When starting the process of applying to university, there are many things to consider. You’ll have to think about which course to take, the required entry grades and writing a personal statement. When researching courses, you will want to consider the difference between an honours …
What is a Diploma in the UK?
Schools don’t really teach students about the different paths of education. Most students in the UK think that they have to sit their GCSEs, then their A-Levels, then go to university and get a job. However, there are many other paths that schools don’t talk …
A-Level English Literature Guide
A-Level English Literature can be a niche or popular subject – sometimes classes have less than 10 people, sometimes classes are full. Whether you’ve picked it for A-Level or are sitting on the fence, it can be one of the hardest subjects to get right. …
A-Level English Language Guide
Year 11 is hard. Not only do you have your exams coming up, but you also have to decide what you want to do next. One of your options is to study A-Levels but even this comes with problems of its own. To begin with, …
Should Students Do Volunteer Work in the UK?
One of the things many students are encouraged to do throughout their education is to volunteer, whether inside school, for a charity, or at an after-school club. However, many students find it difficult to find time to volunteer. It is also common for students to …
What is Homecoming in America?
Watching American teen films has probably left you wondering what homecoming is. They always show the homecoming dance! It always seems really special on television or in films. You may be thinking that there are always beautiful dresses and fairy tale like settings. Each school …
How to Prepare For a Medical School Interview
A key quality in a good doctor is their ability to put a patient at ease. Doctors need to establish a good relationship with patients at a time when they are very vulnerable. This is one of the reasons why medical schools across the UK …
Internships vs Work Placements: What’s really the difference?
Gaining experience in your area of work is key to succeeding in any career. However, the many different options such as work placements and internships that students can go for in order to get this can make the process confusing and stressful. Experience of work …
The Key Stage System (KS1-5) – Comprehensive Guide
It can be difficult to remember how all the different stages of education fit together. You can group them by year group, the age of students, the qualifications they are sitting, what key stage they are part of, and the list goes on. This article …
Do Colleges Have Prom in the UK?
Finishing school is a major milestone for any student. There are many reasons to celebrate at this point in your life. Not only are you finishing a major chapter of your life, but there is lots to look forward to. Moving on to the stage …