The further you advance your education, the more specialised it gets and the less the qualifications and any exams that need to be done become common knowledge. This is particularly the case when it comes to the GMAT exam as you’ve probably not heard of …
PPA Time For Teachers: What Is It?
There is a lot of work involved in being a teacher. As students, we normally only see a fraction of this – the time they spend directly teaching us in lessons. There’s plenty of other tasks to consider, and the workload can quickly pile up. …
IELTS Exam: How Long Does it Take to Receive Computer-based Results?
The IELTS exam is hard! Students often take months preparing for the exam, hoping that they will get a good enough score to get into a university or secure a job in the UK. As a result, it can be torture waiting for the results! …
Is there an expiration date for IELTS results?
The IELTS exam is an English test, measuring candidates English speaking abilities. It can be a very difficult test for international students. After all, English is a difficult language to learn! Therefore, many individuals may think that once they have achieved a set of results, …
What is a Foundation Year Equivalent To?
Many students in the UK find the transition to university education difficult. A sudden step up in intensity combined with living away from home for the first time is often hugely stressful. Foundation year degrees are a common suggestion for students to help bridge the …
Can You Do a Foundation Year Without A-Levels?
Sometimes, students just don’t get the A-Level grades that they need or even don’t achieve any A-Levels at all! Unfortunately, it can be quite common for this to happen. However, this doesn’t mean that these students can’t get into university! There are plenty of other …
How Do You Know If You’ve Been Disqualified From an Exam?
Exams are an important part of a student’s academic life. With such a big aspect of school, it is only natural for students to worry about possibilities and worst-case scenarios – such as failing an exam or even being disqualified from one. Disqualification can be …
How Many Master’s Can You Apply For UK?
When it comes to an undergraduate application, you’ll probably already be aware that applicants have up to 5 choices of which university and/or which university course they want to apply for. Your next question might be whether this is the same when it comes to …
When Should You Apply For a Master’s?
When it comes to applying for a master’s degree, things tend to be a little bit more tricky. For an undergraduate degree or some other kind of undergraduate course, the application process was simple. You applied through UCAS, which alongside your sixth form or college, …
Considering a Foundation Year? | Everything You Need to Know
If you’re thinking about going to university, you’ll have realised that there are a wide range of different programmes you can take. Some of your options include the typical 3-year degree, an HNC, an HND and even an integrated master’s degree and so many more. …