In the UK, there are so many different levels of education and qualifications that they all seem to get jumbled up. Many of these terms are very similar or mean the same thing. This can make it particularly confusing to know what the difference between …
What Happens if You Are Caught Cheating in a University Exam?
If you ask a university student how they are feeling, a lot of them will be stressed or talk about not having enough time to do work. This is especially the case when they have an exam, like an essay due. Which is why many …
What is a Pre-University Summer School?
As the summer slowly approaches, many students will want to relax and completely wipe out school from their minds. Others, however, may want to continue to push themselves with their studies. For instance, others may attend summer schools. Some may choose to join a pre-university …
Can You Get Your GCSE Exam Papers Back?
With the GCSE exam season approaching, many students will have questions surrounding the process, no doubt. There are a lot of questions surrounding marking and papers, because it is likely students aren’t really told what happens during and after the marking process. One common question …
How Do You Apply to a Graduate Scheme?
You might have heard of a graduate scheme through other graduates or your university careers service, and you might realise that it’s something you’re really interested in! However, the next challenge to overcome is actually applying for one. How do you know which field to …
When is the Deadline For Accepting UCAS Offers 2024?
Accepting your UCAS offer is a high-pressure moment for any student. Having been there I definitely understand the fear of somehow missing the deadline and missing the offer you worked so hard for. Don’t worry, lots of students have been in this position, and most …
Tips For Choosing Student Housing
Student housing is probably one of the most stressful experiences you can go through as a student. You’ve got to choose where to live, the kind of house to live in, who to live with… alongside arranging all of it and budgeting! However, it can …
Do You Do Mock Exams For A-Levels?
A-Level exams are the culmination of many years of school education. While this can make them feel exciting for many students, a chance to prove their knowledge and move on to the next step, they can also be very stressful. While A-Levels work mostly in …
How Many Points Can a New Driver Get?
Finally passing your driving test is a very exciting time for students. The freedom and independence to drive yourself around and go where you like is a step away from home and towards adulthood. However, it can also be stressful. While passing your test requires …
Can Schools Confiscate Items From Students?
In school, many students may want to use some items, that may be deemed unsafe, or not allowed by the school. It may seem harmless, or there may be an intention to cause harm. Or maybe you have seen someone else with one of these. …