Being a student can definitely be tough. Not only do you have so much work and so many assignments to complete, you are most likely – let’s face it – broke! Therefore, getting any sort of discount is a lifesaver. You may be thinking that …
What is a HEI Bursary?
Going off to university is a big time in any student’s life and there are many challenges that go along with it. The new friends, the hard work, and living alone can make it very exciting, but also stressful to move away, especially when managing …
How to Write a Cover Letter for Student Finance
Sorting out your finances and funding can be difficult at any point. However, due to the rather complex systems and there often being a lack of information, it can be even worse for university students when applying for student finance. The problems especially arise when …
What are GCSEs in Scotland?
Most students in the UK will spend most of their secondary school years preparing for the GCSEs. These are the qualifications you receive at 16 after completing a series of coursework or examinations. GCSEs are taken by most secondary students across the UK. However, this …
How Hard is GCSE Computer Science?
There are many GCSE subjects that can be chosen from. One of these is GCSE Computer Science. It contains the core concepts of computers, with things like computational thinking and writing and testing programmes. It is a very practical subject, and many may consider choosing …
Is a Nursing Degree Hard?
One of the most popular degrees in the UK is a nursing degree. However, there are lots of different things to consider when choosing your university course. First and foremost, you need to be sure you are genuinely going to enjoy the degree. Healthcare related …
How to Start a Speech at GCSE
GCSEs can be tough. There is no hiding from this fact. Not only do you have to do written exams, but you also have to do oral exams too! You may already know that you are required to complete an oral exam in modern foreign …
What is Study Leave?
Across the course of a student’s education, there may be certain mystifying terms used to describe stages of education that may be hard to understand, or even completely unknown. One such term is ‘study leave’. Some pupils may be under the impression that this is …
What is a Dissertation in the UK?
In the UK, it can be hard to figure out what university is all about and how different it is from previous levels of education. Some people say it’s harder, some say it’s easier but what you really need to know is what you actually …
How Many Years is University?
When thinking about their options after leaving school, nearly all students will consider the option of going to university. However, there are lots of things to think about before making this decision. Going to university is a big investment of both money and time. Exactly …