When it comes to university, there are a whole host of terms floating around that everybody seems to know about. For prospective university students, this can be super confusing, so don’t worry if you feel out of the loop – you aren’t alone! An example …
The Russell Group | Guide for Prospective University Applicants
When you begin to think about university, and start the application process, you’ll often hear the words ‘Russell Group’ floating around. When it finally comes to choosing your five universities to apply to, you may begin to consider the Russell Group as one, or even …
Does Oxford University Do Clearing?
The University of Oxford is a very prestigious university, and it has been ranked as the best in the world for multiple years. For this reason, Oxford University is a ‘dream’ university for many students. Some students have no interest in going to Oxford, which …
What (and When) is University Reading Week?
University terms can be long and tiring, and even the hardest working of all students will find themselves overwhelmed by work from time to time. Every student has been there, and knows the anxiety of trying to find time to catch up on your work. …
Wondering Why Your Maintenance Loan Is So Low? | 10+ Potential Reasons
For many students in the UK, the maintenance loan they receive through the student finance system is their main source of income to fund their university life. Often, it is the first time students have had to manage their own finances, and there are a …
Can You Apply to Multiple Courses at the Same University?
Most students dream of studying one particular subject at university. As a result, they apply to many universities with this one specific course. However, what about the students whose goal is to study at a particular university regardless of the subject? Maybe they just love …
Did a University Reject You? Here Are 10 Possible Reasons Why
There can be so much involved in getting your university application together. From actually writing your personal statement to doing the reading, work experience and courses that you need to make it look good. Having been there myself, I know just how stressful and ultimately …
Does Retaking A-Levels Look Bad? (to Universities)
It can feel like the end of the world if you open up your A-Level results and realise that you didn’t do as well as expected. Getting lower results could forfeit your chances at getting into university or an apprenticeship that you really wanted to …
When Do Universities Break Up For Christmas?
University holidays are something almost every student looks forward to. They are a chance to relax from a term full of hard work, and often, to catch up with friends from home. As well as this, students may have exciting internships or work experience planned …
Does Oxford University Accept BTECs?
Oxford University is one of the most prestigious universities in the UK. Due to its high level of academic status and rigorous research opportunities it offers to students, it’s no wonder that it is so competitive! Many students across the country long to get through …