Studying at university can be very different from school, sixth form or college. Your term time will be different and as will your classes. Whether attendance is mandatory or not will also vary. You classes will be divided into lectures and seminars. You will also …
Living at Home While Studying: A Student’s Guide
Applying to university is a lengthy process, and there’s a lot more to think about than just which course you want to study. You have to choose a university which suits you well, think about how you’ll manage your finances and most importantly, decide where …
Can You Get Student Finance for a 2nd Degree?
Many students make the tough choice of what degree they want to study at the young age of 18. It is understandable that a choice made at that age may be a mistake or not the smartest decision in hindsight. Maybe you’re making a career …
Can You Apply to Both Oxford and Cambridge University?
Oxford and Cambridge are very well known and considered as very prestigious universities. People try constantly to be able to enter these Universities, so may want to take their chances by applying to both Universities. However, this may raise complications, and people wonder if you …
How Many Students Work While at University?
Most students know how expensive university is. With student loans and everyday expenses, lots of undergraduates are caught out by how much money they need to spend. A lot of students turn to work, either part- or full-time, to earn while they study. Approximately 59% …
Do Mature Students Get a Student Loan?
In the UK, a mature student is officially defined as a person who is over the age of 21 by the start of their first academic university year. Once you become a mature student, some of the rules, particularly regarding funding, start to change. If …
What GCSE Grades Do You Need For Oxford University?
A lot of people know about Oxford University. It is one of the best universities in the world, and many students aim to attend at Oxford. As a result, it may seem that the requirements to enter are only for the best of the best, …
Is a Modern Language a Good Degree?
As a student with an interest in modern languages, I have considered whether to do a modern languages degree at university. If you’re anything like me, then you may have also considered whether this degree will be “good”. Of course, a “good” degree can look …
Can You Do a Placement Year After You Graduate?
In the modern world graduate numbers and rates are skyrocketing. Graduate jobs are becoming much more competitive than they were before. Therefore, many companies are placing much more emphasis on experience in the professional world rather than degrees alone. It is for this reason that …
How Long is a Medicine Degree in the UK?
Along with dentistry and law, medicine ranks amongst one of the hardest and longest degree programmes offered by universities. An extensive knowledge of physiology, pharmacology, psychology and other areas of human biology is required to become a qualified doctor. For example, a doctor must know …