One of the most stressful parts of moving away to university can be figuring out student loans and finance. Most students have never done this before, and as such can find the process very anxiety-inducing, as well as confusing. From credit cards to loans to …
Does Scotland Have a National Curriculum?
The UK education system is made up of the 4 different education systems of the 4 countries in the UK: England, Wales, Northern Ireland and of course Scotland. While the first three countries’ education systems tend to be quite similar, the education system of Scotland …
Can You Take Two Gap Years?
Going through the education system can be incredibly stressful. After having exams, more exams and even more exams after that, you may be feeling a bit tired of school and in serious need of a break. This break can come in many different forms. You …
What is a Learning Style?
If you’re anything like me then you probably find revision really hard. Not only do you have to figure out where to start this revision, but you also have to figure out how to. There are so many different revision techniques out there that it …
What Are The Average Class Sizes in the UK?
The sizes of school classes play a major role in education. Having more peers around you can definitely be beneficial. However, they can also be distracting. Having fewer peers around you can be good too, as this allows you to receive more support from the …
How Many Years of Student Finance Can You Get in the UK?
There is a growing number of students who may choose not to continue pursuing further education. The primary reason for this is because of the amount of debt that can accumulate when you must pay for things like accommodation fees and more importantly tuition fees. …
Do University Students Pay For Eye Tests?
With the high price of attending university, there is a belief that many services come attached. One of these are eye tests. In fact, many university campuses will have opticians on, or near it. In turn, this raises the question of whether university students have …
Do University Students Get Free Prescriptions?
University is the time where you finally get to experience independence. Living in accommodation halls away from home means you will have to pay for most things yourself. There are many options to help you settle into adulthood well. These include discounts and exclusive deals. …
How Many Degrees Can You Get?
Having a degree in the subject of your choice is an amazing achievement! Just one degree requires an immense amount of work. You may be wondering if you can actually achieve more than one. If you are academic, this may be a goal of yours. …
Can a Student Get a Credit Card?
University is a big step. Alongside the increase in academic difficulty, you’ll have to learn how to look after yourself, including how you spend your money. Lots of students learn the valuable skills of saving and budgeting whilst at university. However, sometimes, you might need …