There are so many possible options when leaving high school. Some people have had their path planned out since primary school while others will graduate high school still unsure of what they would like to do. Either way, there will be a course out there, …
How Long Should You Revise For?
Whether we like it or not, revision is a key part of every student’s experience. Most people are aware that preparing for exams is important, but knowing exactly how to start this practice can be difficult. One particular aspect many people struggle with is knowing …
How to Write an English Literature Essay?
Writing an English literature essay can be very stressful, especially if you have never had to write an essay for this subject before. The many steps and parts can be hard to understand, making the whole process feel overwhelming before you even start. As an …
Top 10 Revision Techniques 2024
Exams are, unfortunately, a vital and necessary part of every student’s school experience. Whether it’s low stakes spelling tests in primary school, or final exams after two years of preparation for GCSEs or A-Levels, we are tested throughout our education. With this comes the need …
How Many Hours is Full-Time College Course in the UK?
Moving to college can be stressful for many students, with new routines and places creating confusion and anxiety at an already difficult time. Many students will move into a different place to study during college, such as a different campus or a sixth form building …
What is a CTEC?
In the UK, there are four main qualifications available in further education which students can opt to take: A-Levels, BTECs, T-Levels and apprenticeships. However, alongside these, there are many smaller qualifications offered by various exam boards, one of which is the CTEC. Although there aren’t …
How Should You Make a Revision Timetable?
As students, we know that we should revise, but we can often find it hard when it actually comes down to it. Sometimes we may feel unsure of where to begin. Otherwise, we may feel that we don’t have enough time to fit everything in. …
A Quick Guide to Write Faster During Exams
Sometimes, exams can be hard because of how fast you have to write! You may know all of the answers in your head because you have revised so well. However, actually writing your answers down in a fixed time frame can be challenging! Exams are …
Can You Do BTECs And A-Levels?
Starting sixth form is an exciting time for many students, as the variety in qualifications such as A-Levels and BTECs allows you to study lots of new subjects. However, it can also often be very stressful for students trying to understand all of the different …
Can You Get Extra Time For Exams Due To Anxiety?
Most students dread exam season. Not only do you have to make sure you are familiar with all of the exam content, but you also have to deal with the pressure! Exams can be extremely stressful. They assess all of your knowledge and the fixed …