various alternatives. It is …
Do BTECs Have Exams?
Information about further education qualifications can often be confusing and convoluted. This article will help you get a better understanding of how BTECs are examined, as well as giving you the answers to other common questions. BTECs are predominantly made up of coursework, with some …