Going to university is one of the biggest emotional (and financial) decisions you’ll ever make. Loads of people describe university as the best time of their life. However, if, like me, you chose to apply and realised you knew nothing about it, you have no …
When Do You Choose Your GCSEs?
Deciding which GCSEs you want to take can be a very tough decision. This is because the subjects you choose will be taught to you for at least two years. If you don’t enjoy the subjects, then school will not be a joyous place for …
How Many GCSEs Do You Take?
In the UK, all students must take GCSE exams at the end of Year 11. They are mainly taken by 15-16 year olds after studying the subjects for two years. However, for the first time, the subjects which you take are up to you. Choosing …
Does a Student Loan Count as Income in the UK?
When preparing for university, one of the main things on many students’ minds is finance. The world of banking and tax is hard to understand at the best of times. As a student, you will likely not have much experience, so the system of student …
What Does GCSE Stand For?
If you are in secondary school, you will most likely have come across the term GCSEs more than a few times. It may be something you look forward to or something you just want to get over with. Regardless, it is something you must be …
Does It Matter Which University You Go To?
University is one of the biggest step-ups a person will take. The content is harder, the hours are longer and most of all, you’ll be living on your own for the first time. However, before you even think about any of these, you’ll need to …
How to Get a Degree Without Going to University
In further education, there are so many options, such as going to university, employment, or apprenticeships. There are so many paths to take, that it can be hard to remember them all, and you may be overwhelmed by the choices. One of the paths that …
What Does BTEC Stand For?
There is a lot of terminology used within the UK education system. A common term is the BTEC. You may have heard of this term, when discussing your exams, or A-Levels. A BTEC is among many qualifications in the education system, and you may be …
What is a High School Diploma in the UK?
When people think of finishing secondary school, some may think of a diploma – a certificate of some sorts – showing their accomplishments in subjects. Other people think of their GCSE results as a type of diploma. However, this can be cause for confusion as …
Do University Students Pay Tax?
Moving away to university can be a very stressful time for students, especially when managing their finances for the first time. Getting a job to support yourself is a great strategy, however, it often means students have to pay income tax for the first time. …