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Is GCSE History Worth Taking?

In GCSE by Think Student EditorLeave a Comment

GCSE History is a subject that students hear a lot about – after all, it’s part of the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) and is a popular subject in general. However, there is still a lot about GCSE History that needs to be demystified: what is the …

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Is A-Level Psychology a science?

In A-Level by Think Student EditorLeave a Comment

Psychology is an extremely popular A-Level. Many students love the idea of studying human behaviour and learning about theories they may have never come across before. However, there is much debate about what kind of subject A-Level Psychology is, leading to schools deliberating which subjects …

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What is an Accredited Qualification?

In General by Think Student EditorLeave a Comment

Qualifications are a major part of the progression of any student. Qualifications represent a student’s skills and abilities and can open up pathways into education and employment. Therefore, it’s of the utmost importance that the qualifications you earn are valid, respected, and recognised by the …

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How hard is GCSE Geography?

In GCSE by Think Student EditorLeave a Comment

GCSE Geography is one of the most popular non-mandatory GCSEs in the UK. You may know people who have studied or are currently studying GCSE Geography, you may be studying it yourself, or you might be wondering whether you should choose GCSE Geography as an …

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How hard is GCSE German?

In GCSE by Think Student EditorLeave a Comment

Taking a language at GCSE level, for example, German, French or Spanish, is very common for students in the UK. In fact, several schools will make it compulsory for their students to take a modern foreign language as one of their GCSE subject choices. Speaking …

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How hard is GCSE Spanish?

In GCSE by Think Student EditorLeave a Comment

When choosing GCSEs, students want to be sure that they are picking subjects they will do relatively well in. After all, everyone wants to achieve the best grades possible! GCSE Spanish is a popular GCSE, as schools do encourage students to take foreign languages. Taking …