There can be so much involved in getting your university application together. From actually writing your personal statement to doing the reading, work experience and courses that you need to make it look good. Having been there myself, I know just how stressful and ultimately …
Does Retaking A-Levels Look Bad? (to Universities)
It can feel like the end of the world if you open up your A-Level results and realise that you didn’t do as well as expected. Getting lower results could forfeit your chances at getting into university or an apprenticeship that you really wanted to …
When Do Universities Break Up For Christmas?
University holidays are something almost every student looks forward to. They are a chance to relax from a term full of hard work, and often, to catch up with friends from home. As well as this, students may have exciting internships or work experience planned …
Does Oxford University Accept BTECs?
Oxford University is one of the most prestigious universities in the UK. Due to its high level of academic status and rigorous research opportunities it offers to students, it’s no wonder that it is so competitive! Many students across the country long to get through …
Confused by UCAS Clearing? | An Easy to Digest Guide for Students
Applying to university can feel like a never-ending process. From writing a personal statement to choosing where to apply, and possibly having extra tests or interviews to complete, there is a lot to think about. For many students, this process finally comes to an end …
Do Universities (Russell Group and Otherwise) Accept A-Level Resits?
As students, we’re often reminded again and again that A-Levels are important. When it comes to exams, sometimes things don’t quite go to plan. If you end up not getting the grades that you wanted or needed for your next steps, you may find that you …
Transferring University in the UK: A Student’s Guide
After starting your course at university, you may find that’s it’s just not for you. While that’s perfectly okay, it does put you into a bit of trouble as now you have to decide what you’re going to do next. In this scenario, you’ll tend …
Dropping Out of University: The Ultimate Guide
As a university student, you may wonder if you’ve made the right choice. This may be about the modules you’ve taken, your dissertation area or even simply the societies you’ve decided to join. However, for a university student, one of the most crucial things that …
What Do You Actually Do At University? – A Student’s Typical Day
For students receiving their exam results and their places at university, there are about as many new questions as there are answered ones. What is university like? Will you fit in? How much work do university students really have to do? University can definitely seem …
Do Universities Know If They Are Your Firm Choice?
Choosing the universities to apply to is one of the biggest choices you get to make! Narrowing down 5 choices into 2 can be a difficult one for some students, and an easy one for others, but every university student will know the relief of …