University life can be exciting, but also incredibly expensive and at times students may find these never-ending costs overwhelming. If you’re struggling to keep up with these expenses, university hardship funds could be the lifeline you need. However, like most funding, they come with their …
What are Mitigating Circumstances at University? A Student’s Guide
You may have heard the term “mitigating circumstances”, which some universities refer to as “extenuating circumstances” or abbreviate to acronyms like PECs. While the name may vary between universities, the policies are generally similar. Knowing what these are and what they mean for your university …
How Does Turnitin Detect Plagiarism? Everything Students Should Know
If you’re a university student with lots of assignments, you’ve probably heard of Turnitin. If not, don’t worry—you’ll be familiar with it by the end of this article. Turnitin is one of the most popular tools for plagiarism detection, not just in the UK but …
A Guide to Referencing at University: How, When and Why It’s Important
When you start university, there are a few things you’ll need to get the hang of, and referencing is definitely one of them. It’s especially important if you’re studying a humanities subject or have lots of assignments and reports to complete. Referencing is very simply …
UK Student Discount Cards | TOTUM, UNiDAYS & More Explained
As a student, you may quickly find that your coins can be spread rather thin. This is especially true if you’re living away from home and managing rent, bills and other daily costs. Not to mention how getting to and from your school or campus, …
What is a TEFL qualification?
There are many different qualifications in a range of different forms and subject areas. Some of these are academic and in subjects you expect such maths and science subjects. However, there are also a wide range of qualification that come with more practical uses and …
What is a DipHE?
There are so many different types and levels of qualification that you can study after you finish school and college. While the standard bachelor’s degree is the one that gets the most attention, it’s not your only post-18 option. Despite this, students will often not …
Can you take your car to university?
Going to university can bring about so many different questions about what you need to do, what you need to bring and what it’s going to be like. If you can drive and have a car (or other vehicle), then another question is added. Should …
What is a Postgraduate Diploma?
When it comes to the highest levels of education, there are more and more different qualifications that you can get. Despite this, only a handful tend to be talked about, making it harder for students to find the perfect qualification for them if the traditional …
What is a Postgraduate Certificate?
When it comes to postgraduate level qualifications, the likes of master’s degrees, PhDs and other kinds of postgraduate degree can be all that’s talked about. In reality, there are so, so much more kinds of postgraduate qualifications that you can study in the UK. One …