Revising for any GCSE subject, especially GCSE English Literature, can feel absolutely impossible. Believe me, I understand. Despite this, revising for your exams is incredibly important. This is especially as the 2 or 3 years you’ve spent learning the GCSE content for most subjects will …
What is an Internship?
Moving on from education and into the world of full-time work can feel scary, especially after spending so long at school. To make matters worse, it is also quite hard to do. Despite this, there are some things that can make the transition into the …
Top 10 Revision Techniques 2024
Exams are, unfortunately, a vital and necessary part of every student’s school experience. Whether it’s low stakes spelling tests in primary school, or final exams after two years of preparation for GCSEs or A-Levels, we are tested throughout our education. With this comes the need …
Who Pays For An Apprenticeship?
Students in secondary school will likely be considering their goals for after their GCSEs. This leads to pondering over their choices and their journey to get to their destination. Unfortunately, the multitude of choices can often overwhelm students. It can be super stressful when mulling …
How to Find Work Experience?
Work experience is defined as a short-term period of employment offered to anyone, but typically students, who are unqualified for the job but are looking to get a taste of what the industry is about. As a student, work experience is absolutely vital. Even if …
What is Ofsted?
If you are a student, you may have come across the name Ofsted. Maybe your school told your class that they would be visiting, or maybe Ofsted actually spoke to you on one of their inspections. Likewise, maybe you have never heard of Ofsted, and …
10 Achievements to Put on a CV For a Teenager
Contrary to what you may think, there are many opportunities for teenagers to get a job. The youngest minimum age to get a part time job is 13. For full time work you must be of school-leaving age. In an age where even part time …
Apprenticeships: Pros And Cons
Apprenticeships can be a confusing thing to navigate, especially if you’re in a situation like I was where schools provide very little information about them. It is hard to know whether they are right for you and making the final decision can be nerve-wracking. There …
Are Grammar Schools Better?
When making the decision on what school to send your child to, the many different options can be confusing and stressful for parents and students alike. This is especially with the different types of schools such as private, grammar, state and comprehensive. As moving to …
When are the Independent School Entrance Exams?
Independent schools operate outside of government regulations. This sometimes makes it difficult to know the correct application procedures, which varies between schools. However, entrance exams are a core part of all independent school applications. Independent school entrance exams may be taken at different times of …