If you’re a university student with lots of assignments, you’ve probably heard of Turnitin. If not, don’t worry—you’ll be familiar with it by the end of this article. Turnitin is one of the most popular tools for plagiarism detection, not just in the UK but …
A Guide to UK Jobs in Translation: Salaries, Roles, and Where to Find Work
Translators transfer texts from one language into another, ensuring that the original meaning, tone and effect on the reader are consistently presented. Their work must also maintain that all concepts are appropriate and understood within the culture of the translated text. In doing so, a …
What is a TEFL qualification?
There are many different qualifications in a range of different forms and subject areas. Some of these are academic and in subjects you expect such maths and science subjects. However, there are also a wide range of qualification that come with more practical uses and …
What is a Cambridge Pre-U?
After finishing your GCSEs or equivalent qualifications, there are a wide range of different routes you can go down. You could continue studying, start working full-time or part-time or combine these by doing an apprenticeship. Even if you do decide to continue studying, you will …
What are hard skills for students?
If you’ve been looking at applications, whether academic or for a job, you may have seen that they often require you to talk about your skills. The term “skills” in itself is incredibly broad, but there are two subcategories that we can break this down …
How to deal with burnout as a student
Burnout is something that often comes up as being something to avoid. It often comes as something of a warning to not overwork yourself or you’ll end up burnt out. However, in truth, burnout can be incredibly difficult to properly understand and to identify the …
How Long is a PGCE?
If your dream career is teaching, you may have heard of the PGCE qualification – a Postgraduate Certificate in Education. It may not be compulsory to become a teacher, however it can definitely help you to stand out! Regardless, some students may be hesitant when …
At What Age Can You Become a GCSE Tutor?
As a student, it can be hard to find a job that is flexible and fits around your studies. However, becoming a GCSE tutor could potentially solve this problem, as it is a great job to have as a student. Despite this, some students may …
What is a Higher Apprenticeship?
University used to be the expected path for students in higher education, but in recent years apprenticeships have become a lot more popular. This has developed into apprenticeship levels with their own qualification equivalents and entry requirements – which can all be very confusing for …
140+ Work Experience Ideas (Ideal for Year 10 and Year 12)
When it comes to applying for jobs and university, you need to find a way to make your application stand out. When you’re fresh out of school or university, this can be difficult as you will often not have much to put onto your university …