Starting at university can be a stressful time. The entirely new mode of teaching in lectures and seminars is completely foreign to many students, who are used to smaller hands-on lessons at college or sixth form. As a first-year student I have experienced a lot …
What Are CSE Qualifications Equivalent To?
The history of education in the UK is definitely complicated, with many different exams, grading systems, and qualifications. Qualifications that are no longer offered today also need their modern-day equivalents, so that people who achieved those qualifications can still find work or progress in education …
Which Years of a University Degree Count?
Wherever you go, whatever subject you study, achieving a university degree is undoubtedly hard work. There are countless essays to complete, seminars to attend, deadlines to meet, and so on. Hopefully, after three years, all of this work results in you being awarded a degree. …
Are A-Levels Getting Harder or Easier? – Student Opinion
When it comes to A-Levels, there’s often a lot of talk about “grade inflation” and “dumbing down”. The problem is that when people say this, they often don’t have anything to back up this argument. Moreover, with the 2015 reformation of A-Levels could the “dumbing …
How Hard Are A-Levels Compared To Other Countries Equivalents?
With A-Level qualifications, it can be useful to compare them to other UK qualifications at the same level, whether these are T-Levels or BTECs or apprenticeships or many other qualifications. However, when trying to see the standard of A-Level qualifications and how these qualifications really …
Is Studying a Foreign Language at University Challenging?
When it comes to learning a language, students often struggle. There can be so much vocabulary and grammar and even just all these different rules that just don’t seem to make sense. University level study is often regarded as being difficult and rather intense. The …
9+ Alternatives To Going To University
As you pass through high school and then sixth form or college, you will probably hear all of the teachers emphasise the benefits of going to university. Consequently, students often think that university is the only option for them to get a good job that …
What is a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU)?
There are some parts of the education system that just aren’t really talked about. This might be because they’re uncommon, because they are at a very specific level or area of study or simply because they only apply to a rather small proportion of students. …
Are University Libraries Open To The Public?
There are many things that people may be curious about to do with higher education. This may be from younger students who haven’t gone to university yet, or people who choose not to, or people who simply can’t. In any case, there are a lot …
Do Universities Publish Degree Results?
Every summer, for GCSEs, A-Levels and other national qualifications, students wait in excitement, nervousness and sometimes even absolute terror in anticipation for their respective national results day. However, when it comes to university study, there is no national results day. Due to this, you might …