When applying for university, there are so many things to think about! You have to fill in all of your personal details, you have to write a personal statement, you even have to get references from your teachers! However, a common question asked by students …
How Important is the GCSE English Speaking Assessment?
Most students know that GCSE English is split into two separate qualifications. These qualifications are called GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature, presented as two separate grades. However, many students may not realise that there is another aspect to GCSE English within the GCSE …
13+ Exam Skills & Techniques From an A-Level Student
Nobody enjoys exams, but the fact remains that they are an important part of nearly every student’s experience. A-Levels are taken by thousands of students across the country each year, and as a current A-Level student, I know how stressful the whole exam season can …
Are bursaries and scholarships taxable in the UK?
If you’re a full-time student, taxes are something you probably haven’t had to consider yet, so it’s completely understandable if you aren’t sure what can and can’t be taxed! That being said, no matter your situation, if you work a student job, or are eligible …
Do you have to list failed qualifications on your UCAS application?
No one likes to admit that they have any failed qualifications. It can definitely be embarrassing! If you have some qualifications you are not proud of when applying to university, you may consider not putting these onto your UCAS application. This is understandable, but are …
1 Day, Week, Month Absent: How Much School Attendance Is Lost?
Teachers always seem to bang on about how important your attendance is. When you have a couple of days or maybe even some afternoons off school, it may not seem a lot. However, you need to be aware that these absences can soon pile up! …
Do universities prefer IGCSEs or GCSEs?
IGCSEs and GCSEs do sound very similar. However, do not let their similar names fool you! They are completely different qualifications and universities tend to accept both. Regardless, there tends to be much debate about which qualification universities actually prefer. This is an important question …
Master’s Applications: Do your A-Levels matter?
A master’s degree is a very highly regarded and competitive qualification, and a big step for new postgraduates. The application process for a master’s degree is certainly nerve-wracking, so you should know you aren’t alone if you’re feeling the pressure when applying. There are many …
Do Apprentices Qualify for Student Discounts?
Becoming an apprentice is an exciting opportunity, the start of a new stage in your life. However, especially with new modern apprenticeship systems, understanding the support systems in place and how things work while you are an apprentice can be difficult. Student discounts, bank accounts, …
Understanding Student Visas: A Comprehensive Guide for Students
In order to be able to study in another country, you will often need a student visa. Despite this, student visas and all of the terms and policies around them can be incredibly complicated and difficult to understand. This can make the whole process even …