Throughout your time at school, you will most likely have completed many written assignments as part of your assessments. As part of revision, you will often find yourself writing multiple essays. You may not always be able to receive feedback for all your written work …
What Are Inset Days?
There is a lot of planning put into the school year. If you are currently in school, you will know that every now and then you will get an inset day. It seems great to have an extra day off school for the students and …
Are Teachers Public Sector Workers?
People may often wonder about the employment of some workers, about who exactly employs them, why they are employed, and who pays the workers. One grey area a lot of people may sometimes become confused about are public sector workers. Some people aren’t exactly sure …
Do All Degrees Have a Dissertation?
When thinking about university and the work you have to do, dissertations can often come to mind. As they’re an extended piece of writing, they can often feel long, hard, and simply too much of a hassle. Due to this, it’s entirely naturally to wonder …
What is a LNAT Test?
After you have applied to all of the universities you can and have sat all of your exams, you may be thinking that all you need to do is sit and wait. However, this is not the case at all for some courses! You may …
How Much Do Students Spend on Food?
Eating right is definitely one of the most important things at university. You might have heard a few horror stories about university communal kitchens, though. It’s also not hard to see yourself eating takeaways most nights! It’s hard to adjust to university life, so getting …
What is a Thesis?
If you are a university student, or planning for your future, you many have heard about a thesis. It can sound like a daunting word, and when looking around you will see pages upon pages of work submitted by students at university. You may have …
How To Write a Thesis – The Ultimate Guide
When writing up any extended essay or research project it can be easy to feel slightly overwhelmed or as though you don’t know where to start. This is especially true for research projects like theses, which are done at an incredibly high academic level. Due …
What is a CATs Test?
Throughout a student’s school life, they will sit a huge variety of tests. Some of these are simple, short class tests to check your understanding. Others, such as GCSEs, are much more significant exams that many have been working towards for at least two years. …
Average Graduate Salaries in the UK
Upon graduating university, navigating the world of work can be confusing. You’ve just earned the degree you have been working hard towards for at least three years and are ready to put all that knowledge and experience to good use – but finding a job …