There are a number of different qualifications you can take in the UK which are alternatives to the traditional A-Level qualifications. BTEC Nationals are a type of level 3 qualification which are equivalent to A-Levels. BTECs place a larger emphasis on coursework rather than exams. …
Can You Get Kicked Out of Sixth Form For Attendance?
Sixth form is a very common option for further education for students aged 16-18. It is also quite commonly known that sixth form at this point is not the only option available to students. Whatever you do post-16, attendance is important, but especially in sixth …
GCSE English Language vs Literature: What’s the Difference?
Unlike the sciences, while English is split into different sub-subjects, they are still somewhat similar. You might find yourself asking, what exactly is the benefit to studying them separately? Should you pick one over the other, and if so, which one? It’s completely normal to …
Transition From GCSE to A-Level Maths: A Student’s Guide
The transition from GCSEs to A-Levels is a difficult one and can take some time to get used to. It can be especially difficult when you take a subject like Maths which is notoriously hard. Although it is not compulsory at A-Level, roughly 90,000 students …
What Does AS and A-Level Stand For?
If you are familiar with the British education system, particularly if you are in secondary school, you may also be familiar with the term A-Levels. If you are in Year 11, you may even have selected the A-Levels that you plan on taking at sixth …
What Does BTEC Stand For?
There is a lot of terminology used within the UK education system. A common term is the BTEC. You may have heard of this term, when discussing your exams, or A-Levels. A BTEC is among many qualifications in the education system, and you may be …
A-Level English Literature Guide
A-Level English Literature can be a niche or popular subject – sometimes classes have less than 10 people, sometimes classes are full. Whether you’ve picked it for A-Level or are sitting on the fence, it can be one of the hardest subjects to get right. …
A-Level English Language Guide
Year 11 is hard. Not only do you have your exams coming up, but you also have to decide what you want to do next. One of your options is to study A-Levels but even this comes with problems of its own. To begin with, …
How to Revise For A-Level English Language
When revising for any subject, procrastination can often come into play. This can often be even worse for English language as you may be wondering what you’re supposed to revise. However, especially with A-Levels, revision is an absolute must for surviving your exams. All in …
Do You Need a Laptop For Sixth Form College?
As technology continues to improve, more students are trying to include it in their education. After all, the internet is a great resource of information. But is a laptop better than traditional pen and paper? Will you be at a disadvantage in sixth form if …