Apprenticeships are one of the main post-16 or post-18 options that you can choose to do, although you may also choose to do them at a later stage. They allow you to train in a specific career, through a mixture of on-the-job training and classroom-based …
Navigating the 9-1 GCSE Grading System: A Comprehensive Guide
GCSEs can be difficult to understand. Whether it’s the content you don’t quite understand or the GCSE exams themselves, students can often anxious or overwhelmed by big exams like these. However, another thing that can be worrying for both students and their parents/ guardians is …
How to List GCSEs and A-Levels on a CV
Applying for jobs or even further levels of education can be scary, especially when you’re not entirely sure how to put your application together. While a CV can often be an important part, it can be difficult to know what’s actually meant to go on …
GCSE Results Appeal: Is it Worth Pursuing?
Getting your GCSE results is a nerve wrecking process, believe me, I’ve been there. However, if you don’t get the grades that you feel you deserved, it may even feel devastating. If you really think that something is wrong with the grades that you received …
Guide to GCSE Exam Boards: Popularity, Pass Rates, and More
Having taken GCSEs myself, I know just how hard it is to get your head around all of the different terms and concepts that you need to know about for your GCSEs. Exam boards are one of these key terms and as unimportant as they …
Exploring the Value of GCSE Further Maths: Is It Worth Taking?
Looking back in hindsight at my own GCSE options, there are some subjects that I really wish I hadn’t taken and other ones that I wish I had. However, without having experienced these studying these subjects at GCSE level, it can be difficult for you …
Mastering UCAS Extra: Your Essential Guide
Applying to university can be terrifying. Not just because of all the parts to it, such as choosing your options and putting together a personal statement, but also due to the possibility of not getting in to where you want to go. If this happens, …
Comforting a Friend After Exam Failure: 15+ Helpful Things to Say
Unfortunately, exam pressure can sometimes just get too much. This means that some students don’t end up doing as well as they wanted to, possibly even failing an exam. If you do fail an exam, you shouldn’t beat yourself up. It also isn’t wise to …
How Much Do UCAS Applications Cost? (as of 2025)
If you are thinking about applying for university in the UK, you will become very familiar with UCAS. This is the organisation that coordinates the applications. Through your account’s ‘hub’ on their website, you fill in details including your personal information, and relevant qualifications such …
What is an A2 Level?
Going into sixth form or college is often a stressful time, with a lot of new terminology to get used to. Along with this comes a lot of information about exams and courses which students are suddenly expected to understand, including AS-Levels, A-Levels, and A2 …