You have probably just completed your final year of university. Congratulations! However, suddenly the realisation may have dawned on you that you have to find a job. Although many students are able to transition smoothly from university to work life, many find it tricky to …
T-Levels vs A-Levels: Which One is Right for You?
As a new Sixth Form or College student, it can be very difficult to choose the right academic path to pursue after GCSEs. Especially when there are so many different qualifications out there, and new ones, such as T-Levels, being newly introduced. Making the right …
Can You Go to University With T-Levels?
As of 2023, T-Levels are still a relatively new post-GCSE option, particularly compared to its counterparts. The likes of A-Levels, BTECs and apprenticeships are all rather familiar routes for students. When it comes to your next steps after studying a T-Level, it all becomes rather …
BTEC vs A-Level: Pros and Cons for 2024
After leaving school, there are many different options and routes that you can take regarding your education and future career path. For many students, there is a high possibility that college or sixth-form is the ideal choice for you. This is where you will typically …
10 Tips to Help Budget as a Student
Being a university student tends to be very expensive, so it is important to save money at the same time. Unfortunately, budgeting can be hard, especially with all of the temptations that come with university. Even when you are at college, money can become tighter …
T-Levels vs BTECs: Exploring the Pros and Cons
in Further education in the UK is a complex system as there are so many options available to students post-16, two of which are BTECs and T-Levels. Although most students assume that A-Levels are the next step after finishing their GCSEs, there are so many …
How are T-Levels Assessed?
As a very new qualification, many students can be very confused by T-Levels. One of the most common questions is how T-Levels are assessed. It can be hard to find out information about them when they have still not been taken by many students. Many …
How Many Vocational Courses Can You Take?
Unlike more traditional qualifications, a vocational course will prepare you directly for a specific trade. This trade can be a craft, such as jewellery-making or metalwork. These will typically be non-academic and you will have to do more practical activities. They can be more professional …
Are T-Levels Replacing BTECs?
In the UK, around 260,000 students are enrolled to the huge variety of BTEC qualifications available as part of their studies in further education. However, recent discussions have made clear that the government hopes to remove several of these qualifications. Many across the UK are …
What Are Vocational Courses?
When considering what you want to study at any level it is important that you know about all your options. It is likely that at some point you have considered which academic subjects suit you best, which ones you like, which ones you don’t and …