There are so many different types of qualifications flying around these days! This can be seen as a good thing, as it allows more students to have access to higher education, as they are exposed to different routes. However, all of these different types of …
What is a Higher National Diploma (HND)?
Nowadays, there are so many different types of higher-level qualifications! University is not the only option anymore! However, the acronyms can become quite complicated, so it is not uncommon for students to get confused. A HND qualification is another type of higher-level qualification and is …
When are Year 2 SATs?
Each year, thousands of students around the globe and in the UK sit exams: many mundane and unextraordinary, and many important and nerve-wracking ones. There are the standard ones more people, even across the world, will know of – GCSEs and A-Levels to name a …
Want to Drop Out of University? | Guide and FAQs for 2025
Going to university is a big step for anyone. There are countless changes to get used to, from the way you are being taught, to managing everything from finances to laundry on your own, to meeting so many new faces each day. Almost everyone will …
Is PSHE Compulsory?
Sending your child to school is an exciting time for many parents. It represents a huge step in their lives and gives them a whole new level of independence. However, for many parents this is also a very anxiety inducing time. One thing that many …
Can Parents Collect GCSE Results?
Collecting your GCSE results is the culmination of 2 years of hard work. For many students it is a proud time to celebrate all they have achieved, however, for others the day can be hugely stressful and anxiety inducing. For this reason, many students wonder …
Student Age By Year Group (Year 3 To 11)
Understanding the UK school system can seem complex from the outside, especially if you have never experienced it. The different names for years, and parts of school, can be very confusing. This is especially true with the different systems in place in different parts of …
What Are the Different Types of University Degrees?
Lots of people talk generally about university degrees, but this doesn’t mean one set thing – there are actually lots of different types of degree in the UK. While there are some more common types that most people have heard of, like a bachelor’s degree, …
When Do SATs Results Come Out in 2025?
The majority of the UK will have heard of SATs. They’re that Year 6 exam sat ages ago for a lot of the population, and a lot of people might have forgotten about them already. However, there are still thousands of students that take the …
Are SATs Results Published?
Most people in the UK will know what SATs are, having either gone through them or know somebody who is currently undertaking them. While these exams might be fairly well-known, there will of course be people who aren’t familiar with them. Regardless, not a lot …