As students, graduation can feel like a faraway goal. It’s something to aspire to after you work your absolute hardest to ace your exams. In a way, it’s a way of rewarding everything you have put into your degree. From the late nights finishing up …
What is an Intercalated Degree?
If you are familiar with the process of becoming a doctor, you will know that it is an incredibly difficult and long process. The first step of this process is completing a degree in medicine. This is commonly referred to as an MBBS. A typical …
The Transition to University: A Students Guide
Going to university is one of the biggest emotional (and financial) decisions you’ll ever make. Loads of people describe university as the best time of their life. However, if, like me, you chose to apply and realised you knew nothing about it, you have no …
Does a Student Loan Count as Income in the UK?
When preparing for university, one of the main things on many students’ minds is finance. The world of banking and tax is hard to understand at the best of times. As a student, you will likely not have much experience, so the system of student …
Does It Matter Which University You Go To?
University is one of the biggest step-ups a person will take. The content is harder, the hours are longer and most of all, you’ll be living on your own for the first time. However, before you even think about any of these, you’ll need to …
How to Get a Degree Without Going to University
In further education, there are so many options, such as going to university, employment, or apprenticeships. There are so many paths to take, that it can be hard to remember them all, and you may be overwhelmed by the choices. One of the paths that …
Do University Students Pay Tax?
Moving away to university can be a very stressful time for students, especially when managing their finances for the first time. Getting a job to support yourself is a great strategy, however, it often means students have to pay income tax for the first time. …
Can Students Get an Overdraft?
One of the most stressful parts of moving away to university can be figuring out student loans and finance. Most students have never done this before, and as such can find the process very anxiety-inducing, as well as confusing. From credit cards to loans to …
How Many Years of Student Finance Can You Get in the UK?
There is a growing number of students who may choose not to continue pursuing further education. The primary reason for this is because of the amount of debt that can accumulate when you must pay for things like accommodation fees and more importantly tuition fees. …
Do University Students Get Free Prescriptions?
University is the time where you finally get to experience independence. Living in accommodation halls away from home means you will have to pay for most things yourself. There are many options to help you settle into adulthood well. These include discounts and exclusive deals. …