A university campus burning down may just seem like a hypothetical concept. However, it is not uncommon for fires to spread across campuses. Fires at university can definitely be terrifying, not only would your education be disrupted but your life would too! However, don’t worry! …
Do Employers Check Degrees UK?
More and more students are entering higher education each year in order to pursue a degree which will eventually lead to them taking a job. However, before hiring someone for a job, many employers will carry out background checks. These can include health checks, DBS …
Are Universities Non-Profit Organisations?
Upon leaving university, most students believe that they will be done with the constant emails from their teachers and requests for money from the university. The sheer amount of money paid can make it confusing for students when they hear that some universities may be …
What Should You Wear to Graduation in the UK?
Graduation is for many students the most exciting part of their education journey. It is a signifier of all the hard work they have done and how much they have achieved, as well as a chance to celebrate the new experiences they have had over …
Extracurricular Activities For University
While it might seem like it, not all your university life will be taken up by work. If you’re lucky, you might even find yourself with days where you have nothing to do! That’s where extracurricular activities can be fun (and sometimes, useful). Not only …
What is an Alumni?
Alumni is probably a term you have come across quite frequently. Going to university exposes you to many new terms, which you may not be familiar with! Alumni can definitely be seen as a new term and you may wonder what it means. It is …
How Long is a Graduation Ceremony?
A lot of people have seen the clips of graduation hats being thrown in the air, by amazed university students, dressed in their cloaks. This is a graduation ceremony, in which the students celebrate exactly that, their graduation and receive their diploma. However, which such …
Top 10 Most Popular Degrees in the UK in 2024
Deciding which degree you want to study at university is a tough decision. You are going to have to spend three years or more at a university in order to get your degree. This means that this decision should not be taken lightly. Some degrees …
How Much Does Graduation Cost?
Graduation is the light at the end of the tunnel for most university students. The hard work, stress and exams have finally come through, you have passed your degree, and now you get to graduate! However, graduation can be a stressful time too for students. …
Does Student ID Count as ID in the UK?
When you are a student, many people may see you as young. Therefore, you are most likely to be restricted from most things you need an ID for! It can definitely be frustrating to not have an ID to prove your age, when somebody assumes …