Independence is something we all crave at some point in our lives. The urge to learn more about the way the adult world works and to establish a place in it is something most young people look forward to. This is one of the main …
What are SATs & What is Their Purpose?
If your child is in Year 2 or 6, they will soon be taking their SATs. I have sat my SATs, so please do believe me when I tell you that there is no need to worry over them. Your child’s teacher will do most …
T-Level Grading System Explained
For some people finishing GCSEs, academic education doesn’t sound right for them, but they also don’t want to leave education entirely. If this sounds like you, then a vocational qualification, such as T-Levels, may be great for you. Like a mixture between a BTEC and …
What are UCAS Points?
Anyone who wants to go to university in the UK will quickly become familiar with UCAS, which is the body that oversees university applications across the country. Although this application system is widely used, that definitely doesn’t mean it is simple. There are a lot …
How Do You Know If Your Child Should Sit the 11 Plus Exam?
The greatest thing a parent can do is secure their children a bright future. One of the best ways to do this, is to ensure the best possible education for your child. It is for this reason that many parents across the UK pine for …
Do Faith Schools Follow The National Curriculum?
There are many different types of schools in the UK. While most of us are aware of the differences between primary and secondary schools, or state and private schools, the details of faith schools are considerably less well known. One of the most common questions …
How Much Are Grammar School Fees?
There are many types of school in the UK. Broadly speaking, these can be split into two groups – state schools, which are free for students to attend as they are funded by the government, and private schools, which require parents to pay a fee …
How Hard is the 11 Plus Exam?
If you’ve done exams or tests before, you’re probably familiar with the feelings of either relief or utter dread after finishing them. You may have felt the exam was hard while someone else who took the same test may say that it was easy. This …
When is The 11 Plus Exam 2024?
As the end of the school year slowly approaches, many students often will wonder about the next year and the challenges it will bring. For students in Year 5, some will sit the 11 Plus exam at the beginning of Year 6. This may be …
How Do You Find an Apprenticeship Employer?
Applying for apprenticeships is completely different to the application process any other form of education. This is why lots of young people looking to become apprentices find the process of researching, choosing, and applying to an employer daunting. The unfamiliarity of applying to different companies …