Many students find that university is a good bridging stage between school and the working world. To help with this transition, many universities offer a placement year. The exact format of this varies, but it is generally a year where you are matched up with …
What Are The GCSE Options? | All Subjects For 2024
When it comes to choosing your GCSE options it can be difficult as there as so many different things that you need to consider. With only a limited number of subjects that you can choose, it’s important that you pick the best ones for you. …
Can You Apply to Both Oxford and Cambridge University?
Oxford and Cambridge are very well known and considered as very prestigious universities. People try constantly to be able to enter these Universities, so may want to take their chances by applying to both Universities. However, this may raise complications, and people wonder if you …
How Many Students Work While at University?
Most students know how expensive university is. With student loans and everyday expenses, lots of undergraduates are caught out by how much money they need to spend. A lot of students turn to work, either part- or full-time, to earn while they study. Approximately 59% …
Do Mature Students Get a Student Loan?
In the UK, a mature student is officially defined as a person who is over the age of 21 by the start of their first academic university year. Once you become a mature student, some of the rules, particularly regarding funding, start to change. If …
What are the Benefits of Having a Student Bank Account?
When preparing for university, one thing you may not think about is getting a student bank account. Your student bank account will share similarities with your regular bank account. However, they are primarily aimed at university students. The majority of banks offer student bank accounts, …
Bursaries, Scholarships and Grants: What’s The Difference?
Education can be expensive, especially at private schools and universities. Sometimes, we need a little bit of financial support to help pay for it all. While this extra support can bring great peace of mind, it can also be a bit confusing. With so many …
What GCSE Grades Do You Need For Oxford University?
A lot of people know about Oxford University. It is one of the best universities in the world, and many students aim to attend at Oxford. As a result, it may seem that the requirements to enter are only for the best of the best, …
What is a Traineeship?
After doing GCSEs, many students find the huge number of options for further study overwhelming. One of the least known options at this stage is called a traineeship. Many students have never heard of a traineeship. Those that have often have misconceptions or preconceptions about …
Does Voluntary Work Count as Employment?
Voluntary work is something that every person should do some amount of. It means the person is contributing to the local and wider community. Not only can it help to pad out your CV, but it can be super fun as well. It helps you …