If you want to go to university or even if you are at university already, you may have your career path fully planned out. You may know exactly what you need to do and what qualifications you need to have in order to achieve your …
7 Tips to Getting a First-Class Degree at University
A university degree is one of the highest educational levels most people will achieve and it has a lot of prestige attached to it. However, a First-Class Degree is an even greater achievement, as it shows that you are one of the best in your …
17 Things to Include in a Personal Statement for University
Writing a personal statement for university is extremely important. It is a students first contact with the university, so making a good first impression is key to try secure a place. For students applying to university from sixth form college, your teachers at college should …
Do You Have to Go to University in the UK?
As we approach the summer and another year of A-Levels, thousands of students across the UK will be frantically revising in the hopes of achieving their required grades. But many pupils are questioning whether university is mandatory in the UK. After finishing school, the freedom …
Which universities accept only 2 A-Levels?
Choosing and applying to university can be a very stressful time for students. A-Levels take a lot of work. Applying to university and UCAS alongside this undoubtedly adds to the pressure students feel. The typical university offer is based on three A-Levels; however, some universities …
Outfit Ideas for Teenager Interviews – Smart, Formal or Casual Interviews
Making sure you are presentable and are wearing the right clothes can help present yourself as a key candidate to future employers. The rest is up to you. Part of the rest is having the right amount of confidence and one great quality of clothes …
Is a Joint Honours Degree Better Than a Standard Degree?
If you’re about to apply to university you may be wondering what the benefits are of studying a joint honours degree rather than a standard degree. This article will compare the two types of degrees while providing a list of advantages and disadvantages for each. Both …
Simple Guide | Academic Transcripts & How to Get Them
The idea of an academic transcript and having to get one may seem like an intimidating prospect to some, while others may not even know what they are, or why they can be useful. If you fall under the category of either of these, fear …
When Do University Degree Results Come Out in the UK?
Waiting for your degree results may seem like it takes a lifetime. Many people can get confused about when exactly they will receive their results. This article will look at when you receive your results and the different circumstances under which you will receive them. …
How Many Courses Can You Take at University in the UK?
If you’re in your first year of A-Levels, you might have been hearing a lot about UCAS applications and picking a university course. Choosing the right university course for you is a difficult and important job. You might find yourself agonising over choosing between two …