As the GCSE exam period slowly approaches, students will no doubt have questions about the process of the exams. Students may also be concerned about various scenarios to do with the exams, such as the exam rules and what happens if they can’t make it. …
Can You Take Your GCSE Exams Online?
As students journey through secondary school, their thoughts may turn to GCSEs. There may be questions on how they work, the examination process, and various other concerns and issues. Students may also feel the pressure of these vital exams and ask themselves, is this something …
Are A-Level Mocks Important?
During the studying of your A-Levels, many students believe that mock exams aren’t that important. After all, they aren’t the real thing, right? Mocks are often seen in this way, meaning that students don’t try as hard for them and may even not revise at …
Do Universities Care About Your Predicted Grades?
Some students believe that no exams in school really matter. They may believe that the only ones that do are their actual A-Levels or Scottish Highers. However, this is not the case at all! The tests and exams you do all throughout you’re A-Level or …
How Are Predicted Grades Calculated?
Predicted grades are a key indicator of performance at any level of education. They can give students a goal, as well as a way to measure how they are progressing and whether they are on track to receive their ideal grades. However, understanding the process …
When Are Your Predicted Grades Given?
Applying to university can be a stressful time for students, and one of the key parts is getting your predicted grades. These help you to know which sixth forms and universities you can apply to, as well as helping you understand how you are generally …
When Are Predicted Grades Submitted To UCAS?
Predicted grades are important. This is because they let universities know the most likely grades you will get when you do your A-Level or Scottish Higher exams. Universities will then use these grades as one of the factors to determine whether you should be offered …
Are A-Levels More Important Than GCSEs?
When moving from secondary school education to further education, it can be hard to figure out what the difference between these stages of education are and if one is better than the other. To try and figure this out, it can help to compare the …
How to Manage Time Better as a Student
As students, we can often feel as though there is so little time to get everything done. This may be for homework, assignments, coursework, or even other commitments outside of school life. Whatever this may be, it can often lead to students feeling overwhelmed by …
What is a Graduate Scheme?
You’ve recently graduated from university, and now the whole world of employment is open to you. There are so many different jobs in so many different fields, but there’s one problem: being at university means you haven’t had any time to work! If you’re worried …