When students think of future employment after obtaining a degree, often they will not think about the journey getting there. It can lead to some confusion later, however, when some people become overwhelmed with the prospect of applying for jobs and how to put their …
LinkedIn: A Student’s Guide
As a student, it can definitely be hard to make yourself stand out in order to get a job. This is especially true if you are competing against other candidates who have had lots of experience and many other students in the same position as …
What is a PGCE?
If you aren’t a postgraduate student, it’s quite likely that you haven’t come across the term ‘PGCE’ before. Beyond primary and secondary school, the education system becomes quite complicated, and it’s hard to know where everything fits. You aren’t the only person in this position! …
A Student’s Guide to the TV Licence
The rules surrounding the TV licence can sometimes feel like they are filled with ambiguity and it isn’t uncommon for students to drive themselves crazy trying to figure it all out. We really don’t blame you. This article aims to clear up some of the …
What is an NVQ?
Practically everyone in the UK has worked, is working, or will work. The course of employment usually begins with applying based on skills through a CV. However, some people may not know how to approach gathering the skills they need for a particular job they …
Are Universities Public Sector in the UK?
The sectors of the economy are complicated, and you’ll often find that certain institutions don’t fit one definition completely. A great example of this is education. “Education” is such a broad category – since there are multiple branches, how can you know which ones are …
Can You Go to University With a Criminal Record?
If you have a criminal record, you may want to access certain facilities like educational if you want to continue in life. You can so this by getting qualifications, so you can apply to the field of work for your future. It may seem important …
Do Employers Check References?
Applying for jobs is a long process. Employers will often have a long criteria for what sort of qualities they expect applicants to have. This includes the right academic background and the relevant industry experience. Whilst it is important for you to have the correct …
T-Level Subjects 2024
During Year 11, students will typically choose what they want to study after their GCSEs. Usually even in Year 10, students may start at least thinking about their future education at a college or sixth form. Students will have the option of either doing A-Levels, …
What Does NVQ Stand For?
There are a huge variety of qualifications available to study in the UK. While most people have heard of the most common ones, such as GCSEs and A-Levels, there are lots more options to explore. It may be that you are looking for a more …