Before you start university, you may be worrying about making friends. This can definitely be difficult, especially as you probably won’t know anybody if you are leaving your hometown. Instead, you will be exposed to so many different people, all from different backgrounds. This is …
What Are AAT Qualifications?
When it comes to furthering your education and adding new qualifications to your CV, there are so many to choose from. From more academic qualifications, such as GCSEs, A-Levels or even degrees to more vocational courses, such as BTECs, T-Levels or something more specific, such …
How Many Graduate Jobs Are There in the UK?
After graduating, finding a job can be hard. It can be extremely overwhelming, as for the first time, you can’t depend on your teachers. It’s not only the first time you are out of education, which can be scary enough, but there is also lots …
Best Budgeting Apps for Students 2024
When you are a student, it can definitely be hard to control how much you are spending! Having to constantly check your bank balance and check you are not spending too much can be very stressful. However, don’t worry! This is where the solution of …
20+ Motivational Exam Quotes for Students
Being a student is tough. There is no way around it! You have to have an education and you have to get your GCSEs. Sometimes it can be hard to get motivation to revise. This is especially true during your real exams which determine your …
What is a Student Union in University?
You definitely want your university experience to go well, but there’s a very small chance it will go absolutely perfectly. You’ll probably find yourself needing to ask for help at some point. Don’t worry – this is completely normal! Every student needs to ask for …
Top 5 Pre-University Summer Schools in the UK
When you finally finish the school year and enter your summer holidays, going back to school might be the last thing on your mind. However, summer schools can be a great way to improve your confidence and your grades. The latter is especially true with …
Most Popular University Societies (Ranked)
Going to university is a big change for many people. However, with these changes comes the opportunity to try something new. Many people choose to join societies, which are clubs where students meet to celebrate a shared interest. This can be anything from sports, to …
Apprenticeships: A Comprehensive Guide
Apprenticeships are definitely gaining popularity. No longer do students have to go to university to achieve a job in the top earning careers, instead they can apply for an apprenticeship. Apprenticeships allow a different route to get to the same destination and some students may …
What is a Literature Review?
Dissertations, theses and now literature reviews- university academic terms can be hard to keep up with and even harder to get your head around. You may even feel that these terms can be overcomplicated or maybe even pointless. However, as these types of terms are …