At school, once you’ve completed an exam, whether this is a real one or a mock exam, your next thought may go to what grade you might have got, either that or just instant relief of getting the exam over with. However, once you’ve found …
Are Russell Group Universities The Best?
When students start the process of applying to universities, there are many different factors to take into account. Location! Course reviews! Employment rates! Then a few terms get thrown in, which can confuse students even more! ‘Russell Group universities’ is one of these terms. Most …
What is a QTS?
If you are not in (or planning to be in) the teaching sector, it is quite unlikely for you to have heard of a QTS. This is because a lot of people don’t need a QTS, so it’s not well-known. Despite this, a QTS is …
The Ultimate Stationery Checklist For Year 7 Students
Getting ready for secondary school is scary. You may not be in any classes with your friends, you will be taught by teachers you have never met before and being in an unfamiliar building can definitely be off putting. Therefore, it is important that you …
Who is Eligible for a Student Loan in the UK?
If you’re a student you’ve probably been told about how important education is. However, education can also be incredibly expensive and be difficult on your bank account. Luckily, there are a range of finical aid schemes available to help students pay for the costs of …
Most Popular Apprenticeships in the UK
Apprenticeships are gaining more popularity than ever. They provide a different route to getting your dream career, instead of university. There are so many different types of apprenticeships now too, as businesses realise how valuable they really are. They allow individuals to develop the skills …
Most Popular Apprenticeship Providers in the UK
Apprenticeships are gaining more and more popularity, meaning more businesses and companies are striving to offer them. Apprenticeships produce excellent employees, who have skills tailored to each company. Therefore, increasing amounts of businesses are trying to provide apprenticeship programmes. However, companies are unable to do …
The 10 Most Popular Universities in the UK
Choosing where to go to university can be a difficult decision to make for students. The many different options to consider can be overwhelming. One thing to consider is how many other students there will be. Some students prefer being in a big community, wheras …
How Important Are Your Predicted Grades?
You may feel that predicted grades are pointless. As your predicted grades aren’t your real grades and don’t define the grades you get after your exams at all, this can make sense. However, predicted grades are used due to being necessary for particular scenarios, which …
Can You Take A-Levels Privately?
If you think that the classroom life isn’t for you, and that you would prefer to do your A-Levels by yourself, you may be considering doing it on your own. With this, you could work at your own pace with only your self at your …