When students think of future employment after obtaining a degree, often they will not think about the journey getting there. It can lead to some confusion later, however, when some people become overwhelmed with the prospect of applying for jobs and how to put their degrees to good use. This is where graduate schemes come in! Students still usually have questions about them, with one of the most common ones being about their deadlines.
Graduate schemes will typically open nearing the end of a degree student’s second year (June onwards) and will generally close again in November or December of that year, or in some cases January and February in the next. Since there are many different types of graduate schemes for different types of industries, it is important to check on the graduate scheme websites as the dates may vary slightly.
While this may have given you a brief overview on the typical rough deadlines of graduate schemes, it may be helpful to read on for more information.
When are the deadlines for graduate schemes?
In short, most deadlines for graduate schemes are set for November or December in the year that you apply for one, or even January and February.
For example, the graduate scheme deadline for Thames Water is usually in February (more graduate scheme deadlines can be found in
this article from Save the Student). Other graduate schemes, such as Amazon, have ongoing deadlines, meaning their applications close when full.
It is advised to apply as soon as possible, because some organisations fill in places on an ongoing basis and applications close as soon as they’re full.
A helpful website when looking for graduate scheme deadlines is Bright Network.
Here is a list of their graduate scheme deadlines for Law in 2025.
What are graduate schemes?
To put it briefly, graduate schemes are structured training programmes designed by employers to train future leaders in their industries.
Graduate schemes typically last between one or two years, although they may be even longer. These graduate programmes are usually available in a range of different industries, such as retail, media, marketing, law, and HR.
It involves either focusing on a job role or focusing on time-specific placements at a range of different locations. It requires dedication and flexibility.
Graduate trainees benefit by being given responsibilities and opportunities to gain hands-on experience, as well as developing skills and understanding in their respective industries.
As well as this, graduate schemes also involve being paid as a student for learning on the job, unlike university where students pay to learn instead. High Fliers’
Graduate Market 2022 reported that top employers (such as law firms, investment banks, oil and energy companies) offered salaries of at least £38,000.
To read more about graduate salaries, check out
this article from Think Student.
While some graduate schemes offer permanent employment after the completion of the scheme, this is not always the case. It is important for graduate trainees to check on the programme itself so that there are no misconceptions.
What should you do if you miss the deadlines?
In this situation, students may begin to panic, but it is important to realise that there are options to resolve the situation.
Graduate schemes are not that common to begin with. Competition is often very fierce for the places available, and the places that are available are very limited.
Additionally, more and more graduate schemes have more flexible windows for application. For example, some graduate schemes are ongoing, meaning that they open and close throughout the year as vacancies open and are taken again.
There are also graduate jobs available for students who prefer learning as they go, instead of following a carefully crafted programme. It is a more unrestricted approach and allows graduates to develop their own methods of work.
To read more about missing graduate scheme deadlines, check out
this article from Graduate Jobs.
How do you apply for a graduate scheme?
Applying for graduate schemes is like applying for graduate jobs: online! Applicants are expected to fill out an online application.
There are also interviews to go through, so make sure to brush up on those interview tips!
Many employers also use social media to share helpful tips regarding the application process. It is therefore useful to check out their pages.
To read more about how to apply for a graduate scheme, check out
this article from Think Student.