The aim of a presentation is primarily to inform, teach, and present an idea to an audience. Presentations typically last fewer than fifteen minutes, however, the work and effort that goes into creating them is what makes a presentation great. Working hard on your presentation …
What Happens if You Don’t Go To School in the UK?
Let’s be honest, every student at some point has wished that they didn’t have to go to school! After all, it can become quite repetitive going to the same lessons everyday, following a predictable timetable and seeing the same teachers. Therefore, it’s no wonder that …
Which GCSE Subjects are Compulsory in 2025?
GCSEs are a major part of every UK student’s life, and we spend the majority of our time in secondary school preparing for them. When the time comes for students to pick their GCSE options, there are certain subjects’ students not have the option to drop; they are …
What is Further Education?
For some people, knowing what to do after they finish their GCSEs (or equivalent qualifications) can be a difficult decision. However you feel about the future of your education, further education is something that you have to do by law. It shouldn’t be something that …
What is the Quickest Way to Get a GCSE Maths Qualification?
GCSE Maths is one of the compulsory subjects at school, it takes up a large portion of your timetable and there is often a lot of repetition. You may be wondering if there is a way to complete this GCSE faster than the traditional school …
What to Do After Accepting Your University Offer
Receiving offers from your universities is an exciting experience. But once you have accepted your offer, what happens next? If you accept an unconditional offer, you will ultimately have peace of mind and confidence that you have a guaranteed place at the university. However, the …
The 3 Things You Should Probably Do With Your Old Textbooks
After you have finished school, sixth form college and university, it is likely that you find yourself with textbooks that you no longer need. If this is the case then I recommend you read this article, in which I will explain what you should do …
7+ Effects That School Exclusion Has On a Student
School exclusion is the ultimate punishment used in schools, but its effects do not end with changed behaviour at the return to school. In this article, we will give you some key information on how school exclusion affects a student and explain why these effects …
Why is Sixth Form Actually Called Sixth Form?
In the UK, sixth form is a widely known term, and most people throughout the country know what it means. But the lesser-known fact is how Year 12 and 13 adopted the name in the first place. As time passes, the different age groups within …
What (Actually) is a Sixth Form College in the UK?
In the UK, “sixth form” and “college” are both extensively used terms in conversation with teachers, parents, and exam-age students. Pupils often ask what a sixth form college actually is. Particularly being in Year 11, it is vitally important to understand what the term means …