How Many Clothes Do You Need for University?

In University by Think Student Editor3 Comments

If you are preparing to start university, you may be wondering how many clothes do you need to take with you? What type of clothes should you take? How do you wash your clothes? If this is you, then look no further. Of course, clothes may be the last thing on your mind, but it is important to organise which clothes you will need and which you can leave at home.

Generally, students will need to take 5 key pieces of clothing. These include a bottom half: 2 pairs of jeans. A top half: 5-7 t-shirts and 2-3 jumpers. Nightwear: 2 pairs of pyjamas and a dressing gown. Footwear: a pair of trainers for walking. Another layer: either a winter coat, raincoat, or jacket. Every student will have their own preferences and therefore, this is just a rough guide.

If you are preparing to begin university, then I recommend you read this helpful guide to decide which and how many clothes you need to take with you.

How Many Clothes Should You Take to University?

When students are preparing to go to university, one of the most common questions are how many clothes should you take with you? This will depend on your circumstances such as whether you are going back home each weekend.

The majority of students staying in accommodation will try and take as little as possible in terms of clothing. The less clothing, the less laundry they will have to complete and budget for with their student finance maintenance loan. Students will often re-wear the same pieces of clothing to help minimise their laundry.

At university, the focus should be mostly on becoming more independent and the educational aspect of the degree. Therefore, most students will not worry about keeping up with the latest fashion trends. Instead opting for casual clothing and re-wearing jumpers or jeans to save on laundry expenses.

The exact amount of clothes students take to university will differ and is a personal choice. But here is a general outline of how many clothes you may take with you to university to last the week:

  • x5-7 T-shirts
  • x2-3 Jumpers
  • x2 Trousers or jeans
  • x2 Pyjamas
  • x1 Dressing gown
  • x1 Coat or jacket
  • x1 Pair of trainers

If you are going home each weekend, you may wish to take some clothes home and bring some different clothing back to university. Likewise, some students who stay at university for the entire semester may decide to take half of their clothes to university and leave half of their clothes at home. When deciding how many clothes to take, it is important to consider the cost and time of your laundry per week.

What Should You Wear to University?

Universities generally are quite lenient in their dress rules. Clothes are not the most important aspect of uni life and therefore, you should prioritise comfort and casual wear over the latest fashion trends. As you progress through your uni experience, you will find your style may alter, or you may gain inspiration from your peers.

Unlike school and sixth form college, there are no specific dress codes. Instead, universities expect students to be sensible in selecting their own outfits.

For different occasions, such as fresher’s week or an interview, your choice of clothing may alternate. Likewise, some subjects may require you to adapt your outfit during your studies. For example, if studying a paramedics course, you may be required to wear a paramedics uniform. Alternatively, if studying a science-based subject, you may be required to wear a lab coat.

What Should You Wear to a University Open Day?

University open days don’t often have a dress code. Generally, students will dress casually for examples wearing ripped jeans. The purpose of an open day is for any potential student to attend to learn more about the university, accommodation and different courses. Therefore, they are usually quite informal gatherings allowing for freedom from any dress codes. For some ideas on what to wear at a university open day, check out this helpful article.

What Should You Wear to a University Interview?

If you apply to study a particular course or at a particular university, you may be required to attend a formal interview. Likewise, when at university you may wish to apply for a part time job which may require you to attend a formal interview.

Therefore, you will be required to wear smart and formal clothing. This may include boys wearing a suit, or girls wearing a blouse and skirt with a blazer. In this case, the clothes you wear are more important in presenting you as a serious candidate. Your appearance in this case is showcasing your professional personality to help you get the job or place at the university.

For more information on what to wear for a university interview, check out this interesting article.

What to Wear on University Move in Day?

Generally, move in days are very casual. They are often spread over a week with each person allocated a morning or afternoon, requiring you to collect your key and head over to your new accommodation.

Move in days are very informal as you will usually be with friends and family. You are likely to meet older students from the university and staff who are too dressed casually and will help you with moving in all of your belongings.

Most students will opt for casual clothing such as ripped jeans or joggers, a jumper or t-shirt and some trainers.

What Should You Wear to University Freshers Week?

Fresher’s week can range from casual social activities throughout the day, to parties and visits to night clubs on the night. Therefore, your choice of clothing will vary.

For light activities throughout the day, students will likely dress casually as they would when moving into their accommodation or attending an open day. In contrast, if attending a party or nightclub on an evening, students may be more likely to dress up.

Some students may have already moved into their accommodation before fresher’s week. Therefore, they may dress more casually to a fresher’s party through considering their laundry budget.

What to Wear to University Lectures and Seminars?

Unlike school or sixth form college, most universities don’t have a uniform or specific dress codes. They instead expect students to be sensible and opt for more smart casual attire. Because of the mix of students from first year, to students studying master’s degrees, to older students who have returned to education, there isn’t a universal dress code that would fit all ages.

Some examples of casual outfits for girls when attending lectures and seminars include:

  • A summer outfit = A t-shirt + a jumper + jeans + trainers + a backpack
  • A winter outfit = A wool jumper + a coat + jeans + boots + a shoulder bag
  • A smarter outfit = A blouse + a blazer + trousers + shoes + a shoulder bag

Some examples of casual outfits for boys when attending lectures and seminars include:

  • A summer outfit = A t-shirt + jeans + trainers + a backpack
  • A winter outfit = A jumper + trousers + trainers + a backpack
  • A smarter outfit = A shirt + a blazer + trousers + shoes + a backpack

For more outfit ideas for university classes, check out this helpful article. Alternatively, you can find many ideas on Pinterest.

What Should You Wear to University Graduation?

Your graduation is one occasion where it is important to dress smartly. Most women will wear dresses, skirts with a blouse whilst men will usually wear a suit. On this occasion, heeled shoes are also allowed. On top of your outfit, you will also wear your graduation gown and hat.

What Should You Avoid Wearing to University?

As previously mentioned, universities do not collectively follow any strict dress codes. Instead, they expect students to use their common sense and dress appropriately for their classes.

There are, however, some items of clothing that should be avoided. These include high heels, slippers, really short shorts, visible underwear and clothing with offensive logos. Some universities also discourage the wearing of ripped jeans, joggers and too much jewellery.

Can You Wash Your Clothes at University?

The answer to this is yes. Almost all university accommodations (especially campuses) have laundry facilities. Likewise, if you move into a flat or share a house, there is likely to be a laundry facility on site.

Alternatively, if your accommodation does not have laundry facilities, you should be able to find a local laundrette, especially if your university is in a city. You will usually need to purchase your own cleaning products.

How to Wash Your Clothes at University

You can either use a public laundrette or the laundry facility provided by the university, which you will likely share with other students.

University laundry rooms usually contain a basic washing machine. Some of the washing machines now work through an app that students can download onto their phones. You can then pay through the app, then control and monitor your wash.

University laundry rooms don’t often have tumble dryers, instead providing towel dryer rails either in the laundrette or in ensuite rooms. Students can then hang their clothes on them to dry.

How Often Should You Wash Your Clothes?

Most students aim to complete 1-2 washes per week. Students who stay at university for their entire semester may do their laundry on the weekends when they have the most free time.

If you do go home during the weekends, you may decide to complete one wash per week of an evening or afternoon during your free time.

How Much Does it Cost to Wash Your Clothes at University?

Some university accommodations offer free laundry to students, or the cost is covered by the students rent. This tends to be the case in self-contained flats or accommodation not necessarily directly linked to the university.

Generally, laundry facilities on university campuses can cost between £2 and £4. In comparison, local laundrettes usually charge between £4 to £7 depending on the wash size. On top of this, most students will need to pay for their own cleaning products. Many washing machines now also require you to set up an app to pay.

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2 years ago

thanks about this information dude

2 years ago

Great Post! You are sharing a wonderful post. Thanks and keep sharing.

Telkom University
Telkom University
4 months ago

How many outfits do you think are essential for a typical university week?