Anyone applying to university in the UK will have heard of UCAS, the system through which all the applications go. The UCAS form is a major part of the application process, and it can get confusing keeping track of the different sections, from the personal …
HND vs Degree: What’s the Difference?
When it comes to higher education, the most traditional route is an undergraduate degree, or more specifically a bachelor’s degree. However, there are many other options available to students. Some of these can still be studied at university, although others may be taken at a …
How many references for UCAS?
The UCAS system is the way to apply for university in the UK. There are several different sections to keep track of on the application, from basic personal details, to the personal statement, to your actual subject and university choices. One less talked about part …
A Student’s Guide To The Oxbridge Collegiate System
You may or may not already know that the Oxbridge universities – the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge – do not have a centralised campus. Instead, the universities use the collegiate system! Many prospective Oxbridge students are unsure about how colleges work …
What is a Graduate Certificate?
Life as an undergraduate is certainly busy, and you may feel like you don’t really have time to consider all your postgraduate options – should you move into employment and start earning a wage, or maybe try to progress further in higher education to earn …
PhD vs DPhil: What’s the Difference?
Postgraduate degrees are often a mystery to many students, and certainly not guaranteed to be part of your future plans. There are many options available in both employment and higher education, one such option being a PhD. However, you may have also heard the term …
How to apply for a bursary at university
When it comes to things like bursaries, the application process can often feel very confusing and sometimes even overwhelming. After all, as these forms of funding aren’t exactly standardised, it can be difficult to know exactly what you need to do during the application process. …
Undergraduate vs Postgraduate: What’s the Difference?
University study is full of exciting opportunities and can be a refreshing experience completely different from anything students have done before. However, with all these new concepts come lots of terminology which students are often unfamiliar with, which can make it hard to understand what …
BA vs BSc vs BBA: What’s the Difference and Does it Matter?
There are lots of different abbreviations when it comes to degree types and classifications in the UK, and these can get confusing. When you are choosing which degree courses to apply for, it can be hard to get used to all the new terms, and …
What is the UCAS Status Code and where can it be found?
As students move through their academic journeys, there will naturally be countless new hurdles to overcome – perhaps in the form of tougher exams, or even new terminology. There can be lots of new terminology when students are first learning of what they must to …